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PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:56 pm
by metalhead
How the f*ck torres' substitution impacted the game!!? jeez, they pushed on because we were 1-0 up.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:57 pm
by zirgoz
Maybe our carling cup players can play in the europa league to get european experience for future champions league games, how bout that... nice :)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:57 pm
by Redbilly1960

Proud of the overall performance bad luck at the end. Only negative thing is that Vorinin must be shown the door he should never wear a red shirt ever again.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:57 pm
lewerty wrote:
big al wrote:Those on here who blame Rafa for taking Torres off are spot on and well spotted.  That goal came in the first time Lyon had pushed 4 men forward.  Torres had paralysed them by his reputation alone.  It may well be argued by the Rafa Die Hards that Lyon Had nothing to lose and would have thrown 4 up anyway but that we'll never know. What we do know is they did'nt for 86 minutes. Then they suddenly did. Also Rafa is puts too much faith in players who constantly let him and their team mates down.

well said

Oh for cryin out loud ,  :no

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:57 pm
by zirgoz
I'm being very positive...

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:58 pm
by bigmick
The stark reality is that we actually played pretty well and got ourselves a decent point. Not only that, we were very unlucky not to win. If we don't qualify, it's not this match which has cost us by a long chalk. I should think that was comfortably our best performance in the tournament so far, and but for some wayward/unlucky finishing, we would have won it comfortably. I'm not being pro, anti or anything else, just telling it like it is.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:58 pm
by da9thkill
not sure who to blame, we got the goal, with only minutes away. i think its unlucky, cant really blame rafa, it was an individual error. the torres sub? well didnt contibute much near the end, so understandable, i should have put ayala or even darby instead of ngog though

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:59 pm
by Benny The Noon
syma76 wrote:wow...first time we've lost 3 games in a row for champ league... this season so much record breaking...:(

we didnt loose

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:59 pm
by Dazzer
Greavesie wrote:
Dazzer wrote:
Benny The Noon wrote:
lewerty wrote:
Benny The Noon wrote:
lewerty wrote:
Benny The Noon wrote:
lewerty wrote:rafa is so out of a job and good tbh how can u leave a 20million pound midfielder on the :censored: bench rafa out and yanks out coz they cant afford us not to qualify for CL lmfao

shut up - that 20 mil midfielder has only played 15 mins of football in 7 months you clown

yeah and that 20million pound midfielder is miles better than ngog ffs and nearly got a penalty awarded against the gunners

oh shut up - thats just ridiculous trying to even justify such a statement

ngog or aqualira (spelling) ummm ill have a think on that one

Aqualini has played 15 mins of football in 7 months - 15 mins and is just recovering from a virus as well . Ngog when he came on against the mancs scored - there are the facts . Ngog coming on had f.uck all to do with us loosing a last min equaliser

So wrong I not even gonna get into ti fact we lost 2 and drawn 1 almost in row now late in game due to him being taken off.

cheers Dazzer I never realised how good nando was at centre back

You just don't get football do you ? They pushed an extra 3 players up as soon as Torres come off because they knew they could man mark ngog 1v1 and not worry as much about the counter.When Torres was on they held their shape alot more and didn't push forward as much.Its always a mistake to sub you main front man after scoring a goal any ways nearly always costs you.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 11:00 pm
by Greavesie
bigmick wrote:The stark reality is that we actually played pretty well and got ourselves a decent point. Not only that, we were very unlucky not to win. If we don't qualify, it's not this match which has cost us by a long chalk. I should think that was comfortably our best performance in the tournament so far, and but for some wayward/unlucky finishing, we would have won it comfortably. I'm not being pro, anti or anything else, just telling it like it is.

well said Mick, I know you're not Rafas biggest fan but at least you say it like it is. You come out with consrtuctive arguments that at least provoke discussion. You don't clutch at any old thing to bash Rafa with. Basically I dont think youre a c..t  :D

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 11:00 pm
by tonyeh
Rubbish that.

Got the goal and fell asleep.

Lyon didn't bother their arse all night trying to get forward and as sonn as they did, they get a feckin goal.

...and WTF was Voronin doing on the pitch in the first place anyway?

An blind idot could have seen that changes were needed IN THE FIRST HALF, NOT IN THE 65th MINUTE BENITEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fucking hell..............

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 11:00 pm
lakes10 wrote:hmm Rafa did not sound too sure about his job then, sounded more like he was trying to tell someone to keep him.

hmm Lakes is fecking shi.t stirring again, nothing wrong with the Rafa interview,

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 11:00 pm
by Zurbaran
The sad thing about it is, even after defending well through out the game I still expected them to get a goal.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 11:00 pm
by Benny The Noon
Dazzer wrote:
Greavesie wrote:
Dazzer wrote:
Benny The Noon wrote:
lewerty wrote:
Benny The Noon wrote:
lewerty wrote:
Benny The Noon wrote:
lewerty wrote:rafa is so out of a job and good tbh how can u leave a 20million pound midfielder on the :censored: bench rafa out and yanks out coz they cant afford us not to qualify for CL lmfao

shut up - that 20 mil midfielder has only played 15 mins of football in 7 months you clown

yeah and that 20million pound midfielder is miles better than ngog ffs and nearly got a penalty awarded against the gunners

oh shut up - thats just ridiculous trying to even justify such a statement

ngog or aqualira (spelling) ummm ill have a think on that one

Aqualini has played 15 mins of football in 7 months - 15 mins and is just recovering from a virus as well . Ngog when he came on against the mancs scored - there are the facts . Ngog coming on had f.uck all to do with us loosing a last min equaliser

So wrong I not even gonna get into ti fact we lost 2 and drawn 1 almost in row now late in game due to him being taken off.

cheers Dazzer I never realised how good nando was at centre back

You just don't get football do you ? They pushed an extra 3 players up as soon as Torres come off because they knew they could man mark ngog 1v1 and not worry as much about the counter.When Torres was on they held their shape alot more and didn't push forward as much.Its always a mistake to sub you main front man after scoring a goal any ways nearly always costs you.


PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 11:00 pm
by bigmick
If Rafa is to "blame", then it's for a couple of the previous results in the group. Tonight was a good result, and an excellent performance given the players we had available. You don't "blame" managers when you get a draw away at the team which leads your group in the Champiuons League. When you've got four or five first temaers missing, not only don't you blame him but you say he did pretty well. Once again he showed that in terms of European Competition, he is up there with the best and it would be silly denying it.