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PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2007 1:01 pm
by ste123lfc
taff wrote: :laugh:
I remember Plink plink when I lived in Liverpool in the 90's

I had a run in with Purple Aki as well, he used to intimidate students in the campus in town.

Anyone remember Jaffa

I remember Jaffa. All the Kop used to sing Jaffa is our leader. Top bloke.

PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2007 12:39 am
by destro
:D THE funniest thread ive ever read on here, living in Manchester ive never had the pleasure ??? of meeting any of these characters. I shall make it my mission to arm myself with a camera,track these people down and photograph them.  :nod

PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2007 1:52 am
by jonnymac1979
Who's that blonde grock?  Never saw him before...  Gonna have to keep my eyes open for him!!!!

Who remembers that boss tramp who used to hang around outside the Playhouse and the Jobcentre and Wimpy?  Had no toes in his trainers and he used to stand there with his hand out and he'd be shaking his whole body as if he was freezing, saying his repeated mantra "Have you got 50 pence for a cup of tea please?" 

Me and my mate Malky used to rate the tramps in the order of how much they made us laugh (i.e. picking letfover food or half drunk milkshakes out of bins and eating/drinking it etc... in full public view) and he was our favourite tramp in Liverpool City Centre.

Saw him having a right barney with this other fella in Queens Square once and the insult " fucking tramp..." got thrown at him. 

Should have saw his reation, hahahaha, he went fucking nuts!!!!  "Who are you calling a fucking tramp?" as if he was dead offended and he wasn't one!!!!!  I was nearly having a heart attack laughing watching this unfold!!!!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2007 11:23 am
dont know if anyone on hear is old enough to remember mary 4 coats im talkin 1960s she used to roam alomg greaty market ,st anne street and scotty rd shouting at everyone, we was all terrified of her winter or summer she used to wear loads of coats and about 3 hats on her head. if you looked at her she used to chase you . but cause we all thought we were brave and when we had nothing to do we all used to go looking for her. anyone who is from around that area and who is as old as me must remember her

PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2007 6:31 pm
by neil
what about old 'fruit-wedge kite' always wedgin tangerines in his ears off granby

PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2007 7:33 pm
jonnymac1979 wrote:Who's that blonde grock?  Never saw him before...  Gonna have to keep my eyes open for him!!!!

Who remembers that boss tramp who used to hang around outside the Playhouse and the Jobcentre and Wimpy?  Had no toes in his trainers and he used to stand there with his hand out and he'd be shaking his whole body as if he was freezing, saying his repeated mantra "Have you got 50 pence for a cup of tea please?" 

Me and my mate Malky used to rate the tramps in the order of how much they made us laugh (i.e. picking letfover food or half drunk milkshakes out of bins and eating/drinking it etc... in full public view) and he was our favourite tramp in Liverpool City Centre.

Saw him having a right barney with this other fella in Queens Square once and the insult " fucking tramp..." got thrown at him. 

Should have saw his reation, hahahaha, he went fucking nuts!!!!  "Who are you calling a fucking tramp?" as if he was dead offended and he wasn't one!!!!!  I was nearly having a heart attack laughing watching this unfold!!!!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Dunno if it's the same guy JMAC but there used to be an old tramp hangin' around Williamson Sq. (around sayers on the corner), had like grey/white hair and beard and he used to stand there with a cardboard guitar and sorta making a noise like a tune.  :D  Didn't see him for a couple a months and then just before christmas one year saw him on the same corner dressed as santa  :D . Saw him again couple of weeks after chrimbo and his cardboard guitar had been upgraded to an old tennis racket - looked like he'd ad a good xmas.  :laugh:

PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 11:21 am
Posting on when i first became a red brings back memories of one local legend does any one remember the Walrus(thanks  saint of reminding me of his name) He was a copper that used to walk in front of the kop every home game and snarl at everyone, every home match people used to sing his name and when hed turn round and look at you yed :censored: yourself . He was ledge at anfield

PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 11:42 am
by Hebz
in coventry we just get crazy old trampy ladies talking to themselves, and tramps fighting over an empty bottle of water :(