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PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 8:39 am
by woof woof !
[quote="LIVERPOOLANYTIME"]C.mon on Lando, you know they will STILL find something...such as if it is dark chocolate, then they would complain that they prefer milk chocolate and vice versa FFS!!! ???   :angry:

It's true    :D

Years ago a girlfriend of mine recieved a suprise 21st birthday present from her parents . A brand new car  .Her very first words when she saw it were " Oh , it's blue   :(  "

You just can't win    :no

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 10:32 am
by Woollyback
Women marry men thinking that they will change, then get disappointed when they don't

Men marry women thinking they won't change, then get disappointed when they do

PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 3:50 am
by Lando_Griffin
The Red Baron wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:As I've said in the past, sometimes with a little more gusto(!), women are brilliant for the first few days/weeks/months, (depending on their ability to resist their baser instincts). However, once they feel secure enough, they begin testing your commitment and love. These tests escalate until we men, due to severe fatigue and annoyance at the constant assault and apparent lack of reason, turn around and tell them to "b*llocks". This is a bad idea. We simply drop our resolve for one moment, and kiss goodbye to any chance of an amicable resolvement. With that one word, (or another of similar meaning), our lady-folk turn into wailing banshees. Gone is all resemblance to the woman we fell for. Instead, we are subjected to a crazed, wounded, half-starved Rottweiler routine. The only way you can find peace in a life lived with a woman, is to keep the body in a freezer.:D :p :angry: :D :laugh:

Lando you have hit the nail on the head with this one. :bowdown

Damn!I was aiming for the girlfriend!  :angry:  :D