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Postby redno7 » Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:05 am

Benny The Noon » Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:59 am wrote:
How exactly is that me "sussed" ???

Is there anything in my post that is false

Just you benny, just you  :eyebrow
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Postby Benny The Noon » Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:11 am

redno7 » Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:05 am wrote:
Benny The Noon » Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:59 am wrote:
How exactly is that me "sussed" ???

Is there anything in my post that is false

Just you benny, just you  :eyebrow

So nothing as usual from you then - just little baseless sarcastic comments to ensure you are involved.
Benny The Noon

Postby redno7 » Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:17 am

Benny The Noon » Thu Jun 20, 2013 10:11 am wrote:
So nothing as usual from you then - just little baseless sarcastic comments to ensure you are involved.

yes thats right, haa  :laugh:
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Postby Thommo's perm » Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:26 am

True to form you swerve the point and use your "stating facts" ploy to bolster your argument
You are using those clubs as something we should aspire to. I have stated clearly how each of those clubs operate and see nothing in them which would cause my admiration, respect or a wish for us to emulate.
I have no desire whatsoever to be a city, united, arsenal or chelsea fan and you really should keep your obvious feelings of pleasure and approval for their methods under control.
Or maybe just not say it publicly on an LFC forum?
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Postby Benny The Noon » Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:37 am

What point is it that I'm swerving ?

Those clubs have success - that is what we aspire to be - successful

What obvious feelings of pleasure are you talking about - you can highlight them if you wish to show the point you are trying to prove.

When has anyone stated the desire to be a fan of any of those clubs ?

We need to aspire to be up with those clubs - unless you think different.
Benny The Noon

Postby Thommo's perm » Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:43 am

Benny The Noon » Thu Jun 20, 2013 10:37 am wrote:What point is it that I'm swerving ?

Those clubs have success - that is what we aspire to be - successful

What obvious feelings of pleasure are you talking about - you can highlight them if you wish to show the point you are trying to prove.

When has anyone stated the desire to be a fan of any of those clubs ?

We need to aspire to be up with those clubs - unless you think different.

Yes I agree we aspire to be sucessful and yes we aspire to be up with those clubs. Of course we do
You have answered all of your own questions in your previous statements
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Postby Benny The Noon » Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:53 am

So you do agree with what I was saying about aspiring to be up with them and to be successful ?

So I haven't swerved any point.

Glad that's cleared up.
Benny The Noon

Postby Thommo's perm » Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:58 am

Benny The Noon » Thu Jun 20, 2013 10:53 am wrote:So you do agree with what I was saying about aspiring to be up with them and to be successful ?

So I haven't swerved any point.

Glad that's cleared up.

Now now. Im not playing these games with you any more
How are you supposed to expand your mind and increase your brain power if I do all the work for you?
If you're saying that thats what I meant then youre wrong. But Im not telling you why again.
Work it out for yourself you little tinker...
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Postby Benny The Noon » Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:09 pm

I posted some facts about how clubs have improved by spending money - I also highlighted how they have improved in terms of success and how money can buy quality players to help achieve that success. I posted each clubs situation over the years and stated that we should aspire to be in their situation in terms of success.

So im not exactly sure what your point is or what the problem is ? Again not sure how in showing my pleasure in their situation etc ?.
Benny The Noon

Postby Thommo's perm » Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:14 pm

Benny The Noon » Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:09 am wrote:I posted some facts about how clubs have improved by spending money - I also highlighted how they have improved in terms of success and how money can buy quality players to help achieve that success. I posted each clubs situation over the years and stated that we should aspire to be in their situation in terms of success.

So im not exactly sure what your point is or what the problem is ? Again not sure how in showing my pleasure in their situation etc ?.

Away with yer, yer wee scamp
Its there in black and white. Read it again.
Youll never get cleverer if you dont try
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Postby Benny The Noon » Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:19 pm

Nah it's ok , I think it's clear you are unsure of your own point and have twisted yourself in circles.

When you can come up with some clarification instead of riddles I can then address any point you are attempting to make.
Benny The Noon

Postby ycsatbjywtbiastkamb » Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:20 pm

Kenny Kan

"So what" doesn't guarantee that spending big will get success or good players; especially when we don't have the money to lose like Madrid and Chelsea. I understand a person like yourself will find it hard to acknowledge this which is probably why I'm better off banging my head against a brick wall than conveying this message to you.

On the point of whinging, I'm not the one who seems happy to whinge about our summer signings because they don't cost 30M a piece, best look in the mirror.

you can be a happy clapper all you want lad, to me this situation looks like a managed decline.
when we were succesful we used to break the british transfer record every other season but these days despite having the 8th biggest turnover in the world (according to deloitte) we seem to be trying to pick up £3m and £4m bargains and hoping they turn into stars.
every now and then you will uncover a coutinho and everyone will pat the clubs scouting network on the back but the odds of putting together a whole team that can compete for the top prizes in the game on the cheap like that are astronomical, the last manager to pull that off was clough at forest and that was 30 years ago and in a different footballing age.
no one expects us to compete with the oil barons for the likes of rooneys and ronaldo`s signature but there are lot of up and coming stars like luis muriel that a club of our stature should be trying to sign, if you add up all the money we`ve spent on the aspas`s,llori`s, alberto`s and atsu`s you are well on the way to affording one of those top prospects.
apparently we are baulking at the £17m asking price that schalke want for papadopolous, in the echo it said that if schalke dont lower their demands then we`ll look elsewhere, well look at aspas and atsu etc, there`s the papadopolous money right there, instead of spending that money on a top prospect (in a position that is a priority) we start throwing the dice on spanish second division players. 
i think the reason we arent in for the muriels of this world is because those top prospects will still demand good wages and we seem hell bent on keeping the wage bill down to a bare minimum, infact i reckon the only reason we are in for mkhitaryan is that he`s on buttons in armenia and we can double his wage and still only be paying him £30,000 a week. i was shocked to hear suarez joined us on £26,000 a week.
what fsg is trying to do is admirable but imo it`s got f##king no chance of working in this country where practically every club in the top flight is owned by foreign billionaires, this isnt germany where the fans own the club in partnership with local business.
how long do you think it will be before coutinho starts taking a look around the dressing room at the £5m and £3m signings coming in and starts to question the clubs ambition?  players arent soft, when they hear that the club isnt heartbroken to see the bigger earners like reina and carroll leave they know the score.
i believe we can compete with the united`s, city`s and chelsea`s without buying the falcao`s and ronaldo`s, i think if you bring in the erickssons, muriels, papadopolous`s, mkhitaryans, jordi clasie`s etc you can go toe to toe with them, but imo we are not going to do it by buying the likes of atsu and aspas.
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Postby Thommo's perm » Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:34 pm

Benny The Noon » Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:19 am wrote:Nah it's ok , I think it's clear you are unsure of your own point and have twisted yourself in circles.

When you can come up with some clarification instead of riddles I can then address any point you are attempting to make.

Aw giving up so easily? Never mind
Subtelty is not one of your strong points, I understand. But must do better in the future...

Anyway back to the thread
Downing could fetch us up to £10 mill which could buy us a couple of good players
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Postby Benny The Noon » Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:46 pm

ycsatbjywtbiastkamb » Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:20 pm wrote:
Kenny Kan

"So what" doesn't guarantee that spending big will get success or good players; especially when we don't have the money to lose like Madrid and Chelsea. I understand a person like yourself will find it hard to acknowledge this which is probably why I'm better off banging my head against a brick wall than conveying this message to you.

On the point of whinging, I'm not the one who seems happy to whinge about our summer signings because they don't cost 30M a piece, best look in the mirror.

you can be a happy clapper all you want lad, to me this situation looks like a managed decline.
when we were succesful we used to break the british transfer record every other season but these days despite having the 8th biggest turnover in the world (according to deloitte) we seem to be trying to pick up £3m and £4m bargains and hoping they turn into stars.
every now and then you will uncover a coutinho and everyone will pat the clubs scouting network on the back but the odds of putting together a whole team that can compete for the top prizes in the game on the cheap like that are astronomical, the last manager to pull that off was clough at forest and that was 30 years ago and in a different footballing age.
no one expects us to compete with the oil barons for the likes of rooneys and ronaldo`s signature but there are lot of up and coming stars like luis muriel that a club of our stature should be trying to sign, if you add up all the money we`ve spent on the aspas`s,llori`s, alberto`s and atsu`s you are well on the way to affording one of those top prospects.
apparently we are baulking at the £17m asking price that schalke want for papadopolous, in the echo it said that if schalke dont lower their demands then we`ll look elsewhere, well look at aspas and atsu etc, there`s the papadopolous money right there, instead of spending that money on a top prospect (in a position that is a priority) we start throwing the dice on spanish second division players. 
i think the reason we arent in for the muriels of this world is because those top prospects will still demand good wages and we seem hell bent on keeping the wage bill down to a bare minimum, infact i reckon the only reason we are in for mkhitaryan is that he`s on buttons in armenia and we can double his wage and still only be paying him £30,000 a week. i was shocked to hear suarez joined us on £26,000 a week.
what fsg is trying to do is admirable but imo it`s got f##king no chance of working in this country where practically every club in the top flight is owned by foreign billionaires, this isnt germany where the fans own the club in partnership with local business.
how long do you think it will be before coutinho starts taking a look around the dressing room at the £5m and £3m signings coming in and starts to question the clubs ambition?  players arent soft, when they hear that the club isnt heartbroken to see the bigger earners like reina and carroll leave they know the score.
i believe we can compete with the united`s, city`s and chelsea`s without buying the falcao`s and ronaldo`s, i think if you bring in the erickssons, muriels, papadopolous`s, mkhitaryans, jordi clasie`s etc you can go toe to toe with them, but imo we are not going to do it by buying the likes of atsu and aspas.

It's all down to the owners and their ambition for the club - obviously they will want long term sustained success but we can never lose focus on the short term. There is no point building for the future if we can compete in the present. We will just drop further back.
Benny The Noon

Postby Kenny Kan » Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:50 pm

I'm not a happy clapper ye ole luddite, I'm a realist and accept the situation the club is in - the one you pretty much described although I'm not totally convinced about your wage theory. You have some valid points about us buying up X, Y, Z when we should use the combined fees to get A.

Rodgers has stated numerous times now that he wants to build up the squad of about 17-18 core players with the youngsters making up the numbers. I think, at the forefront of his mind is where last season we had to rely on quite a number of youngsters to get us through a good half a season - remember that. To me, he's addressing the squad and not the team. I believe the team too needs strengthening but I have no idea what Rodgers thinks about it because we all expected a CB and possibly DM to come rolling in the door first. That hasn't happened yet the transfer window is only just under way so we should sit tight and see what occurs before we go round spreading broad negativity throughout the boards.

P.S. I see Southampton are interested in Wanyama (sp?) (a player who looks ideal for us)
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