Mourinho criticizes rafa - On crouch

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Postby stmichael » Wed Mar 08, 2006 1:21 pm

the lampard to barca rumours are formulated on the basis that his fiance is a catalan. lampard is not good enough to play for barcelona and that's the end of it. they could do a lot better. it beggars belief that they ever let riquelme go. :Oo:
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Postby 115-1073096938 » Wed Mar 08, 2006 1:41 pm

Mourinho is a tactical expert.

When he's got quality players coming off the bench aswell that makes it even more impressive.

However Rafa is better. He also doesn't have the same quality of player coming off the bench yet influences as many games and against better sides with lesser quality players.

Frank Lampard again shown last night what he is, completely overated. All he contributed in the match was a penalty, he doesn't have the ability to do anything else. He's part of the reason England have no chance of winning the world cup.

Postby dawson99 » Wed Mar 08, 2006 1:44 pm

i totally disagree stu. when maureen HAS to win a game he has proven time and time again that he cant do it. he brought on huth up front at the end, he just didnt know what to do as all his eggs were in one basket from the beginning. when it comes to tactics for one off games and not a wallet load over a season, maureen is left behind rafa by far
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Postby Judge » Wed Mar 08, 2006 1:47 pm

stu_the_red wrote:Mourinho is a twat

agreed stu
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Postby 115-1073096938 » Wed Mar 08, 2006 1:57 pm

St Michael, you can only bring on subs you have on the bench.

Not all players perform from the bench, infact most go missing. But it says something about your ability as a manager to change a game with subs regardless of who you bring on.

The thing he does best is he makes double and treble subs and takes off the right players. A single sub rarely changes the game pattern as they get sucked into it. A double can make a difference if you change properly. Mourinho is excellent at it, he's not as good as Benitez though.

Postby JC_81 » Wed Mar 08, 2006 1:58 pm

stu_the_red wrote:Mourinho is a tactical expert.

When he's got quality players coming off the bench aswell that makes it even more impressive.

However Rafa is better. He also doesn't have the same quality of player coming off the bench yet influences as many games and against better sides with lesser quality players.

Frank Lampard again shown last night what he is, completely overated. All he contributed in the match was a penalty, he doesn't have the ability to do anything else. He's part of the reason England have no chance of winning the world cup.

Tactically inept might be a bit strong but he's certainly not in the same league as Benitez or a lot of other coaches.  He's a good motivator, obviously good on the training pitch, but that's it as far as I'm concerned.

Tactically he is constantly found wanting, his one true crunch match in the prem this year was against Man U back when teams had a realistic chance of catching them.  What happened?  Fergie did him tactically.  Against us in the champions league last year he ran out of ideas, just as he did last night.

In the transfer market he has been poor.  He inherited his best players, Robben and Cech were lined up before he joined and his big money buys have either flopped, not lived up to their price tag or not been given enough of a chance - Drogba, Essien and SWP.  Carvalho and Ferreira are his 2 true transfer successes, with unlimited funds that's pathetic.

The way he handles the media is poor and in trying to take the pressure off his players in the barce tie, he actually turned the public against them even more and put more pressure on them - backfired big time.

Slap it up Mourinho, he got what he deserved last night and long may it continue.

And a final note on Lampard, calling him overrated is too kind, he's massively overrated imo and has been for a long time.  When he's in scoring form he's the key to their system working, but when he's not he's their weakness - a centre mid who can't tackle, track back, carry the ball, header a ball or drive a team forward is NOT International class.
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Postby stmichael » Wed Mar 08, 2006 2:09 pm

it makes you even more pleased that gerrard snubbed them for the second season in a row in the summer. you just feel that they could have done with a player like gerrard to drive them forward last night. they had nothing in midfield whatsoever. lampard is completely overrarted, same for essien, and makelele is nearly 33 now.

they've got problems and if they think they can just buy their way out of trouble then they've got another thing coming. they'll never do anything in europe under maureen as he's got no plan b against the very best.
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Postby Judge » Wed Mar 08, 2006 2:11 pm

did you hear what the A hole chumpski fans were saying, oh we'll settle for the league and FA cup

what :censored: :angry:
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Postby stmichael » Wed Mar 08, 2006 2:49 pm

stu_the_red wrote:St Michael, you can only bring on subs you have on the bench.

Not all players perform from the bench, infact most go missing. But it says something about your ability as a manager to change a game with subs regardless of who you bring on.

The thing he does best is he makes double and treble subs and takes off the right players. A single sub rarely changes the game pattern as they get sucked into it. A double can make a difference if you change properly. Mourinho is excellent at it, he's not as good as Benitez though.

To start with his initial choice of playing Cole and Duff on the flanks along with Robben was quite simply never going to work. Duff was awful from the start, Robben never got into it in an unfamiliar position, and Cole was only a peripheral danger.

Mourinho had to change things, and his substitution of Duff was hard to disagree with, but he still persisted in playing only ONE forward by taking off Drogba to replace him with Crespo. Whether you rate Drogba or not, he remains along with Lampard, the best chance of scoring a Chelsea goal, and to take him off here seems oddly cautious to say the least.

And, of course, his last throw of the dice, with 15 minutes to go, was NOT to bring on Wright-Phillips in an attempt to create the two goals needed, but instead to throw on big bloke Robert Huth to play up front so they could pitch in long balls at him. Did Mourinho really expect this to work? Surely this is the clearest indication yet that Wright-Phillips HAS to move away from Stamford Bridge at the end of the season - if the fourth-choice defender is getting on ahead of him in a situation where Chelsea need to score twice, it's time to pack up your bags and go.

Mourinho's reputation as being great at 'tactical substitutions' seems to be based on the fact that he has a £20 million player on the bench to replace whichever £20 million player that is not performing. He got it badly wrong from the start last night. It may work against the Bolton's and Wigan's of this world, but against the very best he has been seriously found out again.
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Postby Homebooby » Wed Mar 08, 2006 3:14 pm

red37 wrote:mourinho is fast becoming a joke figure who is never shy to antagonise other managers/players and officials in the game.
and frequently hits his target....this is all down to psychological games. and in this field he is a master.

the problem(for us) is when others rise to the bait. however you can sympathise with robson yesterday, when there is only so much patience a man can hold in him. confronted by the 'prancing, scowliing' drogba's antics right in front of the technical area, a saint would find difficulty in keeping any sort of composure under that kind of provocation....

i started off liking the guy, he seemed a breath of fresh air to a game that was becoming stale and predictable. and, when chelsea started to perform it was imo a good thing for the prem in general that once again 'characters' were starting to emerge....

now,.... i feel he is burning too many bridges, too easily.
and this is the alter-ego of the man. anyone who possesses a modicom of 'genius/eccentricity' in their bones is going to be unpredictable at best. at worst egolomaniac. and i believe he is haunted by the demons of anfield last may. the guy simply CANNOT get over the fact of HOW his team went out. never mind getting beaten fair and square... it was the manner of that result more than anything thats driven him to this level of mania. (personally i think he is an excellent gaffer)

i do not however relate anything he does/says to be in any way resemblant of brian clough. cloughie was an honest man at the end of the day and one that though himself well versed in the art of 'jiggery-pokery' would not and never resort to unfair sportsmanship, ie stalking off down the tunnel without acknowledgement of his opponents. criticising match officials to the point where either their livlihood or indeed their own mortality was in doubt. no i dont think clough was in that ilk.

but the ramping up of other teams and the pointing out of weaknesses in tactics/formations etc, is part of his game. he obviously is an obsessive where it comes to the 'small details'. we also have a manager that prefers to analysie every scenario.. and its variant. that doesnt make him a 'hate' figure and neither should it.

where he WILL ultimately shoot his own pheonix down, is in the more sinister claims and counter-claims. the play-acting the cheating referees. the blatant dis-respect of anybody opposite him. (3 minutes late out at the hawthorns at half-time) that is where jose mourinho is a disgrace...and a disrespectful one at that. for me, he doesnt need to go down that road, he is competent enough. and some will say its added a kind of 'spice' to our game....

i hope barcelona knock chelsea out on tuesday. end of story. why?. because im a liverpool fan and i happen to believe rafa benitez is the better (if you want it in those terms) of the two when it does come down to the ' interpretation' of those small details.
then again, he is better than rijkaard also,....

however for the good of the (largely) sportsmanship in the premiership, most will want their shot to topple the leaders, it makes the league competitive. it made liverpool (not quite) public enemy number one in the seventies/eighties.
but good value anyhow.

in some ways its perverse to want chelsea to fall, only then to come to the realisation that, we (if through?) could end up playing their conquerers!!

still, when your at the top, life is full of people trying to knock-you off your perch? eh sir alex!

so, get over mourinho. at least he is great comedy value.  :D

he has the look of a haunted man. perhaps mr clough made sure that he wasnt to be emulated in back to back european cups last may, from his own lofty seat at anfield.... destiny maybe.

but until he wins this uefa champions league holiest of grails... with chelsea, im afraid he'll stop at no line of decency along the way. fair? hmmm its a modern world now. greed is king.

this is why the halls of anfield are smeared with humility. not horse muck.

I liked him when he came in for the same reasons. I thought he had some class, but he's proving otherwise with his lack of grace.

Now, let's here Rafa on class....he exudes it.
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Postby Houllier=LFC » Wed Mar 08, 2006 4:17 pm

Mourinho has the highest entertainment value, what a comedian he could have been.
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Postby Judge » Wed Mar 08, 2006 4:35 pm

Ciggy wrote: :D


you see, he is a wanker

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Postby Macca » Wed Mar 08, 2006 5:08 pm

He's a good manager lets be honest he won the Champions League and Uefa Cup well done to him, but come on how much money has he spent on players that he has to put on centre back Ivan Drago with 10 minutes to go to try to rough up the Barcelona defence
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Postby johnny b the great » Wed Mar 08, 2006 5:16 pm

everybody kills Rafa for playing Moro cause he didn't buy Cisse, but how about Jose playing Drogba ahead of Crespo. Crespo looked far more dangerous and always combines nicely with Joe Cole. Rafa is clearly better tactically Jose is more of a gambler and it looks good when he gets it right but is gambles aren't always smart. Crespo and Gudjohnsen (however he spells it) should have started. Chelsea is good in the EPL because of then stability of PC, CM & JT. In addition the next best players are AR, JC, HC & EG all bought by Ranerii.
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Postby SLBENFICA the Glorious » Wed Mar 08, 2006 5:44 pm

Jose Mourinho wants Benfica to win the UEFA Champions League after watching his Chelsea team slide out of the competition.

The Premiership champions were dumped out of Europe by Barcelona following a 1-1 draw in the Nou Camp on Tuesday night.

Now the Portuguese coach will cheer for Lisbon giants Benfica, who take a 1-0 first-leg lead to Liverpool on Wednesday night.

Mourinho said: "I would like Benfica to win the Champions League but I don't know if they will.

"I am a true Portuguese and, although I was in Barcelona for four years and have good memories, I am a Benfica fan.

"That is why I want them to win the Champions League."

mourinho the best manager in the world!!!

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