16th june 2005 - Rafa's 1 year anniversary

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Xabi_14 » Sat Jun 18, 2005 12:45 am

I have to agree with LFC#1,GH is still a good manager and we shouldn't forget what he did for the club.  Brining Rafa in though,I feel was the the right move and at the right time.  Like most people I was after O'Neil or Curbuishley to take the reigns but am delighted that Parry opted for Rafa. In Rafa we have a young manager that has shown us what he can do and what he wants to achieve.  We won the Champions League and he instantly said that our form in the league wasn't good enough.  He knows what is important to the club and fans and in him we have a great chance of bringing back the glory days.  Lets get some perspective though,yes he did an amazing job in his 1st year but as for being up there with Shanks and Paisley,he's still got some way to go yet but it's certainly looking promising!  :bowdown  :grinning:  :wwww
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