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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 10:51 am
by tommycockles
peewee wrote:ah well guys i have recieved the obvious pm from stu-pid gloating, i have also had my say to the other mods who i assume had some say in the matter (sorry if i am wrong) (expect a warning for me).

the simple fact is that LFC sent me a pm saying he had recieved coplaints about me being a mod,so he decided to stop me being a mod, now correct me if i am wrong but surely if its only complaints that got me removed then why is sabre still a mod? (sorry sabre).

the simple fact is stu and him bum chums went running to LFC to complain.

guys you asked me to be a mod and i accepted, i was expected to moderate by the forum rules, i did this, i wasnt heavy  handed, no warnings dished out, no threads locked, no posts deleted so how can LFC believe any complaints that i wasnt modding correctly?

so now you are left with four mods, one who nobody really wants, three old guard and one has maybe logged in 5 times in the last two weeks.

maybe being a mod on here is to just ignore the forum rules and let the retards do what they want.

the racist, abusive idiot won this one, the forum lost

shame on you LFC, you are a coward who doesnt have the balls to tell the truth and hides behind petty complaints.

ban me if you wish, like i give a (b)f(/b)uck

Peewee- at least you can give these guys the abuse they deserve without having to hold your tongue as a Mod (if you have to of course).

Stu's just boring- i tend to skip his messages anyway!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 10:58 am
by 112-1077774096
haha i see LFC is in here reading the posts, wow this is a thread full of complaints mate, not complaints about me becoming a mod, quite the opposite in fact, all posts in support.

yommycockles hits the nail on the head with his question, who runs this place, its seems at the moment tommy the whingers run it

PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 10:59 am
by dawson99
peewee wrote:haha i see LFC is in here reading the posts, wow this is a thread full of complaints mate, not complaints about me becoming a mod, quite the opposite in fact, all posts in support.

yommycockles hits the nail on the head with his question, who runs this place, its seems at the moment tommy the whingers run it

except from glad you;re gone


PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 11:04 am
by tommycockles
dawson99 wrote:
peewee wrote:haha i see LFC is in here reading the posts, wow this is a thread full of complaints mate, not complaints about me becoming a mod, quite the opposite in fact, all posts in support.

yommycockles hits the nail on the head with his question, who runs this place, its seems at the moment tommy the whingers run it

except from glad you;re gone


Yeah but you don't count!!! We all know that babies whinge!  :D

PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 11:04 am
by account deleted by request
Sabre wrote:
the simple fact is that LFC sent me a pm saying he had recieved coplaints about me being a mod,so he decided to stop me being a mod, now correct me if i am wrong but surely if its only complaints that got me removed then why is sabre still a mod? (sorry sabre).

Don't say sorry for being honest. :)

At least I, I won't hand you a warning for the abusive PM you've sent, I understand it as what it is, an understandable angry reaction to something it has been harsh. I don't think the most clever thing to do is giving you a card.  FWIW I had nothing to do in the decission, and I forwarded no complaints to LFC, not mine, not anybody elses. The only complain I've forwarded to LFC is one protesting for you not being a mod any longer. So I think saying we're all a shower of cĂșnts is a bit OTT

I just ask people to count until 10 before posting. I understand angry reactions, butt let's be civilised

I think you should be counting your lucky stars Sabre, that all the people who were moaning about whether you should or shouldn't be a mod did so in posts on here, allowing you the opportunity to answer your critics. Peewee wasn't so lucky and obviously had people going behind his back to complain.

Perhaps the reason they didn't complain about peewee on here is because they would have had little support from the majority of posters.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 11:18 am
by Sabre
I think you should be counting your lucky stars Sabre, that all the people who were moaning about whether you should or shouldn't be a mod did so in posts on here, allowing you the opportunity to answer your critics. Peewee wasn't so lucky and obviously had people going behind his back to complain.

I think you need to get your facts right.

You keep saying that all the moan and groan is about me. And I trust you, but that must be the people who you send PMs with you, because FWIW, I have dozens of PM congratulating me and being happy for my appointment. So did Peewee.

I just wanted to let you know, in case you're not aware, that this forum is big, and your friends is not everybody.  I just don't think it's fair that I'm criticised for decissions I've not taken, like appointing me a mod, or this latter decission.

I understand the admin will be put in a difflicult position. They'll be asked to remove my modship because some members complained.

If that's the case, the admin must know that I won't protest, and I'll keep posting as usual, no changes. See if I care! :)

PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 11:27 am
by account deleted by request
Sabre wrote:
I think you should be counting your lucky stars Sabre, that all the people who were moaning about whether you should or shouldn't be a mod did so in posts on here, allowing you the opportunity to answer your critics. Peewee wasn't so lucky and obviously had people going behind his back to complain.

I think you need to get your facts right.

You keep saying that all the moan and groan is about me. And I trust you, but that must be the people who you send PMs with you, because FWIW, I have dozens of PM congratulating me and being happy for my appointment. So did Peewee.

I just wanted to let you know, in case you're not aware, that this forum is big, and your friends is not everybody.

However, I understand the admin will be put in a difflicult position. They'll be asked to remove my modship because some members complained.

If that's the case, the admin must know that I won't protest, and I'll keep posting as usual, no changes. See if I care! :)

I was just going by the threads on here Sabre, I have had no PM'S EITHER IN SUPPORT OR AGAINST YOU. I have always been happy with both you and peewee as mods and my previous comments were in no way meant as a critism of you.

I was simply pointing out that of the two appointments yours appeared (at least to me ) to be the more controversial of the two. We had threads discussing your appointment and whether it was right or not, whereas peewee seemed  to be widely accepted (OBVIOUSLY NOT )

PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 11:27 am
by 112-1077774096
ok, LFC if your decision is based on posters complaining about who becomes mod, please tell us all why sabre is a mod as there have been complaints about this, also is his position as mod going to be removed?

i am sure i am not the only person who wants to know this, or is my removal due to some othe factor thet you are hiding, remember you said it was due to complaints so lets see how you handle this

PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 11:27 am
by tommycockles
Sabre wrote:
I think you should be counting your lucky stars Sabre, that all the people who were moaning about whether you should or shouldn't be a mod did so in posts on here, allowing you the opportunity to answer your critics. Peewee wasn't so lucky and obviously had people going behind his back to complain.

I think you need to get your facts right.

You keep saying that all the moan and groan is about me. And I trust you, but that must be the people who you send PMs with you, because FWIW, I have dozens of PM congratulating me and being happy for my appointment. So did Peewee.

I just wanted to let you know, in case you're not aware, that this forum is big, and your friends is not everybody.  I just don't think it's fair that I'm criticised for decissions I've not taken, like appointing me a mod, or this latter decission.

I understand the admin will be put in a difflicult position. They'll be asked to remove my modship because some members complained.

If that's the case, the admin must know that I won't protest, and I'll keep posting as usual, no changes. See if I care! :)

Where's nice Sabre gone??  :D

Sabre- don't take things personally- these aren't attacks on you, people are just using you as a way of comparing PeeWee's situation (as you were both made Mods at the same time). I'm sure these comments (mine anyway) would be the same if it was you banned and not Peepee  :D  (it was a mistype but looked funny so i kept it).

It may be the language but i think you often mistake comparisons as critisisms (i'm sure i'd have done far worse if i'd tried to understand remarks made about me on a spanish forum)

And don't apologise (if you were to) as this is not an attack either just making a remark. The comments made are made against the moaners.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 11:28 am
by noseybonk
peewee wrote:ban me if you wish, like i give a (b)f(/b)uck

ban him ban him ban him

PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 11:32 am
by Igor Zidane
Feckin discraceful decision, i'm fuming , who the feck runs this forum , a gang of sh!tehouses who complain behind backs or a people who will stand by there decisions and back up people they  appoint as mods .

I'm really not one for getting involved into peoples spats , let them sort it out between themselves and all will be well. This is plain and simple, the tail wagging the dog and not the other way around.

I like stu ,but i also like peewee , i didn't comment on what went on between them as it was not my business.

Well i'm afraid i'm now gonna take sides and say peewee has been treated like sh!t and the admin should be ashamed of themselves.

Sh!tbags 1 - newkit forum 0

PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 11:33 am
by Rafa D
noseybonk wrote:
peewee wrote:ban me if you wish, like i give a (b)f(/b)uck

ban him ban him ban him

Whos this tw@tbag?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 11:34 am
by Sabre
Sabre- don't take things personally- these aren't attacks on you, people are just using you as a way of comparing PeeWee's situation (as you were both made Mods at the same time). I'm sure these comments (mine anyway) would be the same if it was you banned and not Peepee    (it was a mistype but looked funny so i kept it).

All I want is to talk about football. And more precisely LFC.

I just realised my answer was harsher than my stanardards, I didn't mean to, especially to Saint, who is a polite member (Sorry Saint)

In a nutshell I wanted to say that if it's necessary I'm removed the modship so that we go back and discuss about footie, then do so. But what I don't want is an endless debate about me being a mod. It's a boring debate.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 11:35 am
by 66-1112520797
peewee wrote:ok, LFC if your decision is based on posters complaining about who becomes mod, please tell us all why sabre is a mod as there have been complaints about this, also is his position as mod going to be removed?

i am sure i am not the only person who wants to know this, or is my removal due to some othe factor thet you are hiding, remember you said it was due to complaints so lets see how you handle this

Peewee I'm not being funny mate but dragging Sabre through this to prove your point is very unfair. Do you want him to step down now ?

Is it just to prove a point, because if so I think its a little daft. You seem like one of the good guys on here, I even liked the fact you were mod. But my advise to ou is just to walk away from it mate, and leave Sabre out of it.  :)

PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 11:36 am
by noseybonk
Rafa-Dodd wrote:
noseybonk wrote:
peewee wrote:ban me if you wish, like i give a (b)f(/b)uck

ban him ban him ban him

Whos this tw@tbag?

peewee  :eyebrow