Tommo interview - No hard feelings only good words

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Ciggy » Fri Sep 17, 2004 2:12 pm

From lpool echo, its good that he can laugh about other teams fans taking the p#ss out of him :)

Tomo backs Rafa's Reds Sep 17 2004

By John Thompson, Liverpool Echo

LEAVING Liverpool Football Club in the wake of Gerard Houllier's departure was, admits Phil Thompson, 'a hell of a wrench'.

But he says it was a totally different experience to that he endured when he previously left the club's back-room staff, sent packing by Graeme Souness over allegations he had been disloyal in private remarks about the Scot's managerial abilities.

Then, in 1992, Thompson felt hurt at what he saw as malicious second hand rumours being taken as fact.

This time, he left his assistant manager's post with warm handshakes, an understanding of the desire for change, and giving his full backing to the new regime.

On Wednesday, Thompson returned to Anfield to co-commentate on the game against Monaco for Sky TV.

Thompson is already back in the Saturday afternoon media role he enjoyed for six years with Sky - but still misses his involvement in 'a dream job'. Said the boyhood Kopite and former European Cup-winning Liverpool captain: "It was a big wrench to leave but this time it was much more amicable than last and more professional.

"Last time, I felt it was personal - I have no qualms about that.

"I said to Rick Parry and to David Moores when I left this summer that I have nothing to feel aggrieved about and I thanked them for giving me six great years."

Going back to Liverpool as assistant to Houllier after having been out of football for so long, Thompson described returning in 1998 as a fantastic opportunity.

He said: "Of course, leaving a club you have supported, played for and then been involved in running for so long hurts - but that's football".

Thompson knows the failure to bring the Premiership title was the ultimate reason behind his and Houllier's departure.

He said: "It was up to me to help bring success to the club and I feel I helped Gerard do that.

"We did have a couple of League Cups and we brought the FA Cup and the UEFA Cup in the treble season, of which I have some incredible memories.

"Every Liverpool manager before and after Gerard will, though, be judged on whether they bring the League title to Anfield.

"Gerard wanted to build a club and a team that could and would win the title. That was always our main aim and when we finished fourth, then third, then second, we were then all hoping and expecting.

"I guess it just wasn't to be, though. But Gerard Houllier nearly gave his life trying to get there."

Thompson, who took the reins for six months after Houllier's collapse with a ruptured aorta, said he had no doubt at the time of his illness that Houllier would come back, because of his passion for the game and his love of the club."

He said: "I am not daft and he is not daft - we know things went wayward in the last 12 months but it wasn't for the lack of trying.

"I appreciate people saying we finished 30 points behind Arsenal last season but they had an extraordinary season going unbeaten.

"I do, however, think people get a bit blinkered and just look at the last 12 months, when things did not go well. But I don't care what anyone says, the club is in a better state than it was before Gerard Houllier was appointed manager.

"The Academy, which was being planned, opened during our time and Melwood was redeveloped into one of the finest, state-ofthe-art training complexes to be found anywhere.

"There's also the new stadium to come and it's a shame we won't be there to see it opened. But Liverpool will have one of the best football clubs in the world, all told.

Added Thompson: "Gerard Houllier always wanted to leave a legacy - and he has done that."

Tommo on: Benitez

"I HAD a meeting with Rafael Benitez (pictured right) before I left the club and was aware of what he wanted. ..TEXT: "I said I understood and there was no problem with me leaving. I realised he felt the need to change things and bring in his own staff.

"Actually, I found him a really nice guy, as I did his assistant, Paco Ayesteran. Both of them were top class the way they handled the change.

"After what Rafa did in Spain he was always going to be a top candidate if Gerard had to go.

"In the space of a few months, Benitez built a team to topple Real Madrid and Barcelona. That's not lucky; that means you are tops at your job.

"I hope he can manage to bring to Anfield what we didn't - the Premiership title. The fans want it so badly and they deserve it.

"We have had too much mickey-taking for too long from Manchester and nothing would give me more pleasure than to see Rafa and his team bring it back.

"But people must be patient - he has to stamp his style and his authority on the team.

"Good luck to him and his staff.

"The same goes to Rick Parry and David Moores. I know how difficult it was to make the decision they did - but big decisions must be made."

Tommo on: Leaving Liverpool

"I FOUND it difficult at first when they started pre-season training and I was no longer part of it. It did feel strange - the club has been in my blood all my life.

"The hardest thing is taking my kids to school in West Derby and driving past Melwood. It was a great place to work and the people there, right down to the girls in the restaurant, were first class.

"Obviously, I miss working with Gerard. He was always meticulous in everything we did. I had to make sure a lot of what he wanted and demanded was delivered.

"Sammy Lee, too, was a terrific support and colleague throughout my time at the club, particularly during that spell as caretaker manager when Gerard was recovering.

"I had a great relationship with Sammy - he would have been a great assistant manager - but of course he has moved to the England set-up, where I'm sure he will be a great asset.

"I loved everything about the job to be honest - even the opposition fans who used to taunt me with that 'sit down Pinocchio' chant. It became a bit of a soap opera in a way with the Kop responding back to them.

"To hear the Manchester City fans chanting; 'Where is Pinocchio?' during Liverpool's first home game this season made me laugh."

Tommo on: Memories

"WINNING the UEFA Cup was a special experience. There were some great places we visited during the run and some great games along the way, right up to end with the final against Alaves.

"I'll always cherish those memories, particularly that night in Germany. It was one of the greatest and most dramatic European finals ever.

"And we made Cardiff a second home.

"I'll never forget winning the FA Cup against the odds against Arsenal. "No-one was bothered that day, particularly at the party we had that night. "During the game when we were 1-0 down I well remember Marcus Babbel, who was a really good professional, pushing himself forward to try and help get us an equaliser.

"Then he got up against Tony Adams to challenge for a header and Michael struck.

"A few minutes later, Michael got his second and the cup was ours.

"It was an incredible few minutes, an emotional occasion and a wonderful day."

Tommo on: The future

"I LOVE the game and maybe there will come a time when I will go back into it in some capacity.

"But contrary to what was reported in the ECHO, I was never interviewed for the job at Chester. I was approached by Chester but I decided not to pursue an interest in it because I didn't feel it was right for Phil Thompson.

"That was before Ian Rush took the job and I wish Rushie well in it. I have known he has wanted to get into the coaching side for some time and develop himself in the game.

"For Mark Lawrenson to say what he did about Ian wasn't right. Mark had a go at management at Oxford and no-one complained about him being given a chance.

"If Ian feels it is right for him that is all that matters. Chester are very lucky people to have him.

"I'm now back at Sky working with Rodney Marsh, Frank McLintock and Charlie Nicholas. After six years away it did seem a bit strange going back but I used to enjoy the media work and hopefully it will build up again."

Tommo on: Academy

"PEOPLE said we never gave young lads a chance but noone would have been more proud of them progressing than me and Sammy Lee.

"It was a joke - people would say lads from Kirkby had a better chance of making the reserves.

"I would get a buzz out of local lads coming through. But first team players don't grow on trees.

"Gerard was adamant if there were youngsters who could have helped us win more games we would take them. I don't under-stand why people think we wouldn't.

"In the last 12 months we brought six players from the Academy to Melwood. Look at Neil Mellor, Jon Otsemobor and John Welsh. We brought them through, played them in cup games and sent them on loan to gain experience.

"Patrice Bergues and Sammy went to the Academy every week to meet Hughie McCauley, Dave Shannon and Steve Heighway.

"I'm not saying everything was perfect, but we did give young lads a chance and am aggrieved people say we didn't."

Tommo on: The media

"CONTRARY to what people said, we didn't have a problem with ex-players working in the media saying things about us - other than for a few who seemed to enjoy being critical and hurtful.

"There are many former players in the media and we never had a problem with that. People like Alan Hansen, who is the best in the business, never caused us any concern.

"John Aldridge is another one who speaks his mind but who we never had an issue with. He was always held in high esteem.

"Really, it is how explayers go about it that matters. Saying things in the right manner is what's important.

"I would like people to think that I am constructive in analysing the games I talk about. But there are some people who come across as vindictive and almost personal with what they say.

"When we reacted to people being malicious or taking the proverbial it was because we wanted to protect the players and the club."
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Postby 106-1093504160 » Fri Sep 17, 2004 2:16 pm

bloody hell cisse, nice read though. we dont need papers when we got you

Postby Ciggy » Fri Sep 17, 2004 2:18 pm

:;): I know people cant get the echo in other parts of uk or are over sea friends :)
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Postby simic_ie » Fri Sep 17, 2004 2:20 pm

Yes they can.... it's all there :D
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Postby 106-1093504160 » Fri Sep 17, 2004 2:20 pm

ay lass, you'll have to send me one, one day?

Postby Ciggy » Fri Sep 17, 2004 2:21 pm

The echo aswell :D
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Postby 106-1093504160 » Fri Sep 17, 2004 2:30 pm

cisses_gona_get_ya wrote:The echo aswell :D

eeee, dear me. i led a sheltered life lyndsay. cover my ears someone.  :)  :D  lol

Postby Redrider » Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:45 pm

Tommo is no fool. He is not burning any bridges, in case he can get a job as a Steward, after all he knows the ground pretty well now. Operation Anfield and all that, you know !! :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:
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Postby kindaconfuzed » Sat Sep 18, 2004 5:51 am

Red rider

Good point about not burning bridges, and I thought he was very lucid as a commentator on Sky not what I imagined at all after an article in one of the so called quality papers suggesting he was only good for putting out the cones!
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Postby azriahmad » Sun Sep 19, 2004 1:28 am

When watching that Monaco game, I tune in some 3 minutes late and didn't know that Thommo was co-commentating until the start of the second half, I didn't expected that his voice would sound like that but he gave quite a good commentary.

I thought his bad blood with Souness went further back, perhaps the ill-feeling started in the 1981-82 season when Souness took over the captaincy from him.
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