Foolier supporters - What do you say now ?

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby woof woof ! » Mon Apr 12, 2004 8:10 pm

Surely now even the most ardent Foolier supporter (Stu the Red ?) must see that it is time to change the "Fool at the wheel "
Never mind 4th place..........just the fact we were beaten at home by Charlton   :angry:  :angry:  :angry:
Enough is enough fk of Foolier and don't come back , even for a teaching job,  :angry:  :angry:

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Postby banana » Mon Apr 12, 2004 8:17 pm

No sane person can imagine a new season with Houllier in charge. I do not hate GH as a person, but he is a bad manager and must go.
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Postby Leonmc0708 » Mon Apr 12, 2004 8:21 pm

Are we all saying then that we are not Houllier supporters ??

I fell in love with Liverpool Football Club around twenty five years ago, and I have always supported the boys, thru thick and thin. Just beceause a player didn't have a good game or the managers desicions differed from mine, I have never been anything other than behind anyone employed by Liverpool.

Being a supporter and believing Houllier must be replaced are not two different things, they can both apply to one person. Until higher powers than me decide that it is time for Gerrard Houllier to move on, upstairs or to pastures new, I will continue to give him and the players at Anfield my full support. Both financially by buying the tickets and merchandise, and vocally by singing and encouraging the boys at every game.

Show some repect. Telling a man who almost died trying to do his best for a club that you and I both support passionatley is not the Liverpool Way. I understand your fustrations, and I too beleive that there needs to be a change in management, (both coaching and boardroom by the way), but respect and not contempt is required.

Again, I think Houllier should be replaced, but in all honesty at this stage in the season who do you believe is available? NO ONE.

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Postby Chris-Oulton » Mon Apr 12, 2004 8:22 pm

Peter Reid or Terry Venables.
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Postby Woollyback » Mon Apr 12, 2004 8:28 pm

Times must be pretty hard for Leeds fans if all they can do to get some satisfaction is rent their a#ses out on other peoples forums. co#k lover.  :O
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Postby stmichael » Mon Apr 12, 2004 8:46 pm

last 58 games. W 21 D 17 L 20. enough said.
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Postby adayinthelife » Wed Apr 14, 2004 12:29 am

As if the results since last season after 12 games when we had best start 2 a season 4 a decade werent bad enough we have 2 put up with the pathetic borin style of play.By the way we couldnt even finish top 4 last season either after such a great start.I cannot understand ppl sayin how much respect they have 4 houllier when he is not man enough to just ONCE take some blame 4 a defeat or bad performance.He hides behind poor excuses time and time again and when we were knocked out of champs lge at Basle he had the cheek 2 blame the mighty Gerrrard after he played him at right back.As expected he didnt have the best of games but yet it was all his fault.As far as I am concerned he is an excuse 4 a man and should have been thrown after last seasons disaster.
Smith to Shankly:My thigh is a bit sore,but I think I could play.
Shankly to Fagan:Tell him,Joe.He has got no chance of playing.
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Shankly to Smith:Oh no son.You are wrong,son.It is not your leg.
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Postby Dalglish » Wed Apr 14, 2004 1:07 am

I'm with Leon mc0708 on this particular thread. if i choose NOT to partake in the vicious and often emotional outbursts on GH on this forum does that mean I am a supporter of him ? If thats the criteria then so be it but in my opinion its a whole lot better than being lumped in with the anti houllier brigade in here who at times have made me shake my head in disbelief. For the record I think maybe it is time for GH to go but i will defend the mans dignity and character on here in the face of what are quite frankly despicable comments at times. I've laid out on other threads what I believe is the Liverpool Way so I'll not go into it again on here, suffice to say it doesn't include wishing anything but the very best wishes to anyone at liverpool who have tried (and at times succeeded in GH's case) to serve Liverpool Football Club. Walk on .........
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Postby Big Niall » Wed Apr 14, 2004 9:28 am

The character of the man? I remember when France missed on 94 world cup, he called Ginola a criminal. What a man! I don't remember Dalglish saying that when Barnes lost possession against Arsenal in 89.

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Postby jonnymac1979 » Wed Apr 14, 2004 9:30 am

Dalglish wrote:I'm with Leon mc0708 on this particular thread. if i choose NOT to partake in the vicious and often emotional outbursts on GH on this forum does that mean I am a supporter of him ? If thats the criteria then so be it but in my opinion its a whole lot better than being lumped in with the anti houllier brigade in here who at times have made me shake my head in disbelief. For the record I think maybe it is time for GH to go but i will defend the mans dignity and character on here in the face of what are quite frankly despicable comments at times. I've laid out on other threads what I believe is the Liverpool Way so I'll not go into it again on here, suffice to say it doesn't include wishing anything but the very best wishes to anyone at liverpool who have tried (and at times succeeded in GH's case) to serve Liverpool Football Club. Walk on .........

I agree.  I haven't posted on here for a few days, except in some stupid threads like "The Ugliest Neville", etc... because it's just getting ridiculous with the anti-Houllier brigade demanding he be sacked, or just insulting the man.

What's the point of that?  The general consensus is that he should leave, fair enough have an opinion, it's just when all the "French t#s#er" business starts up, I can't understand it.

Can you not remember ever idolising this man?  I can, and still do, he's the manager of Liverpool Football Club, my team since I was born.  Okay, he has signed a couple of second rate foreigners, and he may have dug his own grave by signing them.  Time will tell.  Arsenal might have clouded our position even more by blasting off into the stratosphere.  History will show this is a seaon we will not look back on favourably.  Nobody is denying that, we are all suffering because our team is not performing well.  I'll bet Houllier is perplexed as to why this is happening.  He has already said he may have made mistakes signing Diouf, Diao and Cheyrou.  Letting Litmanen go was a greater crime in my opinion, but acknowledge that nobody is human, we all make mistakes....

I owe this man respect for bringing a lot of pride back to this club a few years back.  Whether we beat Birmingham on penalties, Alaves on Golden Goal, or sneaked it against Arsenal is inconsequential.  What's the point of saying that?  Why give excuses?  That's like saying we didn't deserve to win those trophies.  We did deserve them.

I'm just as sorry as anyone for the state the club is in.  I don't agree or disagree with a lot of the people who say Houllier should go on this forum.  Have an opinion, have a pop at him, its a free country, we all pay our money to be entitled to those opinions, but the only opinions that matter at the end of the day until even the shareholders have their say, are those of David Moores and Rick Parry.

Postby woof woof ! » Wed Apr 14, 2004 1:08 pm

jonnymac1979 wrote:
Dalglish wrote:I'm with Leon mc0708 on this particular thread. if i choose NOT to partake in the vicious and often emotional outbursts on GH on this forum does that mean I am a supporter of him ? If thats the criteria then so be it but in my opinion its a whole lot better than being lumped in with the anti houllier brigade in here who at times have made me shake my head in disbelief.

It's called passion mate.
Nobody seriously wishes Foolier any harm , they just want him to go !!!
If you can take what LFC have become under the current mgr in your stride ,then all credit to you , BUT there are a lot of fans out there that don't have your placid acceptance over what is happening at our club.
Maybe the reason anfield has been so quiet of late is because there are too many people swallowing the sh*t that is being served up. I'll die for this club but I'll do it kicking and swearing and voicing my opinion in the strongest way i know how.
Foolier did have a good start and deservedly had the support of ALL the fans but two seasons of stagnation with no real view of improvement on the horizon has worn our patience to breaking point. Talk is cheap we want results, is that ok with you  ???

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Postby Woollyback » Wed Apr 14, 2004 2:00 pm

There's nothing wrong with passionately believing that GH must go immediately (anybody reading my posts will realise I'd happily donate a kidney right now to get rid of him) but that doesn't condone some of the venomous personal insults directed toward him on this forum. Love him or loathe him, have some respect for the man. Maintain our high moral standards, it's what sets LFC apart from the f##king rabble down the other end of the East Lancs Rd.   :)  :)
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Postby JohnBull » Wed Apr 14, 2004 2:58 pm

The problem is that Houllier is a man promoted beyond his ability. At the end of the day he is a school teacher who went after a dream of being a football coach. The fact that he visited  Melwood during Shanks and Paisley's days means little the botched attempt at managing the French national side means less. Coaches,even good ones, do not make managers.
It is not like talking to young teenagers when you manage a football team,or any other type of workforce, you have to have the respect of those you are telling off and even with the cr#p coming from Steve G and the likes I do not believe that Houllier has the confidence of the players and they are certainly not frightened of him.
Houllier is way out of his depth and the board are so content with their own positions that they are doing nothing about it. The buck has got to stop somewhere and Messes Moore and Parry are a good start !!!
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Postby woof woof ! » Wed Apr 14, 2004 3:09 pm

Never lose sight of the fact that for thirty years we got used to eating we're being fed corn.......
It's really hard to swallow.
I don't see why we have to be gracious about it.

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Bill Shankly.............  :)

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Postby jonnymac1979 » Wed Apr 14, 2004 3:39 pm

My day off work today.  I've got the 1986 Cup Final video on what my Dad I taped off Grandstand.  Brilliant.  Cheered me up no end.


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