Michael shields - Bulgarian justice ?

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Postby A.B. » Wed Jul 27, 2005 1:43 am

Unbealivable decision, how can they sentence the wrong person?  Especially when another man confessed that he was that comitted the crime and not Michael Shields.
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Postby Gaffa » Wed Jul 27, 2005 2:21 am

Sad to hear hopefully justice will be served *fingers crossed* :(
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Postby 84-1106852058 » Wed Jul 27, 2005 6:01 am

There are three active threads on this subject,Mods would it be possible to merge them.

Postby 84-1106852058 » Wed Jul 27, 2005 6:03 am

Anyone wanting to show Michaels family there support here is the link;

Last edited by The Red Baron on Wed Jul 27, 2005 6:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

Postby IstanBuL-FenerBaHce » Wed Jul 27, 2005 7:04 pm

Today i got an e-mail, forwarded from a Liverpoudlian friend. I forwarded it to my friends.

That's also a way to support.
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Wed Jul 27, 2005 7:45 pm

For "Bulgarian justice", see "Bulgarian Bas*ards".:angry:

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Postby Garymac » Wed Jul 27, 2005 8:03 pm

cisses_gona_get_ya wrote:Everyone sign the petition please.


CGGY there are now 4000 signatures on the petition so far but i feel if one million people can line the streets to see the european cup, a hell of a lot more could be signing this petetion....Id also love to see liverpool do something at the game next week just to show the watching world that we are all behind him.

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Postby A.B. » Wed Jul 27, 2005 11:07 pm

JC shows his support for Michael Shields

Jamie Carragher today dedicated his first goal in over six years to Michael Shields, the Liverpool supporter jailed for 15 years in Bulgaria for a crime somebody else has claimed responsibility for.
Shields, from Wavertree, has protested his innocence ever since being charged by Bulgarian police with the attempted murder of waiter Martin Georgiev in the aftermath of Liverpool's Champions League final victory and despite another man delivering a sworn statement admitting he committed the attack, the 18-year-old was found guilty and sentenced to 15 years in prison on Tuesday.

For Carragher, Liverpool's undisputed Player of the Year last season, news of the verdict came as a massive shock to both himself and Steven Gerrard, who had followed the trial even while away on Champions League duty in Lithuania.

"We got a phone call with the news on Tuesday but we've been aware of what's being going on throughout the whole trial," Carragher told liverpoolfc.tv. "There was a banner about Michael at the TNS game in the last round and what's happened with the verdict was in our minds on Tuesday night.

"If I'd have known I was going to score against Kaunas I would have worn a t-shirt under my Liverpool shirt with Michael's name on it. I want to dedicate that goal to Michael Shields and all his family who are suffering so badly right now.

"When we got the news that he'd not only be found guilty for a crime he didn't commit but actually been sentenced to 15 years, our hearts sank. For myself, Steven [Gerrard] and the other local lads in the team, it really hit us. He's one of us; a young lad who went to a game to watch Liverpool and ended up being thrown in prison in a foreign country. He must be absolutely distraught at what's happened just as everyone in Liverpool is. He should have been here in Lithuania cheering us on but instead he's locked up. Me and Stevie are heartbroken for the lad because it's obviously an injustice.

"I'm not sure how the justice system works in Bulgaria but hopefully something can be done about this case. I think somebody very high up in the government - possibly even Tony Blair himself - should step in and fight Michael's corner because what has happened is wrong. There is a lad in Liverpool who has owned up to the crime and admitted it was him and not Michael Shields who is the guilty one.

"I know there is a lot going on around the country right now with everyone working overtime to prevent any more terrorist activity but I really do think someone from very high up in the government needs to get involved in this case.

"I won't pretend to know how Michael must feel right now but I've got kids of my own and I can imagine how his parents must feel seeing their son locked up for a crime they know he didn't commit. If it was my kid, I'd be in pieces. We're not giving up hope though. We know he's innocent and we're sure that someone from the government will step in to make sure justice gets done."
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Postby dward » Thu Jul 28, 2005 10:49 am


this is a disgrace :(

nice to see the trophy boyz and carra showing their support though :)
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Postby Afroman » Thu Jul 28, 2005 9:35 pm

Why you're so sure, that this hool is innocent?

Well because some one else admitted doing it.
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Postby 84-1106852058 » Thu Jul 28, 2005 9:39 pm

DuFF_bg wrote:Well, i'm from Sofia, Bulgaria.
I've read all this posts, and i'm a little confused.
Why you're so sure, that this hool is innocent?

I've seen too much British :censored: all over the Europe - and i'm angry!
Your red crowd is like a sea of stupiD, arrogant idiots, who have no idea about the law's in our country.
We don wanna see your shits destrouing our country and killing our people - HE'S guilty !!!
Yes he IS!!! And you'll be able to talk him after 15 years.
I'hope that the things'll be changed one day...

10.52 PM

I can understand were you are coming from regarding hooligans,but this lad is innocent.How can you be expected to know the full facts if your court of law wont listen to them. 

Are you aware that Michael was asleep in his bed when this attack took place.

Are you aware there are wittnesses to this.

Are you aware that another man has admitted it was him,not Michael Sheilds who carried out the attack.

WE ARE AWARE, that a terrible crime was commited in your country,and justice should be done.We have every sympathy for the man who was attacked and wish him a speedy recovery.

The sooner this excuse for a man is behind bars in your country and innocent Michael Sheilds returned home to his family the better.

I feel your comments about us destroying your country are unfair.I have visited your country on 4 occasions and have always treated people well,and been treated well by your people,apart from the time my wife had her purse snatched
or the time gypsies stole a toy from my niece, or customs officers confiscated my legal supply of ciggerettes

See I do not blame you for the behaviour of some of your country men.You are right,a hooligan from this country is guilty of a terrible crime and deserves everything he gets.But let me assure you MICHAEL SHEILDS IS INNOCENT.

Let us hope your legal system now applies for an extradition warrant for the guilty man in light of his conffesion,and an innocent man can come home.


Postby Ciggy » Thu Jul 28, 2005 9:48 pm

DuFF_bg wrote:Well, i'm from Sofia, Bulgaria.
I've read all this posts, and i'm a little confused.
Why you're so sure, that this hool is innocent?

I've seen too much British :censored: all over the Europe - and i'm angry!
Your red crowd is like a sea of stupiD, arrogant idiots, who have no idea about the law's in our country.
We don wanna see your shits destrouing our country and killing our people - HE'S guilty !!!
Yes he IS!!! And you'll be able to talk him after 15 years.
I'hope that the things'll be changed one day...

10.52 PM

Hey Duff how stupid do you look now?
Sankey has sent his fax with his confession, and I cannot express the disappointing feelings that me and 100 thousand or more people have reguarding the bulgarian law.
the lad Michael was innocent from day one, and graham Sankey can rot in hell for all I care.
But you have a sh.it system and the authorities are asking for money  :angry: 71 thousand pound for something he didnt do,  ask Graham Sankey for it.
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Postby 2520years » Thu Jul 28, 2005 11:14 pm

Apparently Sankey's solicitor signed the confession that the court saw before declaring its verdict.  Under Bulgarian law, Graham Sankey needed to have signed it himself.  That's why it was dismissed.  I'm sure there are laws in our country that are similar.  It seems a little snobby to assume our courts couldn't make rulings themselves.
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Postby 66-1120597113 » Thu Jul 28, 2005 11:52 pm

It's only a matter of time but the poor lad will defo get home! A guy was on the news earlier a legal expert apparently,said its inevetable,but may take a few months!
Lets hope when the whole fiasco is over the primitave Bulgarian authorities have the b&lls 2 stand up and admit they were wrong!
This should include full compensation 2 poor Mr Shields and his family for all the unneccessary trauma and heartache!Then the whole family can take a well deserved holiday and live a little!Hope they have the sense to keep some ££ for travelling to watch the Pool win next yrs Euro final! YNWA

Postby NikeBG » Sun Jul 31, 2005 10:50 am

First of all: Hello! I'm from Sofia, Bulgaria as well. I want to say some things and would be glad if you read them without prejudices. I understand your worries for Michael Shields - after all, he's a fellow-countryman and (as far as I know) a fan of your team, just as yourself. Of course, it's understandable why you insist on his innocence then. But let me ask you one thing! Afaik, Liverpool is facing one of our teams (CSKA - the biggest "enemy" of my own team) for the CL qualifications. What if: When there's a game in Liverpool and the ultras of CSKA (hey, we have hooligans, too; not only you have them) come to YOUR country and after the game (presumably a loss for "our" team) they go to a pub to have some beer (we have one saying "If we fall or if we win, we will still drink"). And because we're Southeners, which means noisy, especially when drunk, one of the bartenders in the pub asks us to calm down. Of course, our boys don't calm down - they gather, beat this bartender to the ground and break his skull with a rock. After that we go to our hotels as if nothing happened. Police comes and arrests the one, who broke the bartender's skull (there are witnesses from your side) from his room. Of course, his friends and room-mates would say our boy's innocent. Of course, his parents and relatives would say he can't do such a thing. Of course, people from Bulgaria and CSKA would sign petitions etc. insisting that he must be freed and sent back to Bulgaria (although we won't get so much attention as you). There might even be one of those ultrases, who has already came back safe to Bulgaria, to "testify" that he's responsible for this and not the arrested boy; knowing that he's safe home. Would that mean that you would let our boy go? Would it mean that we can come to Brittain and beat other Brittish people without any punishment? Meanwhile, your bartender has a hole in his skull and the lightest touch there could kill him instantly. Furthermore, his pregnant wife gives birth due to all the stress. Would you still free our hooligan? I doubt it. Because you're supposed to be "fair"? No, not only. Maybe because you think that we're just a small country that doesn't deserve any attention, while you're the GREAT BRITTAIN? No, not only. There are many and different reasons why you wouldn't let our boy go, even if the case was absolutely the same as with your boy. A double standart? Maybe... So far, I haven't heard any reliable evidence for the causes of both sides - only complaints and testimonies of friends, relatives (be they the parents of Michael Shields or a cousin of our bartender) and other people concerned. I do hope that if Michael Shields is innocent our court will set him free after he's proven so. But if he's not (and being Brittish and fan of Liverpool doesn't make him instantly innocent ) - then he'll deserve jail. Just as, if our hooligan does the same in the UK, he'll deserve jail, too!
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