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PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 10:59 pm
by Dundalk
Shocking performance

PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 10:59 pm
by Number 9
Fuc'king disgrace again!!....Get Roy out NOW!! The man will ruin us!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:00 pm
by only me
ste123lfc wrote:Can we finally get rid of that TW@T now please. Been saying for weeks and getting slagged off in certain quarters on here. He is an incompitant baffoon and needs to fu*k off now. Please don't give him money to spend.

Getting Rid of Roy isn't enough - must kick 4-5 players the hell out of Liverpool - Paulson ,Koncheski ,Skertel ,Lucas ,Babel and Kuyt - get this wagon of underachiever the hell out of our club. Sick and tired seeing all those "International" walking about like drunkin wnkers.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:00 pm
by Number 9
And Sammy Lee can fuc'k off too!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:01 pm
Kharhaz wrote:
metalhead wrote:
Kharhaz wrote:As much as roy is to blame, the players are also. The tactics are clearly not working, but the players just dont look like they have any ability whatsoever. Our passing is poor, our tackling is poor, we offer no creativity at all and the players have about as much work ethic as Jim Royle.

This team needs a major overhaul, bring in players that can just do the basics would be a good start, and another striker if not to partner torres then to offer him some stern competition for his spot as at the minute he is not performing, we have no replacement for him, and he knows it.

No mate,

I can't blame the players in this one.. really can't, we had a good midfield, then the incompetent had to tinker with it taking off maxi putting Meireles on the right, its f8cking b*llox mate, it really is, never seen such an unbalanced midfield today, he can't even make subs early enough to change the game or even make one tactic right.

I agree about Roy, for me he plays a too similar tactic to what rafa did the last couple of seasons, but also the players have to show some sort of passion or skill, or both. Also again, the players let rafa down as well by underperforming in games.

Roy has to go but also so do many of the players.

The whole team does need a major overhaul but we need somebody competent in charge of it and Roy ain't that person by a long chalk.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:02 pm
by boodiddy1
No more balanced views from me.

:censored: off Woy, you are trult the worst manager i have ever seen at anfield. If agger is fit, why resort to using the two neanderthals at the back. Why Raul on right? Kuyt on left? Konchesky should never wear a red shirt again. Joe cole isnt given games.

Oh and Fernando, if you dont wanna play then ask for a move! Thanks for your first two years, but you are really stinking that no 9 shirt out.

Dreadful! Out out out out. Just :censored: off

PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:03 pm
by Emerald Red
Jamie Redknapp on Sky - the first thing he does is rip into Fernando Torres. F*ck off, Redknapp!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:04 pm
by Thommo's perm
18 days off and perform like that against the worst team in the prem. Fu*king cheeky tw@ts!
The lot of them should fu'ck off and never play for us again. I take that back, only the greek had a go.
Torres is a sulking cu'nt, Gerrard was ca'ck, johnson needs a Fu*king hiding for impersonating a footballer.
Utter shi'thouses and a disgrace to the badge

PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:04 pm
by bunglemark2
Number 9 wrote:And Sammy Lee can fuc'k off too!

Hear, hear...

PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:04 pm
by roberto green
Dear oh dear I'm off to bed and I fully expect that in the morning I have heard of roys resignation

PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:05 pm
by Greavesie
Emerald Red wrote:Jamie Redknapp on Sky - the first thing he does is rip into Fernando Torres. F*ck off, Redknapp!

the first and only thing he has to do is put his resignation in!  :angry:

PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:06 pm
by metalhead
boodiddy1 wrote:No more balanced views from me.

:censored: off Woy, you are trult the worst manager i have ever seen at anfield. If agger is fit, why resort to using the two neanderthals at the back. Why Raul on right? Kuyt on left? Konchesky should never wear a red shirt again. Joe cole isnt given games.

Oh and Fernando, if you dont wanna play then ask for a move! Thanks for your first two years, but you are really stinking that no 9 shirt out.

Dreadful! Out out out out. Just :censored: off

spot on mate

PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:06 pm
by 7_Kewell
Roy's not the man to take us forward, but he's not to blame either. Our squad lacks passion, drive and commitment.

Johnson and Torres can go as far as im concered and we need a complete clear out to sort all of this out.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:08 pm
by woof woof !
Thought Wolves were gonna come and park the bus, instead they just climbed into it and ran us over.

Lets face it, 80% of our squad are seriously short on talent, ability and desire and the remaining 20% have joined them in a show of solidarity.

No quick fix to this one lads, prepare for many more seasons of mediocrity before (if ever) we get back to the "glory days".

Right now I'm thinking we should sell the f'ucking lot of them. Tear it down and start again :angry:  :angry:   :sniffle

PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:08 pm
by Zidane
Johnson?  He actually played well and was :censored: at how we were performing you could see it on the pitch that he was agitated and I would be too, maybe he should just sulk and not give a sh!t like Nando and Stevie.  We were awful but Glen was one of the few players that actually looked like he cared today.

Anyway I'm fuming right now and sad at the same time these are hard times to be a Liverpool fan but brighter times are still ahead once we get rid of all of the clubs problems and start fresh.