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PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 4:04 pm
by jkop
Rafa-Dodd wrote:
jkop wrote:This purple Aki is a real talking point, the best thing to do with people like him is wait untill they are sleeping then tie them up, then knock his :censored: in, then run away shouting my name is Rafa-dodd. :D

Purple Aki doesn't sleep, he waits.

Purple Aki isn't hung like a horse, horses are hung like purple aki. (Well thats what daxy said like!)

Jkop, why on earth would you want to tie him up? Kinky games? Oh I see, Horses for courses and alll that  :eyebrow

I forgot to add after he is tied up, to put the rubber ball in his mouth. :D

PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 4:05 pm
by jkop
CharmlessMan wrote:
jkop wrote:
CharmlessMan wrote:
peewee wrote:yes thats aki, and to answer why no one has kicked the sh1t out of him, the guy is massive, about 6'6" and well built

I'm sure me, Rafa-Dodd, Daxy, Jkop and Igor could belt seven shades of :censored: out the bastid.  :D

I knew Aki was tall, but I didn't realise he was Peter Crouch sized.  :laugh:

You hit him first Charmlessman and ill follow, but if hes still standing your on your own ! :D

I'll hit him when someone spends £20 quid on me getting lashed, so when he does smash my face in I won't feel anything.  :laugh:


PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 4:18 pm
by jonnymac1979
Woollyback wrote:
dawson99 wrote:Local legends are fun. I remember being in the pub after the chelsea game down here in london and this ape of aman sat down with me and two of my mates. His knuckles were virtually dragging across the floor as he walked. Big skin head, 6ft6 must have weighed 19 stone.

First thing he said when he sat down was "Have you ever killed a man"

Turned out he had just got out of jail after serving 12 years for murder and this was his get out of jail drink. the bouncers who i get on with had accosted me ni the toilets to sort out a signal i could use if anything happened. My mate who was real druk kept hugging the guy for some reason and trying to be his mate and it wasnt long before i used the signal and he was asked to leave.

Havent seem him since luckily but he was one scary dude.

there's a bullsh*tter in every boozer dawsonio, i remember some p*ssed up irish berk telling us late one night at the station taxi rank how he was ex-IRA and how dangerous he was. he got lairy and my mate put him on the floor like a sack of spuds with one punch, daft bugger :D

Years ago, I had some prick telling me once in the Bar Bar in town that he was being investigated by the TV show World In Action because he was one of the biggest drugs importers in the country and he was getting away with it because it couldn't be proved.

I swear to God, a few weeks later, I saw the puny little fucker queuing up to get into the Wonderbar like a fucking prick.  If he was so big time, he would have sailed right past the doormen without queuing up, and wouldn't have even been going in the Wonderbar or Bar Bar anyway as they are just average bars in Liverpool.  Don't big time gangsters visit VIP bars as far as I'm aware, not drink in places 16 year old can frequent with fake ID's?

When I saw him, I knew I recognised him from somewhere but I'd forgotten, when it came back to me I just started laughing to myself.  No way was he anyone.  Just some absolute prick.  Made me realise some people are just weird and you shouldn't get talking to bellends in bars.  The only reason I was talking to him in the first place in the Bar Bar is because he was trying to chat up my bird (at the time, who admittedly was a belter so I don't blame him....) while I was getting served at the bar so I fronted the prick asking him what he was playing at.  Tit.

I hate lying tossers.  But to come out with such a fucking story was priceless.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 5:03 pm
by 67-1161385641
I was at a bar once, I got chatting to this foxy looking lady, I told her I was a lawyer, after a few hours of talking we went back to her place and started making out (as you do) we got five minutes into it and I said to her "you know what?" she said "what", I said "I've only been a lawyer for a few hours and I'm screwing someone".

PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 8:29 pm
by Feeney
Well worth it for this guys....

WARNING - swearing in this video, please do not watch if easily offended

:laugh: :laugh:

PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 9:06 pm
by jonnymac1979
Brilliant. :laugh:

PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 9:18 pm
by davo_LFC
this purple aki fella is known by ours, infact he tried to grip a kid a few years ago, we got a letter of the school abar him lol. I thought his name was pear blackie lol, some big black fella, hes a stock like, an hes meant to say "do yer want to feel me muscles" before promptly grippin yer an havin off with yer down some lonely sh.ithole in the middle of nowheresville. Not that any one with half a brain cell would want to go near the kunt, never mind touch the fu.ckers muscles. :D

PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 11:01 pm
by daxy1
davo_LFC wrote:this purple aki fella is known by ours, infact he tried to grip a kid a few years ago, we got a letter of the school abar him lol. I thought his name was pear blackie lol, some big black fella, hes a stock like, an hes meant to say "do yer want to feel me muscles" before promptly grippin yer an havin off with yer down some lonely sh.ithole in the middle of nowheresville. Not that any one with half a brain cell would want to go near the kunt, never mind touch the fu.ckers muscles. :D

it's ok davo lad confessions are treated with top respect on here mate. they say it's the first step an all that  :p

PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 11:41 pm
by davo_LFC
daxy1 wrote:
davo_LFC wrote:this purple aki fella is known by ours, infact he tried to grip a kid a few years ago, we got a letter of the school abar him lol. I thought his name was pear blackie lol, some big black fella, hes a stock like, an hes meant to say "do yer want to feel me muscles" before promptly grippin yer an havin off with yer down some lonely sh.ithole in the middle of nowheresville. Not that any one with half a brain cell would want to go near the kunt, never mind touch the fu.ckers muscles. :D

it's ok davo lad confessions are treated with top respect on here mate. they say it's the first step an all that  :p

Oi!!! if the kunt came near me i'd give him a size 9 adidas samba to the grid and knock his railings out. Coz am hard like that  :D

seriously though, hes a bad peado and he was meant to be the sugar daddy in prison aswell, the ald "pass the soap" merchant.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 12:55 am
by Woollyback
daxy1 wrote:
davo_LFC wrote:this purple aki fella is known by ours, infact he tried to grip a kid a few years ago, we got a letter of the school abar him lol. I thought his name was pear blackie lol, some big black fella, hes a stock like, an hes meant to say "do yer want to feel me muscles" before promptly grippin yer an havin off with yer down some lonely sh.ithole in the middle of nowheresville. Not that any one with half a brain cell would want to go near the kunt, never mind touch the fu.ckers muscles. :D

it's ok davo lad confessions are treated with top respect on here mate. they say it's the first step an all that  :p

:laugh:  yeah c'mon davo let it all out you're amongst friends on here, promise we won't tell yer mates (honest :D )

PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 4:20 pm
by davo_LFC
are you getting me mixed up with judge fella's? :D

PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 4:34 pm
by Leonmc0708
peewee wrote:yeah mate, jaffa. he used to run a marathon every day that guy, seriously he run miles every day, very fit. used to stand on the kop.

i wonder what happened to him

He sells lighters and that outside the Bootle Strand Shopping Centre.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 11:57 pm
by dawson99
you cant be a proper legend if everyone knows your name, address picture....

he sounds like a local eejit, thats about it, hes hardly keyzer soze

PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 11:56 pm
by Rafa D
Another belter I have met recently on my travels working in the railway.

Tasker - Lives in the trees by Eastham Rake and is a well known nutter up there. He is always warbling on about how the earth is going to end. Belter.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 12:00 am
by Rafa D
I used to hang around with a few mates by Swanside, it a close and it had a patch of green where we could play footy so it was boss. Plus there was some minge around there as well so that helped. I was about 10. Just by Swanside is a place called Thingwall, it's where madheads go to live. They have their own place with carers looking after them. Anyway, they used to go for walks on there own, I guess that was their 15 minutes of freedom, and they used to walk past where we played every day. There was one infamous one who used to chase us and try and fight us. He was called George. One day my mate through his Meat and Potato pasty at his head. It fucking rocketed off it. He deserved it though, he was trying Axe-Handle smash some girls skull in, who was also my age at the time. Anyway, this pasty nearly takes his head off so he stops chasing us. Then he fucking picked the pasty up and ate it. So from then on he was called Georgey-Porgey Pasty Head. Another time he was on his little walk and he chased us again but I'd had enough and stood up to him. You have to remember how young I was, I didn't know he had that super strength they get when they get angry. He swung at me and nearly killed me. I just took the punch and managed to stay on my feet. He started throwing more but I was well fucking onto him and he was so slow I could dodge them. I could have thrown some punches back but I wouldn't of hurt him so I just ran away. I thought I was solid standing up to him but he fucking leveled my head in with one punch with added war cry. I got the shop, with him right behind me, shouted to the fella that Georgey was kicking my teeth in and the fella dove over the counter and started throwing Twix's at his head to get him away.

I had to report the whole thing as an attack and he got moved from the area. It was always a laugh around there though. There was one fella who was called "W*nk Man". You probably get the jist of it but he would walk around with his :censored: out, sparking it off over us playing footy. He got moved as well.