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Postby Kharhaz » Tue May 22, 2012 1:36 am

Haven't done one of these in a while, so lets start a new one. The rules are simple you put 5 gripes of yours down and explain why they miff you off. Now I cant get rid of the gripes, but its always good to get them off your chest. I will start.

1) America.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not talking about the individuals, I am talking about what they offer, and why we are suffering. First off, TV. Our TV is full of american shows, and a majority of them are absolute gash. CSI, CSI Miami, CSI NY, Two and a Half Men, Sex and the City, US office, 30 Rock. Now we have enough of our own ***** to contend with, we don't need to import american tripe as well, oh wait, yes we do. But its not only TV, its the culture. Look at the adverts we get, did you fall over? sue em ! its not your fault your an idiot ! Also at schools, my oldest asked me "Dad, can I go to the school prom" eh ? WTF? PROM? "yeah its £60" F*CK OFF !
Now america has given a lot of good things, but not enough to compensate for the rest of the sh!t that is being adopted over here in britain !

2) Movies.

What has happened? there is nothing left, all the ideas have run dry. To sell a movie today you have to promote an idea raised in the 80's, 3D. But that's not the worst of it, it is so desperate now films are being made on kids books, Little Red Riding Hood anyone? my god, how desperate is this business? Which brings me to :

3) Music.

Ughhh...... I cant go on, these days you cannot call it music. What they do today is take a well known song, pull its pants down, rape the hell out of it, and sell it again. Take for instance the Sky one advert with the Ive got Chills song or the B&Q advert with Our House song, I rest my case.

4) Comedians.

Why are they not funny? Or why are the popular ones not funny? Take for instance Jack Whitehall, Michael McIntyre, Russell Howard, Andy Parsons etc these people are about as funny as a boil on your @ss and yet they are classed as our top comedians, if this is the case, then we seriously have a humour malfunction going on. The people I have mentioned are representing us, these people apparently represent our sense of humour. Dear god...

5) Mothers with HUGE pushchairs on buses.

This is a long term gripe of mine, but more so these days as I am seeing a lot of them. Here is the way I look at it. You have a kid, and he needs to be transported around. That's fine. What isnt fine is the huge tank you feel your precious needs to be transported around in. "I can fit 3 bags of shopping under there !" Ok, but when your getting on a bus and have to fold the sodding thing up your royally screwed aint ya? BUT the mothers not to blame then, oh no, its the passengers who are sitting on the bus waiting for the dozy bint with the tank to get on. If nobody helps her then we are to blame ! The dirty looks we get, the poor mother who is struggling with her child, or the other mother who has a baby of her own in the pushchair space that this tw*t with the tank demands is hers ! A**HOLE !

Anyway, those are my gripes, and I feel better for it. Your turn.  :D
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Postby metalhead » Tue May 22, 2012 6:32 am

30 Rock and two and a half men are cr@p?    :laugh:  :laugh:

Maybe you don't understand the humor  :rasp
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Postby ethanr » Tue May 22, 2012 6:42 am

1) Misleading thread topics-
People who start threads with things like "Hazard signs" and then show a bunch of pictures of road Hazard signs, or who start a thread with Rafa, and then talk about Aircraft Careers.

2) Kenny Kan-

You realize you're one syllable from being racist.  You say King Kenny Kan and patricia evra will report you to the FA faster than you can say, "wayne rooney is a snub nose homophobe who likes to get hair transplants and cheat on his wife with used prostitutes, john terry has slept with colleen rooney more than wayne has, and Ricky Gervaise's movie 'The Invention of Lying' was funny".

3) Andy Carroll playing well-

I miss the times when the likes of half the female members of this forum could slate the hell out of Andy Carroll because they were jealous that he has better hair than them.

4) Dawson and James Van Der Beek-

What the hell?  And then you just switch  to Castle with no warning or justifiable reason? And no, the thread where somebody said something racist and  DD put the picture of Michael Jackson happily eating popcorn, so you added the picture of her looking confused and then added it to your signature, is not a justifiable reason.

5) Metalhead-

I don't get your name.  Heavy metal?  I'm American, all you Middle Easterners only listen to a man in a turban snake charming. Is your head actually made of metal?  Do you wear a metal hat?  is it a racist term against yourself and others that are from the Middle East? 

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Postby metalhead » Tue May 22, 2012 6:51 am


Na man, I used to be a big heavy metal fan back in high school (yes there are a lot of middle eastern dudes who love heavy metal!!!) hence the nickname

And we listen to drum sounds we call the "tableh" in the desert in our tents!!! FFS turban man charming snake that's India dude! :D
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Postby ethanr » Tue May 22, 2012 7:35 am

metalhead » Mon May 21, 2012 9:51 pm wrote::laugh:

Na man, I used to be a big heavy metal fan back in high school (yes there are a lot of middle eastern dudes who love heavy metal!!!) hence the nickname

And we listen to drum sounds we call the "tableh" in the desert in our tents!!! FFS turban man charming snake that's India dude! :D

That's why I threw the "I'm American" part in.  Because in America, All middle easterners are the same as people from India.
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Postby metalhead » Tue May 22, 2012 7:51 am

Typical Americans, stereotyping at everything :D. We and Indians... Sooo different lol
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Postby laza » Tue May 22, 2012 9:30 am

1. Losing Fit bird thread

2..........Oh whats the point they all pale into insignficance compare to the horror of item 1


30 Rock rocks you wine hating muppet  :D
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Postby Kenny Kan » Tue May 22, 2012 9:45 am

1) cultural Marxists
2) cultural Marxists
3) cultural Marxists
4) Islam
5) Manchester United
Champions of England 2020.

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Postby SouthCoastShankly » Tue May 22, 2012 10:22 am

Kenny Kan » Tue May 22, 2012 8:45 am wrote:1) cultural Marxists
2) cultural Marxists
3) cultural Marxists
4) Islam
5) Manchester United

Not even going to temper the comment to say Extremist Islam?
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Postby burjennio » Tue May 22, 2012 8:40 pm

Yes, 30 Rock is awesome.

Two and a Half Men has its moments (they all involve Alan)

If you want to watch a great comedian check out Bill Burr
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Postby Kharhaz » Tue May 22, 2012 9:23 pm

laza » Tue May 22, 2012 9:30 am wrote:1. Losing Fit bird thread

2..........Oh whats the point they all pale into insignficance compare to the horror of item 1


30 Rock rocks you wine hating muppet  :D

:laugh: 30 Rock is gash.
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Postby metalhead » Tue May 22, 2012 9:30 pm

30 Rock is hilarious...  :buttrock
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Postby dawson99 » Wed May 23, 2012 8:24 am

30 Rock is good, but is to blame for Studio 60 being cancelled (which was 100 times better)

And why am I being sent to Room 101?

thas no fair, yay gal not say yay about that!

I might even start a strike, but first, my list:

People who start strikes - Grow up, Train Drivers, teachers, public sector blah blah blah. you know how lucky you are to have a job? Moaning commie eejits

Katie Price - Please just die

Towie/Essex/any reality tv show - Why? Are people that stupid? This sh!t is making people dumber. It is an embarressment.

Hollywood Remakes - Fincher, you used to be good, remember those days? then you made The girl With the Dragon Tattoo you hack. One of the most underwhelming films of recent times. I know, lets remake a film 2 years after, but make it worse. Some of them can do the accents, some can't, no one will notice. Rooney Mara deserves an Oscar.. best of the year? Not even best of the character!

Fat families on welfare - Yay, you have 6 kids, well done. Don't get a job, just get more benefits, pop out some more babies and watch Jkeremy F*cking Kyle. Have 12 kids, isn't that impressive, you can reproduce (although you shouldn't) The sooner we make IQ tests mandatory for having children the better.

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Postby lakes10 » Wed May 23, 2012 9:37 am

1 Americans claiming they invented things like the Web, communication satellites and a lot of other things.

2.  workman that start a job then walk off and dont come back for 5 days and leave a big hole in the road.

3 white and black British youths that try to act and talk as if they are Black americans

4 women that dont understand that men are often beatern by women but pride stops them from going to the police and the fact theres only one mens refuge in the south east and there 178 womens refuge (ok that ones due to my work)

5 ok dont hit me for this....Gays on TV, if we took tv as real life we should have 35 guy homes in my street of 40 homes.
X factor ,BB overtly gay representation, DS forum has a Gat forum that they post stuff about men they think are hot...i started a thread call "the straight man thread" and posted stuff about women that i think are hot and got banned for 5 weeks lol
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Postby RichardLFC1 » Wed May 23, 2012 4:21 pm

1) Fussy people - Going into mcdonalds and someone saying can i have a big Mac but take out the lettuce Gherkins Cheese and Sauce

2) Cab Drivers making a Cab journey awkward by keeping talking to me about how many people have puked in his cab that day.

3) Little 12 years old chavs asking me to get Cigarettes from the shop.

4) People who moan that its too cold and when the sun comes out moan its too hot.

5) The wait for us to name our new Manager

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