Bit Frustrated with FSG

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby supersub » Fri May 18, 2012 5:11 pm

7_Kewell » Fri May 18, 2012 1:59 pm wrote:The end is nigh!!

F**k me , have you seen your future :laugh:
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Fri May 18, 2012 5:53 pm

I know that Kenny is a legend and the club owe him a lot but the sheer fact of the matter is he did not deliver in the league. I distinctly recall people muttering that Rafa should leave in 2005 as we finished 5th, despite the CL win. Legend does not mean infallible and Kenny, like all managers, is subject to scrutiny over his performances. Over £100m spent on a large amount of rubbish was his downfall. Out of all of his signings Suarez and Enrique have been the only real successes.

It's not good enough, and that's the reason he's been sacked. We need to move on from his backwards mentality that his weaknesses should be overlooked because of who he is. Forgiven - yes. Blindly ignored - no.

Kenny is too old fashioned in his thinking and if Rafa doesn't come back where he belongs I think Martinez is an awesome candidate and definitely my 2nd choice behind Benitez.

Rafa Benitez - An unfinished Legend.
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Postby RED BEERGOGGLES » Fri May 18, 2012 5:59 pm

Lando_Griffin » Fri May 18, 2012 4:53 pm wrote:I know that Kenny is a legend and the club owe him a lot but the sheer fact of the matter is he did not deliver in the league. I distinctly recall people muttering that Rafa should leave in 2005 as we finished 5th, despite the CL win. Legend does not mean infallible and Kenny, like all managers, is subject to scrutiny over his performances. Over £100m spent on a large amount of rubbish was his downfall. Out of all of his signings Suarez and Enrique have been the only real successes.

It's not good enough, and that's the reason he's been sacked. We need to move on from his backwards mentality that his weaknesses should be overlooked because of who he is. Forgiven - yes. Blindly ignored - no.

Kenny is too old fashioned in his thinking and if Rafa doesn't come back where he belongs I think Martinez is an awesome candidate and definitely my 2nd choice behind Benitez.

I dont agree over Martinez ,but  "Fucking Welcome back Mr Griffin ".... you have been missed mate
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Postby Johnny Boy » Fri May 18, 2012 6:02 pm

Lando_Griffin » Fri May 18, 2012 4:53 pm wrote:I know that Kenny is a legend and the club owe him a lot but the sheer fact of the matter is he did not deliver in the league. I distinctly recall people muttering that Rafa should leave in 2005 as we finished 5th, despite the CL win. Legend does not mean infallible and Kenny, like all managers, is subject to scrutiny over his performances. Over £100m spent on a large amount of rubbish was his downfall. Out of all of his signings Suarez and Enrique have been the only real successes.

It's not good enough, and that's the reason he's been sacked. We need to move on from his backwards mentality that his weaknesses should be overlooked because of who he is. Forgiven - yes. Blindly ignored - no.

Kenny is too old fashioned in his thinking and if Rafa doesn't come back where he belongs I think Martinez is an awesome candidate and definitely my 2nd choice behind Benitez.

Agree, apart from the Rafa bit.
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Postby ycsatbjywtbiastkamb » Fri May 18, 2012 6:03 pm

Lando_Griffin » Fri May 18, 2012 4:53 pm wrote:I know that Kenny is a legend and the club owe him a lot but the sheer fact of the matter is he did not deliver in the league. I distinctly recall people muttering that Rafa should leave in 2005 as we finished 5th, despite the CL win. Legend does not mean infallible and Kenny, like all managers, is subject to scrutiny over his performances. Over £100m spent on a large amount of rubbish was his downfall. Out of all of his signings Suarez and Enrique have been the only real successes.

It's not good enough, and that's the reason he's been sacked. We need to move on from his backwards mentality that his weaknesses should be overlooked because of who he is. Forgiven - yes. Blindly ignored - no.

Kenny is too old fashioned in his thinking and if Rafa doesn't come back where he belongs I think Martinez is an awesome candidate and definitely my 2nd choice behind Benitez.

nah sorry mate dont agree, what has martinez done to justify getting a job as big as managing liverpool?
he`s managed swansea and wigan? wigan is the biggest club he`s managed and their rugby team gets bigger crowds than the footy team. he hasnt even won a johnsons paint trophy or the leyland daf trophy, you need a better CV  than that imo.
from august to february he won 4 games in the league and was on the verge getting of the sack, he was the bookies favourite to get given his marching orders.
he may be a good manager in the future but he needs to prove himself at a villa or everton before getting a job like us.
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Postby burjennio » Fri May 18, 2012 6:04 pm

RED BEERGOGGLES » Fri May 18, 2012 4:59 pm wrote:
Lando_Griffin » Fri May 18, 2012 4:53 pm wrote:I know that Kenny is a legend and the club owe him a lot but the sheer fact of the matter is he did not deliver in the league. I distinctly recall people muttering that Rafa should leave in 2005 as we finished 5th, despite the CL win. Legend does not mean infallible and Kenny, like all managers, is subject to scrutiny over his performances. Over £100m spent on a large amount of rubbish was his downfall. Out of all of his signings Suarez and Enrique have been the only real successes.

It's not good enough, and that's the reason he's been sacked. We need to move on from his backwards mentality that his weaknesses should be overlooked because of who he is. Forgiven - yes. Blindly ignored - no.

Kenny is too old fashioned in his thinking and if Rafa doesn't come back where he belongs I think Martinez is an awesome candidate and definitely my 2nd choice behind Benitez.

I dont agree over Martinez ,but  "Fucking Welcome back Mr Griffin ".... you have been missed mate


All we need is Manhattan Project and we might get a bit of craic goin up in this place again!!
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Postby RED BEERGOGGLES » Fri May 18, 2012 6:33 pm

burjennio » Fri May 18, 2012 5:04 pm wrote:All we need is Manhattan Project and we might get a bit of craic goin up in this place again!!

We should start a thread solely for returning heroes  :buttrock
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Postby RED BEERGOGGLES » Fri May 18, 2012 6:44 pm


An angry email has been sent to almost every LFC supporter group and website, plus the club itself, asking why I (amongst certain others) appear to be advising FSG. (I don’t know who the sender is.)

“Paul Tomkins is an internet blogger/author who writes detailed summaries and analysis based on statistics. He has no experience what so ever in professional football, in any capacity. He also speaks for nobody but himself. Why is he anywhere near the ownership, or his opinion being given such credence? What is Paul Tomkins’ role? – it needs to be explained.”

Well, here it is.

Before John Henry bought Liverpool FC, he purchased several books on the club, to read up about its history. Two of those books just happens to be ones that I had written. Having enjoyed them, he asked to meet me shortly after the deal was completed. He spent a week trying to contact me via Facebook, but I assumed it was a prank and ignored him. Email proved more successful.

He was aware that I had spent five years writing a column for the club’s official website, and that I’d worked hard to forge a reputation for researching issues; even if people disagree with my opinion – and no-one is always right (particularly in football) – it came from a holistic approach that took in many disciplines.

I was not offered any kind of role – not least because I made it clear that due to my health and this website, I wasn’t interested in one – and I have never worked for FSG, or been paid a penny by them. Also, after what happened at Liverpool with Gillett and Hicks, I was not prepared to work for the club’s owners, even if, to me, they seemed cut from a different cloth.

The only ‘gift’ I have received was a package for my dad late last year, after he entered a hospice with terminal cancer (my dad’s dad played for Aston Villa, and John Henry asked Randy Lerner to send some signed Aston Villa merchandise.)

John Henry will occasionally contact me to help him understand something, or seek my advice on a certain issue, but the last time was back in March. FSG had already consulted several people about who would be best suited to run a review of the football side of things, and in particular, how Damien Comolli’s performance – as their football intermediary – could be judged. I wasn’t asked to perform that review, just to give my thoughts on the names who they’d had recommended – presumably provided by their actual advisors.

I have not been asked to provide any input on the managerial situation, although there is nothing to stop me providing my views, now that there is a vacancy. I am free to email John Henry any time I wish, and he’s free to ignore them!

I did not in any way, shape or form contribute to Kenny Dalglish losing his job, and those people accusing me of so doing are seriously out of line. If anyone thinks I’d dare advise against Kenny then they don’t know me, or indeed, what a total coward I really am; even if I believed that he had to be replaced – and I didn’t – I’d need a billion dollars, plastic surgery, a new identity and relocation to Brazil. He was my idol growing up, and I’d have no right to tell anyone to replace him (although no-one should be kept out of sentimentality, obviously, and it’s the owners’ prerogative to run the club as they see fit; I won’t always agree, but again, that’s football).

I don’t want to legitimise all this by giving it air, but seeing as it’s been sent far and wide, and that I’ve had all kinds of abuse on Twitter and via email, I thought it was best that I set the record straight.

Like any fan, I am not going to turn down my club if my opinion is sought, by owners interested in getting feedback from many sources. But I am not – and here I italicise – an advisor. The FSG style is to canvas the opinion of many and work with the wisdom of the crowd, and on top of that, they will have an inner circle of key people, of which I am not one.....
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Postby The Good Yank » Fri May 18, 2012 6:45 pm

Lando_Griffin » Fri May 18, 2012 11:53 am wrote:I know that Kenny is a legend and the club owe him a lot but the sheer fact of the matter is he did not deliver in the league. I distinctly recall people muttering that Rafa should leave in 2005 as we finished 5th, despite the CL win. Legend does not mean infallible and Kenny, like all managers, is subject to scrutiny over his performances. Over £100m spent on a large amount of rubbish was his downfall. Out of all of his signings Suarez and Enrique have been the only real successes.

It's not good enough, and that's the reason he's been sacked. We need to move on from his backwards mentality that his weaknesses should be overlooked because of who he is. Forgiven - yes. Blindly ignored - no.

Kenny is too old fashioned in his thinking and if Rafa doesn't come back where he belongs I think Martinez is an awesome candidate and definitely my 2nd choice behind Benitez.

I agree with alot of what you said here ya Bellend.
s@int - 13 December 2009

I won't celebrate Rafa going........ but I will be over the moon if Dalglish comes in. League within 2 years if he gets the job, AND YOU CAN QUOTE ME ON THAT.
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Postby dundreamin » Fri May 18, 2012 6:52 pm

So FSG reckon winning 2 cups mean nothing ask that to every club in the prem any club would take that. We actually won more the just ended than the mange and barca combined but means jacks.hit to FSG. So they don't give a flying fook about LFC unless we make a profit. Folks we are being f.ucked over by yanks again greedy b.astards. and J W Henry doesn't look human to me am getting that G&H feeling again
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Postby metalhead » Fri May 18, 2012 6:53 pm

Lando_Griffin » Fri May 18, 2012 4:53 pm wrote:I know that Kenny is a legend and the club owe him a lot but the sheer fact of the matter is he did not deliver in the league. I distinctly recall people muttering that Rafa should leave in 2005 as we finished 5th, despite the CL win. Legend does not mean infallible and Kenny, like all managers, is subject to scrutiny over his performances. Over £100m spent on a large amount of rubbish was his downfall. Out of all of his signings Suarez and Enrique have been the only real successes.

It's not good enough, and that's the reason he's been sacked. We need to move on from his backwards mentality that his weaknesses should be overlooked because of who he is. Forgiven - yes. Blindly ignored - no.

Kenny is too old fashioned in his thinking and if Rafa doesn't come back where he belongs I think Martinez is an awesome candidate and definitely my 2nd choice behind Benitez.

good to see you posting again Lando

Oh and I disagree with everything you said :rasp
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Postby LFC2007 » Fri May 18, 2012 7:56 pm

All trophies are important, but some are more important than others, not just in financial terms but as sporting achievements. No-one sees our success over Cardiff City in the carling Cup final as being a comparable achievement to overcoming Milan from 3-0 down in Istanbul, because the latter was far harder to achieve and invested with a great deal more prestige than the other. The same is true of the FA cup and the league.

To win the bigger trophies, you've got to make progress in the league and the first step on that ladder is getting Champions League football. I would hope the owners don't underestimate the significance of winning the domestic trophies but it's understandable if they use the league as the main barometer of our progress.
Last edited by LFC2007 on Fri May 18, 2012 7:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby damjan193 » Fri May 18, 2012 7:56 pm

But to be fair to the owners, it's not really their fault that football is a matter of money today. If they keep investing in the club but they can't get their money back, we'll fall apart and go bankrupt.
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Postby ycsatbjywtbiastkamb » Fri May 18, 2012 9:34 pm

damjan193 » Fri May 18, 2012 6:56 pm wrote:But to be fair to the owners, it's not really their fault that football is a matter of money today. If they keep investing in the club but they can't get their money back, we'll fall apart and go bankrupt.

they want footy to be about money, they are not lamenting the old days, they are only interested in the game because it is all about money.
thats not their stance on every sport, dont get me wrong they want to make money out of their baseball team too but deep down they are fans of baseball, they love the sport.
footy is different, they started watching it 3 years ago.
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Postby dundreamin » Fri May 18, 2012 9:54 pm

FSG i,am beginning to hate your company and all it stands for ie CAPITALISM the reason the planets in this mess is because of your ilk B.ASTARDS
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