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PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 2:15 pm
by LFC2007
s@int wrote:Joe Cole ?  Left/right/centre

Highly, highly, highly, highly, highly, highly, highly, highly, highly unlikely.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 3:53 pm
by account deleted by request
LFC2007 wrote:
s@int wrote:Joe Cole ?  Left/right/centre

Highly, highly, highly, highly, highly, highly, highly, highly, highly unlikely.

Rubbish, we have more chance of signing him than that !

Highly, highly, highly, highly, unlikely maybe  :D

PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 4:12 pm
by Reg
Bad Bob wrote:1) Why did they wait so long to let Rafa know they weren't going to sanction the deal? 

2) What kind of trend does this set? 

We go back to my recent post in the Takeover thread, Who is in charge at Anfield? Clearly there is a massive communication problem if Rafa has been chasing a lad for 3 months to be told the owners dont agree?

In terms of the trend, on one hand the owners have every right to decline finance for a player they believe not good enough or too expensive, on the other, they have the obligation to communicate their strategy so that owners and manager are aligned. As it is, it looks like the right hand doesnt know what the left is doing.

Its a joke really.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 5:04 pm
by maypaxvobiscum
peewee wrote:
Owzat wrote:
Toffeehater wrote:
Owzat wrote:

Hicks decides to prove fans wrong by getting involved with the club and learning about the players.  He googles "Is Gareth Barry worth 18m" and it sent him here.  He read all 96 pages, and decided no.


I find it quite funny that some are criticising the owners for not just coughing up £18m+ for GB. So they've shown some financial sense, so what? For all anyone on here knows they might have been thinking the same things as us, too old, too expensive and do we need him anyway.

I still find it funny that people refer to his ability to play several positions, that's useful but not worth splashing out £18m for. If we were badly short of players who could play LB and LM it would be ok, as it is Pennant, Aurelio, Babel Kuyt, and Benayoun can all play LM, and Arbeloa, Carra, Aurelio, Finnan, Dossena and Degen could all play LB. Would you seriously play an £18m midfielder at full back? £10m striker on the flanks I can understand, but when midfielders get converted to full backs or even CBs then you have to raise an eyebrow over the quality of the squad. I think he's played CB before, might be wrong. I wouldn't sign him on the premise of where he can play but on the premise of where he will play.

Finnan at left back? have never seen him play there adn the same for kuyt at left mid , don't think they would be successful in those positions

I think Kuyt would be as successful as GB on the left, he's adapted pretty well to it and shown to be a more than useful player wide, maybe GB would have an advantage being left-footed - and over Finnan at LB.

But the point is we have plenty of options, some of them not first choice but I never said they were (see "could" and "can"). The point is we're not lacking in cover so that GB can play there is rather irrelevant to the transfer. We're paying the bulk/whole of the fee for where he will play, well we might be but hopefully won't

mate kuyt has not even been successful in the position he was signed for, or when he was shifted to the right, what on earth makes you think he can suddenly be successful on the left?


PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 6:05 pm
by zarababe
guardian reporting the deal is off - looks like the end of a sorry state of affairs - feel sorry for Barry - he wanted the move and put his kneck on the line - literaly

PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 6:07 pm
by dawson99
zarababe wrote:    looks like the end of a sorry state of affairs - feel sorry for Barry - he wanted the move and put his kneck on the line - literaly

if hed put in a transfer id agree with you,. he didnt... he just wants money, so fuk him

PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 6:14 pm
by zarababe

The times is also reporting this - looks like Benitez and owners are gonna be clashing AGAIN :(

PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 6:16 pm
by zarababe
dawson99 wrote:
zarababe wrote:    looks like the end of a sorry state of affairs - feel sorry for Barry - he wanted the move and put his kneck on the line - literaly

if hed put in a transfer id agree with you,. he didnt... he just wants money, so fuk him

Yes I agree - he doesn't have money so he wanted to come to a prestigious club like Liverpool and also play CL football - cos he don;'t have money  :upside:

PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 8:06 pm
by Toffeehater
From The Times
August 9, 2008
Rafael Benitez on warpath as Gareth Barry deal falls through
Fresh crisis looms over Anfield after Liverpool's owners veto transfer despite offer of £12 million interest-free loan
Tony Evans

Rafael BenÍtez’s relationship with Liverpool’s owners reached crisis point last night when it emerged that not only had Tom Hicks and George Gillett Jr vetoed the manager’s bid to buy Gareth Barry but that the American duo had turned down an offer of a £12 million interest-free loan to help to buy the Aston Villa midfield player.

The loan - which The Times understands was proposed by a millionaire Liverpool fan concerned about the ramifications for the club if the deal fell through - was offered this week and rejected by the owners. The £12 million would have financed the initial instalments demanded by Villa.

Hicks and Gillett agreed to provide the £18 million to buy Barry a week ago after Martin O’Neill, the Villa manager, conceded defeat in his battle to keep his captain. However, the owners have made a U-turn and told BenÍtez on Thursday that Barry is too expensive and, at 27, lacks resale value. The club last month paid Tottenham Hotspur £20.3 million for Robbie Keane, who is 28.

The owners had failed to express their reservations about Barry during the protracted transfer saga and their misgivings this week drew suspicions that they could not find the cash to pay for him.

Hicks and Gillett have strenuously denied rumours that they are in financial trouble. Sources close to the owners suggested last night that they had refused the loan because they had enough money to seal the deal themselves.

Either way, the news that money was available will infuriate BenÍtez, because it appears that Hicks and Gillett are questioning his judgment. The Americans have also raised questions about the number of central midfield players in the squad and suggested that BenÍtez has enough talent to work with in that area.

Spokesmen for both Gillett and Hicks refused to comment last night.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 9:42 pm
by Ben1988
Old news in terms of liverpool i mean i read it in tha paper this morning lol so its old new in this sorry state of afairs.. make sus look terrible. selling top players to buy other players... the player isnt realy needed in the opinion of many.... the owners have tried to make a stand and used his age and re-sale value as their reason havin just allowed rafa to buy an older more expensive robbie keane.

I hope for rafas sake this is sorted cos i dont wana lose him.... but at the same time we need the board on our side to stump up some cash for the players we need if they wont allow the purchase as barry.

Its just a mess that needs sorting asap as we are begining to look pretty tin pot

PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 9:43 pm
by Ben1988
is that fair? ???

PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 10:59 pm
by zarababe
LFC Statement on official site:

Liverpool Football Club have today released the following press statement. 
Liverpool FC Chief Executive Rick Parry said: "There has been a lot of comment today regarding our position with regards to Gareth Barry.
"This is not about questioning the Manager's judgement or the ability of a particular player. The owners have clearly demonstrated throughout the year they are willing to back Rafa in the transfer market and will continue to do so.
"It is obviously the selling club's prerogative to put whatever price they want on the player, but on this occasion Liverpool think the price quoted is too high." 

So are we signing him or not ???  Typical Parry talk - all riddles no straight answers - so we are not buying him then - farce farce face - we've become a laffing stock since these Americanos came :angry:

PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 11:17 pm
by JoeTerp
^^^ think we would have been more of a laughing stock had we payed 40 million pounds for two 28 year olds when we don't have the money to continually support that kind of spending.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 11:18 pm
by skatesy
I think it has a lot more to do with how RATIONAL it is to spend approximately 18 Million on Gareth Barry. I think it is obvious that the management at LFC realizes that this is WAY overpriced and it just so happens to be that this opinion is the opinion of most.

If we took the 18 million and went for a influential player in a highly needed area of the pitch I am sure that the management would go along with it.

MON has evidently taken advantage of the fact that Rafa has been seriously go after Gareth Barry and, as a result, has really put up the price. I think it is now time to tell MON to :censored: off with that price and then see him coming back to us with a lower offer once Barry demands to be transferred.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 11:24 pm
by zarababe
.... in-decision makes us a laffing stock on the eve of the new season - the player is 'too old and over priced' - so what's changed on 4 mths ?

if utd sign berbatov for 25 mill - won't be counting his age then will we.

it's the principle of the matter we have courted the signing for 4mths & not reached an agreement, but the statement does not put an end to it.. still