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PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 12:00 pm
by adamnbarrett
It's just that us users (yes, well more than 3) feel whoever hacked our site had crossed a line

Just like Garcia's goal  :wwww  :rasp

PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 12:02 pm
by jonnymac1979
Hacking and bragging?  It's all the fucking same to me fella.  It suits me to look at the hacking issue as bragging.  Suits you to complain though, you're avoiding my issue.  Just because a stunt has affected your club it makes it oh so bad, but when your stunt affects other clubs, that's perfectly acceptable is it?  It's a laugh then isn't it?

There's no proof it was a member of this forum who pulled this stunt, hackers in nature like the bragging rights which comes with it and someone somewhere will know who the culprit is.  It's not somedody on here though as far as I can see.  But your little trick (if it would have come off successfully) would have affected this forum no doubt.  I didn't actually see your hacked forum, but did it say LFCNEWKIT.CO.UK ARE HACKING CFCNET plastered all over it?  How do you know it isn't a member of RAWK,,, TalkLFC or any other forum that did this?  You don't because it would have meant some comeback for the guilty forum from your lot no doubt.

Your stunt however had CFCnet bang to rights.  So again, stop your complaining.  Your "bragging" has come back to haunt you and I couldn't give a fuck or feel sorry for the way you've had the piss taken out of you since Saturday.

Bamaga Man, click the link and open it up to full size, the general gist is to tell their army of posters to visit Liverpool forums and repeatedly post again and again that Steven Gerrard had handed in a transfer request.  You know, just in case we didn't realise.

While this gobs*i*e Rob Hobson is asking though, can you tell Rob Hobson that the famous Scouse humour was indeed evident that day when he decided he couldn't leave after all and Chelsea AGAIN were left the losers.  He should have logged in here if he wanted to see a good demonstration of it.  You know, just when Steven Gerrard had said he was staying at Liverpool and not going to Mardid or Chelsea.  You know, sense of humour and all that........

PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 12:39 pm
by Roger Red Hat
Wayss & All Chelsea fans, in the words of another fellow forum icon...


PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 12:41 pm
by Wayss
Wasnt that a great result on Saturday ?

Not for me no, for you yes. That's not what this is about. We played like krap and deserved to lose no question. Not behind Jose on that one.

I thought Chelsea fans went to all the "posh schools" and were born with a silver spoon in their mouths, yet I can't find one Chelsea fan who can speak properly and I can't find one that can type well either.

Where on earth did you get that impression from? In any case, all Liverpool fans are gloryhunters likened to a 'prawn sandwich brigade' that you label me. But I'm too polite to bring that up.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 12:45 pm
by 112-1077774096
wayss, when the rent boys decided on a spokesman to come on here and complain, where you really the best they could find?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 12:46 pm
by Wayss
Ok Jonny, not trying to offend this forum, I did a google search, and out of the forums I saw this was the first that had a thread about this incident. That's why I've posted here.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 12:46 pm
by jonnymac1979
Wayss wrote:all Liverpool fans are gloryhunters likened to a 'prawn sandwich brigade' that you label me. But I'm too polite to bring that up.

Boo-fucking-hoo Wayss. 

You've made your point, you didn't like Saturday, I've made my back to you, what goes around comes around.

Take you're crying elsewhere, one more insult from you about 'all' Liverpool fans and I'll make you leave by force if I have to.  You're only a guest on here and I see your precious forum has issued a blanket ban on opposition fans.  I can easily do the same to you.

Does anyone actually like prawns anyway?  I've never eaten a prawn in my life just for the record.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 12:49 pm
by 112-1077774096
football 365

Missing Person
27-year-old male, 6ft tall, brown hair. Last seen wearing a blue shirt with number 8 on the back just before kick-off at Old Trafford on Saturday. Unconfirmed sighting on the edge of the area 21 minutes later, dodging a free-kick. Believed to be heading for Barcelona.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 12:52 pm
by Judge
i signed up on

made two posts, which were tasteful, and because i said i was a lfc fan, my posting rights were withdrawn with no explanantion.

i did not swear, make bad comments or anything. is a sh'ite forum, where their arrogance is only equalled by the way they stuff their heads up their onw ar'ses. arrogant fucks, and thats just the supporters.

they even have a thread entitled ''you let the scousers on here''.

what a set of to'ssers they really are !!

thank god we have decorum on here, now fuck off chelsea, and go an mow a fucking meadow :angry:

PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 1:03 pm
by adamnbarrett
Does anyone actually like prawns anyway?  I've never eaten a prawn in my life just for the record.

Join the club John because nor have I

PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 1:04 pm
by Anfield rapper
They are as bad as moureen. They were saying how bad refereeing decissions cost them the game. What a load of BS. Drogba missed a sitter when he was offside which would have stood if it had gone in. Chelsea players were diving at the slightest touch and getting free kicks. Oh and for Terry's disallowed goal the ref should have given him a sadle and he could have rode Riise around the penalty area. As for the Riise free kick Terry showed his studs that to me is a foul. I don't care how much lawrenson thinks it isn't Terry couldn't get the ball with out fouling garcia. If he tries that in the world cup he's going to get booked.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 1:07 pm
by andy_g
prawns are delicious. as are shrimps, crayfish, lobsters, langoustines and crabs.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 1:09 pm
by red37
hey all cfc chumps. how will it feel to watch the maestro pick up his award on sky tonight.... oh it could have been so much different had you had stevie g instead of fat fwank..... :rasp

loadsawad didnt come up trumps there for you eh?  besides, having the look of somebody permenantly sat on the kazi, all abramovich has brought to these shores is his dirty gotten gains.

and a gump of a manager who cant even recognize the most decorated club within blighty's shores have knocked his prima donnas out of the two most 'beautiful' cups...DESERVEDLY!

what a waste of breath the man and the club are. no history, no class and absolutely NO sympathy from me.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 1:17 pm
peewee wrote:
RAGE UK wrote:well well well just like your chumpski manager you have nothing to brag about apart from the faked that you bought a premiership title with money that come from a USSR Muppet with nothing else to do with his cash and turned Chelsea in to just a rich mans toy nothing more nothing less your crapski team cheat in near every game you say that there was not a free kick by terry but you think the same tackle by crouch on terry was worth a booking you lost in a very important game to us to a better team again .

aaaaaaand breath.

have you ever heard of punctuation Rage?


No I have not I do no have time to breath.
Did you not like the post are you a secret blue fan and I hit a nerve.
O you can’t spell you don’t use good grammar.
Shut the flock up you sad bookworm.


PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 1:23 pm
by Anfield rapper
adamnbarrett wrote:
It's just that us users (yes, well more than 3) feel whoever hacked our site had crossed a line

Just like Garcia's goal  :wwww  :rasp
