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PostPosted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 12:15 am
by taff
My theory is this

Roberts the king of multi identities is actuallu talking about himself when he says his mate is a knob and it was him that poo'd his pants after a girl kissed him and he had to go home with his tail between his legs so to speak

ROBERTS  :laugh: say it again what a ridiculous name

PostPosted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 2:48 am
by 82-1074641017
ROBERTS is the stud muffin who girls love to be around.

You all know its true and thats no april fool my current record proves it! :buttrock  :pirate

PostPosted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 11:55 am
by dawson99
RAFABENITEZ wrote:The exact same fuckingthing happened to me lad, here i am, and this bird, bit of a bike but still worth a poke, is on me lap, whispeing this and that to me, its all going well, but my mate starts whinging he wans us to go etc... All it is is jelousy, it was :censored: annoying like, there you are, hand on the :;):  but noooo your mate wans to go :angry:

ok... what is going on with the youth of today..

i go to the pub with a bunch of guys, but at the end of the night i dont wanna be going home with those guys. if u meet a gal and your mate needs a poo heres a little tip jay jay... let him do it by himself.

if your mate is tired, let him go home!!!

I just dunno what to say, im honestly gobsmacked, how is anyone ever gonna erproduce with forest gump out on the pull?

PostPosted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 3:53 pm
by drummerphil
with reflection,i cant believe a bloke would leave a good looking girl who was possibly  on for a bit of "hows your father"........because his mate wanted a shít.? ???? ???

PostPosted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 5:38 pm
by 82-1074641017
drummerphil wrote:with reflection,i cant believe a bloke would leave a good looking girl who was possibly  on for a bit of "hows your father"........because his mate wanted a shít.? ???? ???

Had no choice all of my other mates didnt want to leave him on his own because he gets childish little strops on for days afterwards :sleep

PostPosted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 7:51 pm
dawson99 wrote:
RAFABENITEZ wrote:The exact same fuckingthing happened to me lad, here i am, and this bird, bit of a bike but still worth a poke, is on me lap, whispeing this and that to me, its all going well, but my mate starts whinging he wans us to go etc... All it is is jelousy, it was :censored: annoying like, there you are, hand on the :;):  but noooo your mate wans to go :angry:

ok... what is going on with the youth of today..

i go to the pub with a bunch of guys, but at the end of the night i dont wanna be going home with those guys. if u meet a gal and your mate needs a poo heres a little tip jay jay... let him do it by himself.

if your mate is tired, let him go home!!!

I just dunno what to say, im honestly gobsmacked, how is anyone ever gonna erproduce with forest gump out on the pull?

well tomoro im off to watch some mickey mouse final in the pub, Carlisle v Swansea, a few of me mates who arent glory supporting mancs are having a pis$ up in some bar in town so il go watch it. Best thing is, im in Carlisle so almostevery fella will be at Cardiff = loads of horny housewives on the town  :buttrock

If I dont kop off, you are right to doubt the youth Dawson.


PostPosted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 8:07 pm
by drummerphil
Roberts wrote:
drummerphil wrote:with reflection,i cant believe a bloke would leave a good looking girl who was possibly  on for a bit of "hows your father"........because his mate wanted a shít.? ???? ???

Had no choice all of my other mates didnt want to leave him on his own because he gets childish little strops on for days afterwards :sleep

think i would have told him to shít himself then....... :D

PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 5:56 pm
by Rushie
So did u tell this supposed fit bird that u had to leave cos your mate needed to go for a Tom T*T! cos i'm guessin if u did u must have looked like a right t*t!
Did u wipe his Ar*e for him as well?
Any mate of mine wouldn't have expected me to swerve a fit bird to go somewhere else with him (for a Sh*te or otherwise) especially if there were other mates with him.

If she was as fit as you say she is i'd have told ur mate that he could Sh*t his pants for all u cared!  Failin that, buy the F**ker some nappies.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 6:44 pm
by Leonmc0708
Rushie wrote:So did u tell this supposed fit bird that u had to leave cos your mate needed to go for a Tom T*T! cos i'm guessin if u did u must have looked like a right t*t!
Did u wipe his Ar*e for him as well?
Any mate of mine wouldn't have expected me to swerve a fit bird to go somewhere else with him (for a Sh*te or otherwise) especially if there were other mates with him.

If she was as fit as you say she is i'd have told ur mate that he could Sh*t his pants for all u cared!  Failin that, buy the F**ker some nappies.

Is right Stu lad, you tell him.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 8:21 pm
by 82-1074641017
Rushie wrote:So did u tell this supposed fit bird that u had to leave cos your mate needed to go for a Tom T*T! cos i'm guessin if u did u must have looked like a right t*t!
Did u wipe his Ar*e for him as well?
Any mate of mine wouldn't have expected me to swerve a fit bird to go somewhere else with him (for a Sh*te or otherwise) especially if there were other mates with him.

If she was as fit as you say she is i'd have told ur mate that he could Sh*t his pants for all u cared!  Failin that, buy the F**ker some nappies.

So my other option was to stay there like a t1t on my own :no

PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 12:04 pm
by Rushie
Roberts wrote:
Rushie wrote:So did u tell this supposed fit bird that u had to leave cos your mate needed to go for a Tom T*T! cos i'm guessin if u did u must have looked like a right t*t!
Did u wipe his Ar*e for him as well?
Any mate of mine wouldn't have expected me to swerve a fit bird to go somewhere else with him (for a Sh*te or otherwise) especially if there were other mates with him.

If she was as fit as you say she is i'd have told ur mate that he could Sh*t his pants for all u cared!  Failin that, buy the F**ker some nappies.

So my other option was to stay there like a t1t on my own :no

No mate, ur other option was to stay there and possibly get ur end away with a fit bird!  Besides that, i'd have rather stayed with a couple of birds than go somewhere else just because my mate wanted a Sh*te!  How old are yer???
(I'm not Stu by the way!).[B]

PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 12:22 pm
by dawson99
can someone lock this gay thread. obviously everyone else would let there mates go off and stay with the bird, its obvious and retarded to do otherwise.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 12:28 pm
by 82-1074641017
dawson99 wrote:retarded to do otherwise.

Trust me mate retarded is something im not, qualifications and all :eyebrow
Its hilarious that it cost my mate £3 to have a :censored: :laugh:  :D

PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 12:29 pm
by 82-1074641017
Rushie wrote:No mate, ur other option was to stay there and possibly get ur end away with a fit bird!  Besides that, i'd have rather stayed with a couple of birds than go somewhere else just because my mate wanted a Sh*te!  How old are yer???
(I'm not Stu by the way!).[B]

So hang around all night with a bunch of people I hardly know?
Yer great night that :D  :laugh:

PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 12:33 pm
by dawson99
no..roberts.. u nob the bird, then go home. :p
and sometimes its ko to meet new people