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PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 1:13 pm
by Igor Zidane
woof woof ! wrote:Bummer Igor, can you not program your dvd player to play all regions ? My lad sorted mine but tbh I'm not sure quite how he did it (google might help). Option 2 , try playing it through your PC (I'm assuming your pc is connected up to your TV)

Negative on the pc bit woof , but i'll try the google one though , thanks anyway.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 3:32 am
by Lucky
Watched IP Man last week. A portrait of the younger Ip Man (not very young actually, already married with a little son) during the period of Japanese-occupied China. Ip Man is the master of Wing Chun (some type of Chinese Kung Fu) and the master of Bruce Lee, the well-known Chinese Kung Fu star.
A good movie. If you like Chinese Kung Fu movies, you’ll like this one.
BTW, if you feel the name Ip Man sounds a bit strange, it's because that’s the Cantonese pronunciation because he is Cantonese while in Mandarin he’s called Ye Wen. :D

PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 9:09 am
by woof woof !
Thanks for the heads up on that movie Lucky, Ip Man starring the legendary Donnie Yen with action drected by sammo Hung, I'd never heard of it and have just checked some scenes on YouTube it's looks brilliant, will definitely be buying the dvd when available.

trailer Ip Man

Watched a lovely little Mongolian movie the other night called "Cave of the Yellow Dog" .

synopsis from BBC movies
"The film hinges on the conflict between sheep-tending father Urjindorj and his six year-old daughter Nansal, over a puppy she discovers in the wild. The core story is a slender affair: Nansal is expected to get rid of her new pet in case it attacks the family's sheep and goats, but the dog then saves a human life.

What's rewarding is Davaa's focus on specific details of the hardworking Batchuluuns' everyday lives. The nomads' values and beliefs are illustrated in the making of cheese and the dismantling of their yurt (a temporary tented home). They tirelessly adapt to nature. The Buddhist cycle of reincarnation is a central concept here. In the father's words, "everyone dies, but no one is dead".

Truly stunning cinematography and a fantastic performance from the lead child actor.

trailer Cave of the Yellow Dog

PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 10:15 pm
by Number 9
Right told Woof(but he aint replied as he cannot be seen to be fornicating with a recently naughty boy,he usually replies)..and also Dawson by PM(he did reply but has nothing better to do)!

Watch..The Chaser!
Now I know theres an American remake of this,but Im not sure if its out yet or if they scrapped it as they knew it was never gonna be a patch on the original.
This is a great great movie.
It brings you up and down,you see what happens but are left feeling like headbutting the wall in the middle,there is something so obvious that should be done in this film that it almost drives ya nuts with..FFS do it....if ya get me,you will?
Anyway its not your typical,someone gets killed and we catch em,the end movie.
Its not gonna leave you feeling..Ahhh thats that,but its great!
Cant recommend it enough!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 10:17 pm
by tubby
Anyone seen The Host? Is it worth watching? I got given it from a guy at work but not sure whether to watch it or not.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 10:22 pm
by dawson99
bavlondon wrote:Anyone seen The Host? Is it worth watching? I got given it from a guy at work but not sure whether to watch it or not.

yeah its funny, but looks very cool. Definately worth giving a go

PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 10:33 pm
by tubby
Cool will do mate.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 8:59 am
by woof woof !
Finally got my hands on a copy of IP MAN.

This is not a Chinese spectacular in the mould of "Crouching Dragon" "Hero" "Flying Daggers" etc. It is however a great "old skool" kung fu movie . Very basic story line , Japs are the bad guys oppressing the Chinese, Wing Chun master Ip Man (Donnie Yen) fights against them. Probably not one for those with only a passing interest in asian film but definitely worthwhile viewing for any one who likes martial arts.

Fight scene from Ip Man

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 9:24 am
by woof woof !
Number 9 wrote:Right told Woof(but he aint replied as he cannot be seen to be fornicating with a recently naughty boy,he usually replies)..and also Dawson by PM(he did reply but has nothing better to do)!

Watch..The Chaser!
Now I know theres an American remake of this,but Im not sure if its out yet or if they scrapped it as they knew it was never gonna be a patch on the original.
This is a great great movie.
It brings you up and down,you see what happens but are left feeling like headbutting the wall in the middle,there is something so obvious that should be done in this film that it almost drives ya nuts with..FFS do it....if ya get me,you will?
Anyway its not your typical,someone gets killed and we catch em,the end movie.
Its not gonna leave you feeling..Ahhh thats that,but its great!
Cant recommend it enough!

Sorry , I'd forgotten about that one Baz. Just checked out the trailer and I'd certainly like to see the movie, the Koreans turn out some top stuff.

Did you see a subtitled version ?, I haven't found one (yet) .

trailer-the chaser-Korean

PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 8:44 pm
by dawson99
Woof Woof, have you seen Death Note?

It's a two part film live action based on the famous manga comic about a lad who finds a notebook. and when you write a name in that book, the person will die?

It has been on film 4 a few times but i never bothered with it

PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 9:36 pm
by woof woof !
Yeah Daws part 1 and 2 were on the tv the other week (Film 4). Fairly entertaining although I did fall asleep during part 2 (it was late and I was p'issed again  :D )

PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 9:39 pm
by dawson99
woof woof ! wrote:Yeah Daws part 1 and 2 were on the tv the other week (Film 4). Fairly entertaining although I did fall asleep during part 2 (it was late and I was p'issed again  :D )

may give it a go dude... i tried the 1st but just couldnt get into it.

I did buy samurai commando mission 1549 recently and will watch that with a few beers tomorrow, seen that one?

Apparently it does what it says on the tin. some commandos go back to 1549 to fight thesamurai with tanks and sh!t

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:24 am
by woof woof !
:laugh: ,

It's rings a bell mate I saw something with a similar theme some years ago but cant remember the title. If you like the "so bad it's good" genre lookout for "Bio Zombie" . Group of guys and girls locked in a shopping mall with loads of zombies  :D

PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 10:14 am
by woof woof !
For anyone with access to BBC 4 and even just a passing interest in Samurai films . Saturday Night (21st march) BBC 4 are showing "The Hidden Blade"

It's not all hacking off limbs and nifty ninja's all over the place :D .  It's the second of Yamada Yoji's "Samurai Trilogy" ,(Twilight Samurai and Love and Honor being the other two), and although slow moving I couldn't take my eyes away from the screen when I first saw it ( and not because I was obliged to read the subtitles :D ). It's a near masterpiece in modern Japanese cinema.

Hidden Blade trailer


PostPosted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 10:03 am
by dawson99
I watched ping pong the other night... which was nice