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PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 1:39 am
by Kharhaz
Maybe my age is kicking in but I look at it this way. If you cannot accept, on a public forum, that there are going to be opinions against yours, then simply give a good argument against the reason or just shut up.  Many who are eventually banned learn this the hard way. Some people learn, some dont. The ones that dont, deserve to be banned. Stu, regarding football, puts up good arguments. However he cannot adapt to the way other members feel against the points he raises, and in that regard losing his rag. He gets personal and thats not fair. We come on this forum to escape the real world, not to be dragged into a virtual fight with someone we dont really know.

I dont know what happened with Peewee or Bamaga Man. I got on well with both these posters but they obviously said something to warrant such a ban.

So here is my take on this forum. If the football discussion is boring, its not because there are not the people there to argue every little thing, it has been reduced to is it rafa or the americans as to who is at fault. You have the SOS and you have the ooters. And that is what it all boils down to. Its happening all too regular. When Liverpool win, well done Rafa. When we lose "Bloody YANKS!".

The reason why this forum isnt as interesting is simply because there is no-one there to throw insults at every opinion given. Slowly but surely there is a fair reading of every opinion without insults being thrown in.

Its not nice being insulted with what you believe in. When you put across your opinion on here, for so long so many members shot you down in flames. Now you can put across an opinion and get a more respectful answer.

So in that respect, this forum is better. I can post a daft post and get a more jovial response. I can post a serious post and get the necessary reply.

Ive been a member over 5 years and have posted more recently than ever as the members are more sociable than ever. Thats a good thing as far as im concerned, too many people on this forum take it as a given as if they post the most they are the most valuable. Your not, your just the most noisy.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 8:37 am
by andy_g
i no longer judge the slow march of time by the passing of the seasons, the cycle of the solstices and equinoxes, the phases of the moon, the monthly turning of the page of the sexy girl calendar or the approach of haley's comet. i judge it by the monotonous regularity with which people begin to harp on about bringing back banned posters.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 11:12 am
Kharhaz wrote:Maybe my age is kicking in but I look at it this way. If you cannot accept, on a public forum, that there are going to be opinions against yours, then simply give a good argument against the reason or just shut up.  Many who are eventually banned learn this the hard way. Some people learn, some dont. The ones that dont, deserve to be banned. Stu, regarding football, puts up good arguments. However he cannot adapt to the way other members feel against the points he raises, and in that regard losing his rag. He gets personal and thats not fair. We come on this forum to escape the real world, not to be dragged into a virtual fight with someone we dont really know.

I dont know what happened with Peewee or Bamaga Man. I got on well with both these posters but they obviously said something to warrant such a ban.

So here is my take on this forum. If the football discussion is boring, its not because there are not the people there to argue every little thing, it has been reduced to is it rafa or the americans as to who is at fault. You have the SOS and you have the ooters. And that is what it all boils down to. Its happening all too regular. When Liverpool win, well done Rafa. When we lose "Bloody YANKS!".

The reason why this forum isnt as interesting is simply because there is no-one there to throw insults at every opinion given. Slowly but surely there is a fair reading of every opinion without insults being thrown in.

Its not nice being insulted with what you believe in. When you put across your opinion on here, for so long so many members shot you down in flames. Now you can put across an opinion and get a more respectful answer.

So in that respect, this forum is better. I can post a daft post and get a more jovial response. I can post a serious post and get the necessary reply.

Ive been a member over 5 years and have posted more recently than ever as the members are more sociable than ever. Thats a good thing as far as im concerned, too many people on this forum take it as a given as if they post the most they are the most valuable. Your not, your just the most noisy.

That my friend is post of the year - very good read  :buttrock

PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 11:59 am
by Judge
GYBS wrote:What happens if its a lot more than just ignoring people Ace and it trancends into your real life ?

no ones asking you to have sex with them
