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PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 4:28 am
by Bad Bob
s@int wrote:One more suggestion I would like to make. How about a 24hour warning card, rather than just issuing an unlimited time card. If the recipient does nothing wrong within 24 hours the card gets deleted. Often cards are given and received in haste if not anger and I am sure both sides often regret their actions once tempers have cooled.

You could still keep the regular card for more serious offences, but for minor flair ups etc a sin bin type card might just calm things down without causing the undue resentment that a yellow card sometimes does.

If only.  Unfortunately we can't take cards back without the intervention of a higher power.  A temporary card would be useful, though.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 4:34 am
by account deleted by request
Bad Bob wrote:
s@int wrote:One more suggestion I would like to make. How about a 24hour warning card, rather than just issuing an unlimited time card. If the recipient does nothing wrong within 24 hours the card gets deleted. Often cards are given and received in haste if not anger and I am sure both sides often regret their actions once tempers have cooled.

You could still keep the regular card for more serious offences, but for minor flair ups etc a sin bin type card might just calm things down without causing the undue resentment that a yellow card sometimes does.

If only.  Unfortunately we can't take cards back without the intervention of a higher power.  A temporary card would be useful, though.

I didn't know that Bob, I thought you mods were all powerful as well as all knowing  :D

Still maybe something for the future anyway.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 5:19 am
by red37
We've had this discussion about a 'brief' period suspension card already. Personally i advocated it to be a reasonable suggestion worth looking into. As yet.....the current system is the way it is.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 5:25 am
by bigmick
I've suggested a couple of times that you should get a time on your red card, like a two week ban for instance for being out of order. That way, the bans could increase from say 24 hours for a first offence, to a full season for repeat offenders. That way, you would avoid the spectre of Stu's reappearances under a different guise every couple of weeks. I think if I'd been able to give him say, a two month ban then the forum as a whole would have been better served than it was with the total ban I did give, followed by my  half-ersed attempt to reverse my decision.

The best bit about the whole idea is that we could have a sticky page which gave details of all the remaining sentences and "due to be allowed back in" dates. Not only would it serve the purpose of being a much better deterent than the current card system, it would be a bit of a laugh as well. When I think back to one or two of the spats which went on when I was modding, the idea that you could give somebody a two day ban for being abusive would have sorted the whole thing in no time. Seems like a really good idea to me.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 7:22 am
by babu

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 8:48 am
by Ciggy
BM when did you step down from your modship and why mate?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 8:59 am
by 66-1112520797
In the case of merging the earlier thread i can see the logic, it was clear that it would have just turned into the same discussion as the main G&H/Rafa thread, and already had, and it seems that is the criteria used to lock it. Therefore asking for Leons threads to be locked doesn't make sense along the same lines, say you want them locked for not being funny fair enough, or pointless, but thats not why BMs was moved IMO.

Doesnt b\make sense WTF, its got nothing to do with them being similar, if the Mods or one in particul;ar takes his fecking job so seriously he has to do his job properly and remove the c.rap that Leon posted. But he's picking and choosing who's threads he's moving, notice Bob replied in this thread but nothing about Leons post.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:13 am
by Leonmc0708
Bamaga man wrote:
In the case of merging the earlier thread i can see the logic, it was clear that it would have just turned into the same discussion as the main G&H/Rafa thread, and already had, and it seems that is the criteria used to lock it. Therefore asking for Leons threads to be locked doesn't make sense along the same lines, say you want them locked for not being funny fair enough, or pointless, but thats not why BMs was moved IMO.

Doesnt b\make sense WTF, its got nothing to do with them being similar, if the Mods or one in particul;ar takes his fecking job so seriously he has to do his job properly and remove the c.rap that Leon posted. But he's picking and choosing who's threads he's moving, notice Bob replied in this thread but nothing about Leons post.

Do you want humour removed completely from the forum then ?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:26 am
by 66-1112520797
Leonmc0708 wrote:
Bamaga man wrote:
In the case of merging the earlier thread i can see the logic, it was clear that it would have just turned into the same discussion as the main G&H/Rafa thread, and already had, and it seems that is the criteria used to lock it. Therefore asking for Leons threads to be locked doesn't make sense along the same lines, say you want them locked for not being funny fair enough, or pointless, but thats not why BMs was moved IMO.

Doesnt b\make sense WTF, its got nothing to do with them being similar, if the Mods or one in particul;ar takes his fecking job so seriously he has to do his job properly and remove the c.rap that Leon posted. But he's picking and choosing who's threads he's moving, notice Bob replied in this thread but nothing about Leons post.

Do you want humour removed completely from the forum then ?

What only if you can post it ?

YES, clatternburg.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:39 am
by bigmick
Ciggy wrote:BM when did you step down from your modship and why mate?

I actually asked to be "de-instated" (if there is such a word, and if there isn't there fecking well should be in my book  :) ) around the time that the new lads came on board. It took a little while to come to pass, but I've got to say I'm quite happy now to be back in amongst the ranks.

I did it for six months or so and during my time there were a couple of bigstyle major rows which took up quite a lot of my time and energy. If you've been around the forum as long as I have you can't help but build up a relationship with some people (infact it's one of the best bits of coming on, nobody really, properly, gives a feck about what any of this think about football lets be honest) and I felt moderating people (like yourself Lynds TBH) who I kind of consider to be forum mates very difficult. I fecked it up a few times, I gave you a card when I probably shouldn't, banned stu when I probably shouldn't and fannied around totally innefectually when Peewee and Sabre were at each others throats.

It's a really difficult job to do and make no mistake about it. I know Leon gets a few peoples backs up with his style, but in some ways he's got it right. He doesn't try and be anyones mate, he just gets on with it and doesn't give a feck if he hacks people off. I haven't agreed myself with everything he's done, and some of the other mods have occasionally not done it the way I'd do it but I respect the fact that all of them collectively are trying their best and usually have got it about right.

I tell you this there hasn't been a moment when I wished I was still doing the job. As it is, I can stay out of things if I want, I can have my own little spats here and there, and best of all I can spend my time talking about rotation all the time instead of sorting fights out. I'd better be careful or people who I've absolutely bored sh!tless since I packed it in will be campaigning for me to be reinstated just to shut me up   :D

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:42 am
by Woollyback





can i have a card please i'm feeling left out?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:47 am
by account deleted by request
:laugh:  only you could bring rotation into a "fight thread " Mick :D  Maybe you shouldn't have issued cards mate, just threatened to pm them your thoughts on rotation if they didn't behave :D

BTW I thought you did a cracking job as a mod, so please accept my belated thanks. :)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:49 am
by 66-1112520797
Woollyback wrote:it's





can i have a card please i'm feeling left out?






and gillet









PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 11:18 am
by Woollyback
i was thinking it would be more fun for everyone if i just posted loads of pics of womens t*ts

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 11:27 am
by 66-1112520797
Woollyback wrote:i was thinking it would be more fun for everyone if i just posted loads of pics of womens t*ts

Do that then, but dont talk about just do it.