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PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 2:37 pm
by red37
welcome back

PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 7:40 pm
by 72-1136150807
Thank you Red 37, yes I was doing my own predictions in the League Competition, remember that we all use seperate log in details on there from the forum itself. So though my other ccount was deleted, I was still able to do my predictions, even though I didnt have a forum account!

Red37, why you so interested in my predictions, is it because I am riding high in the table eh??  :laugh:


Anyway thanks for the welcome mate!

PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 1:12 am
by red37
:laugh:  coz when you disappeared i was after your spot!! :pirate

(just to say all the politics involved here dont interest me: the racism and all the psychiatry/paranoia etc...both you and barry havnt gone down them roads and not learnt from it. we all at times need to think before opening our gobs...)

the part of the forum you use for discussion about football, you use very well and thats the part your best at.

dont spoil it all eh la  :;):

happy new year to you AND barry.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 1:25 am
by 72-1136150807
Cheers Red :)

Yea, happy new year to you AND Barry too.

But yea I here you though, have been posting quite a bit in footy now and starting to enjoy it again, well thats the reason I found the place in the first place.

As for my 'spot', haha, mate you are 16pts off my pace and I got six games in hand on you!!  I am trying to break that six point gap to Dalglish, I just cant close it.
But I gotta keep an eye on Mike111222 (who the hell is he! ???), Stapo and Neil is coming up real fast in the past couple of weeks. He's probably top of tthe form table right now (if we had one!).

PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 1:52 am
by red37
i was gutted i missed 28th dec. predictions  :(  just couldnt face another mince pie   :D

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 5:38 am
by Lando_Griffin
I'm sorry LA (Hoodfella). I thought you were a decent sort of chap before you got banned, and when I realised you were back I was quite glad, as you can be insightful and funny.

However - coming on this thread and saying the things you have is just plain stupidity. I thought you had some intelligence about you, but it seems I was wrong.

In fairness, the stipulations the mods gave you weren't unreasonable, and were easy to follow. Certain folks were obviously PM'd about your true identity, but that wasn't enough for you. Why? Why get banned for good, just to have a dig at someone who cannot defend themselves? (Barry.)

Despite the laughs, I think you're nothing but a wind-up merchant who likes to hide behind a veneer of lies and self-credited intellect.

Now bogger off, you stupid idiot.  :no

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 5:40 am
by Lando_Griffin
BTW - I'd welcome Barry back, on the understanding that one more outburst gets rid of him for good.

Everyone deserves a second chance, and now he's seen the action the Mod's will take, he should be OK.

If not - it's the end of the matter.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 7:03 am
by Lionheart
As the person that Barry aimed his initial outburst toward (as well as other Australians indirectly) I think it might be appropriate that I have some input into this discussion...and it seems to have gotton way off track with LIVERPOOLANYTIME (aka Hoodwink, Hoodfella, whatever) and his brainless antics...AGAIN!!!

I have PM'd Barry and he assures me that no offence was meant. I'm not sure that I accept the excuse/reason that it was the grog that was talking...we don't accept this as a reason for killing someone on the road (yes, I know he hasn't killed anyone!!) do we? But as I don't know Barry, I therefore need to give him the benefit of the doubt...a second chance as it were.

I don't want Barry to like me or for me to like him, but I do think we need to be able to discuss things without someone (even a drunken someone) berating you because of your colour, age, ethnicity, sexual preference, etc.. We live in a world that is made up of individuals from all these walks of life and more. We don't have to love them, like or even understand them, but to live in peace with them we have to accept them (presuming they are doing no harm to anyone). If you can't accept this simple ideaology of life then maybe this isn't the place for you.

Apology accepted Barry. It is now up to the Mods as what to do from here.       :)

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 7:08 am
by babu
Lionheart wrote:As the person that Barry aimed his initial outburst toward (as well as other Australians indirectly) I think it might be appropriate that I have some input into this discussion...and it seems to have gotton way off track with LIVERPOOLANYTIME (aka Hoodwink, Hoodfella, whatever) and his brainless antics...AGAIN!!!

I have PM'd Barry and he assures me that no offence was meant. I'm not sure that I accept the excuse/reason that it was the grog that was talking...we don't accept this as a reason for killing someone on the road (yes, I know he hasn't killed anyone!!) do we? But as I don't know Barry, I therefore need to give him the benefit of the doubt...a second chance as it were.

I don't want Barry to like me or for me to like him, but I do think we need to be able to discuss things without someone (even a drunken someone) berating you because of your colour, age, ethnicity, sexual preference, etc.. We live in a world that is made up of individuals from all these walks of life and more. We don't have to love them, like or even understand them, but to live in peace with them we have to accept them (presuming they are doing no harm to anyone). If you can't accept this simple ideaology of life then maybe this isn't the place for you.

Apology accepted Barry. It is now up to the Mods as what to do from here.       :)

when did you get so wise old fella?

I remmeber a few of your early post that's weren't so understanding, but that was well said.   :;):

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 7:12 am
by 112-1077774096
Lando_Griffin wrote:I'm sorry LA (Hoodfella). I thought you were a decent sort of chap before you got banned, and when I realised you were back I was quite glad, as you can be insightful and funny.

However - coming on this thread and saying the things you have is just plain stupidity. I thought you had some intelligence about you, but it seems I was wrong.

In fairness, the stipulations the mods gave you weren't unreasonable, and were easy to follow. Certain folks were obviously PM'd about your true identity, but that wasn't enough for you. Why? Why get banned for good, just to have a dig at someone who cannot defend themselves? (Barry.)

Despite the laughs, I think you're nothing but a wind-up merchant who likes to hide behind a veneer of lies and self-credited intellect.

Now bogger off, you stupid idiot.  :no

well said, someone who can see him for what he is.

im more surprised he has has got other posters on here on his side. i thought people would have some level of intelligence to see exactly what he is doing, trying to get seasoned posters on his side and some of them have fallen for the lies and the false niceness.

the guy is, was and always will be an idiot, just to reiterate, the guy is racist, a self confessed criminal (he email is kariminal ffs), violent (confesses to like the use of knives in fights), argumentitive, and also a sympathiser for terrorists. if he can pull the wool over the eyes of some posters on here then i pity them, its easy to be nice to people but also not be a good person. dont fall for the nice veneer at the moment becase thats all it is, a veneer.

so andy g and garymac, in relation to your statements about me in another thread "yes i will continue to wind this idiot up until he blows and reveals his true self, and i wont rest until he is banned again".

also Gary, how can you tell me to grow up? the only person i argue with on here is karim and he knows the reason why, there is nothing childish about it. the guy is an idiot and deserved his ban, and if you cant see that and cant see trough the falseness of him now then maybe you should find an adult like me to guide you through life mate because you are too trusting and will get taken for a ride.

that said gary i always enjoy your posts and like your humour as i said in my pm so i dont intend to let the gangster wannabe stop us getting on. however i will continue my actions aginst him (NOTE MY ACTIONS ARE NOT AGAINST YOU SO LETS SEE WHO IS THE GROWN UP HERE, IT SEEMS YOU HAVE BECOME HIS PR REP ON HERE SO LETS SEE HOW FAR YOU WILL TAKE IT WITH FALLING OUT WITH POSTERS), im sure you know others on here dont get on with him but i didnt see their names mentioned, only mine. obviously some cosy little pms going on between you both.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 7:45 am
by babu
not that my opinions matter, but..

I used to like reading LPA posts, then i noticed him fly off the handle over a very small matter and vicously attack another poster. After the second time I asked him 'whats up with the sudden outbursts', and then I was on the recieveing end. I stupidly started a thread under an obviously fake sign in name asking him to calm down, becuase i knew i'd be inundated with long winded explanations.

But that was very early on, he grew steadily worst as time went on and the final straw were those sick comments about liverpool and his other attacks in his 'justification thread'.

I am with peewee on this one, this guy is sick and no amount of niceties now, will change the fact that he is a sad individual. I for one am glad peewee has the time and inclination to stir him up now (rather than put up with LPA for longer), because god knows when he is justifiying himself, each post is like a small novel of waffle.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 12:29 pm
by JBG
Again, to reiterate, there is no point in indulging this guy. A couple of long standing members have already fallen out over him, which is sad, if you ask me.

As I said in another thread, the moderators suggested to LIVERPOOLANYTIME that it might have been possible for him to return with a new identity if he kept his head down, didn't get into arguements and on the strict condition that he did not reveal his identity. This would have been a decent and fair second chance, and for two or three days, he stuck to this, but he couldn't keep quiet and had to give his five cents about BarryBelfast, an incident which had nothing to do with him. He then went on to post a specific thread revealing who he was, thus causing the current furore.

I am waiting for the response from all the other moderators. They know my position on this. The forum needs a lot of moderating at the moment with the influx of new members from the .tv site, and we don't have the time to waste on Hoodfella, who is here to cause rows and carry on a crusade against perceived injustices at the hands of the moderators and other members.

As far as I am concerned, even though I didn't fully support it, he was given a second chance but he blew it, and that should be the end of it now.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 12:52 pm
by andy_g
peewee wrote:well said, someone who can see him for what he is.

im more surprised he has has got other posters on here on his side. i thought people would have some level of intelligence to see exactly what he is doing, trying to get seasoned posters on his side and some of them have fallen for the lies and the false niceness.

the guy is, was and always will be an idiot, just to reiterate, the guy is racist, a self confessed criminal (he email is kariminal ffs), violent (confesses to like the use of knives in fights), argumentitive, and also a sympathiser for terrorists. if he can pull the wool over the eyes of some posters on here then i pity them, its easy to be nice to people but also not be a good person. dont fall for the nice veneer at the moment becase thats all it is, a veneer.

so andy g and garymac, in relation to your statements about me in another thread "yes i will continue to wind this idiot up until he blows and reveals his true self, and i wont rest until he is banned again".

also Gary, how can you tell me to grow up? the only person i argue with on here is karim and he knows the reason why, there is nothing childish about it. the guy is an idiot and deserved his ban, and if you cant see that and cant see trough the falseness of him now then maybe you should find an adult like me to guide you through life mate because you are too trusting and will get taken for a ride.

that said gary i always enjoy your posts and like your humour as i said in my pm so i dont intend to let the gangster wannabe stop us getting on. however i will continue my actions aginst him (NOTE MY ACTIONS ARE NOT AGAINST YOU SO LETS SEE WHO IS THE GROWN UP HERE, IT SEEMS YOU HAVE BECOME HIS PR REP ON HERE SO LETS SEE HOW FAR YOU WILL TAKE IT WITH FALLING OUT WITH POSTERS), im sure you know others on here dont get on with him but i didnt see their names mentioned, only mine. obviously some cosy little pms going on between you both.

how much more of a self righteous, narrow minded, patronising tw@t do you think you could actually be, peewee? i mean if you really, really tried hard?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 12:55 pm
by dawson99
so whos barry belfast again :p

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 1:10 pm
by Sabre
Is it me or does this guy type exactly the same way as LIVERPOOL ANYTIME or what   
You have an awful lot to say about Barry considering your new and dont know him " Busted " 

I hope LA is not Hoodfella, otherwise I'd be very angry, because LA still hasn't answered a PM I sent him 3 weeks ago :angry:

As for Barry, I must say that I've seen a couple of things that can be considered racist. But in all fairness, I did receive a couple of PM from him, when a couple of misunderstandings happened, in which he made clear that he didn't want to be offensive. As a foreigner I haven't feeled I've been mistreated by him, or at least, I didn't understand :D