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PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 12:11 am
by Reinas No.1 Fan
I think they did it to themselves sort of the electronic equivelent of self harming.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 2:07 am
by Alanay
Seriously, Chelsea is a 'funny' club which has 'funny' fans. Even with all those money that Russian billionaire has, still, they do not get any respect from the general football fans. Of course, they cannot buy class...

PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 8:11 am
by anti-hero
I'm racist.

I hate blue people. :D

PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 8:59 am
by 112-1077774096
RAGE UK wrote:well well well just like your chumpski manager you have nothing to brag about apart from the faked that you bought a premiership title with money that come from a USSR Muppet with nothing else to do with his cash and turned Chelsea in to just a rich mans toy nothing more nothing less your crapski team cheat in near every game you say that there was not a free kick by terry but you think the same tackle by crouch on terry was worth a booking you lost in a very important game to us to a better team again .

aaaaaaand breath.

have you ever heard of punctuation Rage?


PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 9:11 am
by Judge
peewee wrote:
RAGE UK wrote:well well well just like your chumpski manager you have nothing to brag about apart from the faked that you bought a premiership title with money that come from a USSR Muppet with nothing else to do with his cash and turned Chelsea in to just a rich mans toy nothing more nothing less your crapski team cheat in near every game you say that there was not a free kick by terry but you think the same tackle by crouch on terry was worth a booking you lost in a very important game to us to a better team again .

aaaaaaand breath.

have you ever heard of punctuation Rage?


he may have big lungs  :D

PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 11:01 am
by Anfield rapper
Just had a look at the cfcnet what a lot of BS. We are being blamed for every human disaster since WW2. Its true they have no class, from the manager down, actually from that village idiot looking Abramovich down. :angry:

PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 11:15 am
by Wayss
the thing is though, that their forum wasn't just spammed - it was hacked. when you loaded the page it read 'LIVERPOOOOL!!!' across the top and the title of pinned topics were changed to stuff
like 'liverpool better than the chelsea rent boys'. there was also a while when the whole screen went red after loading.

obviously i find this kind of childish and offensive behaviour only makes us look more stupid and crass.

but then again, f.cuk it - we won

Okay, all you guys who've been waiting for me to reply...

I am worried about our manager's aparent lack of respect or whatever for anyone or anything or whatever you want to call it; I know that 'you can't buy class' bla bla bla, this is all old stuff. Not what this is about.

It's just that us users (yes, well more than 3) feel whoever hacked our site had crossed a line, as we had tolerated the abuse after the CL semi last year, and also the LiverpoolTV site having a go at us too, but hacking our site and screwing around with it was another thing. How would you like it if your beloved Liverpool FC forum was hacked in a similair way?

Just because there is an aparent dislike of Chelsea FC at the moment doesn't mean others get to do what they like to us. We, the fans had nothing to do with what has happened at the club in the last 5 years - that's just football. What gives the people who did this the right? Because from reading your responses to my first post, I feel that that is what you are trying to justify.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 11:23 am
by 48-1119859832
Wayss wrote:We, the fans had nothing to do with what has happened at the club in the last 5 years - that's just football. What gives the people who did this the right?

Ever heard of a boycott? They are usually 9x out of 10 extremely effective and usually get the right results. But no you prawn sandwhich eaters are to "middle-class" for that aren't you? Fact is your lot go around shooting your mouth off about "your great club" and "your great manager" and "your great fans" when really there is only one club who has all three of those things and you're on our forum mate.

So because your fans go around thinking they are the bee's knees when you lose; that type of thing happens.

It's very childish on our part (if not extremely hilarious) but at the sametime what's sad is you coming on here and moaning like a girl.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 11:36 am
by Wayss
Ever heard of a boycott? They are usually 9x out of 10 extremely effective and usually get the right results. But no you prawn sandwhich eaters are to "middle-class" for that aren't you? Fact is your lot go around shooting your mouth off about "your great club" and "your great manager" and "your great fans" when really there is only one club who has all three of those things and you're on our forum mate.

So because your fans go around thinking they are the bee's knees when you lose; that type of thing happens.

It's very childish on our part (if not extremely hilarious) but at the sametime what's sad is you coming on here and moaning like a girl.

I wanted to know what your own thought of this 'prank', and basically what I know now is that your great fans that YOU are going on about is an absolute load of :censored:.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 11:40 am
by jonnymac1979
Wayss wrote:It's just that us users (yes, well more than 3) feel whoever hacked our site had crossed a line, as we had tolerated the abuse after the CL semi last year, and also the LiverpoolTV site having a go at us too, but hacking our site and screwing around with it was another thing. How would you like it if your beloved Liverpool FC forum was hacked in a similair way?

Stop your crying because nobody is listening to you, and when you talk about crossing a line, can politely tell the guy in question who is responsible for this he can go and fuck himself?

Pot, kettle, black.

I would say this is definitely crossing the line.  I take it you wont be posting on CFCnet any more because of this outrageous behaviour?

Yeah, didn't think so.



PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 11:45 am
by 66-1112520797
I cant read the print on that what's the general gist ?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 11:47 am
by Wayss
JonnyMac, we are talking about hacking here, not bragging. Don't be such a scouse and dodge the issue.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 11:51 am
by 48-1119859832
Wayss wrote:I wanted to know what your own thought of this 'prank', and basically what I know now is that your great fans that YOU are going on about is an absolute load of :censored:.

I've told you, you stupid thick (d)ickstain. I said it was very childish on our part but it was also highly amusing. And wtf is the last part of your post all about? I thought Chelsea fans went to all the "posh schools" and were born with a silver spoon in their mouths, yet I can't find one Chelsea fan who can speak properly and I can't find one that can type well either.  :D

At the end of the day all sets of supporters log onto to other fans messageboards and plaster it in (s)hit, it's annoying for the people of the forums but there is a simple solution my yobbish fiend; behold the magical world of deleting all the (s)hit and starting a fresh rather than crying to us about it.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 11:53 am
by 48-1119859832
Wayss wrote:JonnyMac, we are talking about hacking here, not bragging. Don't be such a scouse and dodge the issue.

Well upgrade the site security then, I mean after all you are middle class prawn sandwhich eaters aren't you? I'm sure Peter Kenyon wouldn't mind buying you a firewall for your birthday.  :D

PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 11:57 am
by 66-1112520797
Wayss never mind the verbal, and your right in saying it was childish to hack your forum but......

Wasnt that a great result on Saturday ?

:D  :p