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PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 2:53 am
by 66-1112520797
BarryBelfast wrote:
CharmlessMan wrote:This country drove Thatcher out in 1990, we'll drive Blair out in 2007, because I don't care what anyone says Labour and Conservatives are the same, Blair and Thatcher are the same, the only difference was Thatcher had the bottle to say to people "I'm going to make you poor".  Blair doesn't even do that much, I've never voted Labour or Tory and I never :censored: will. There is absolutely no way I'll put that tracking device on the dash board of my car, I'd rather be sent to prison than have my privacy infringed. Blair bangs on about human rights, yet he's breaching those rights he implemented in 1998. The guy is a joke, next he'll be pushing legalisation through tag every blokes never regions with a tag to check how many times they screw someone a day.

:laugh:  :laugh:

Chill out like!!   
Just dont have one! I'ts like the water charges over but will happen!...Resist and be overpowered!

Ok face it ...say NO to dashboard cr@p ...OK!! Bottom line is the government will get you and me in the LONG GRASS.

Nothing we can do..unless ya all wanna start an uprising against taxes!!

Compliance is easier ........Starting a revolution is harder!lol

They are bigger than us...Bow down?    NO FUC.KIN WAY!!!

The thing is with us Brits or the English in particular they NEVER stand up for themselves, yeah great they'll have a whinge but nothing more.

It must be the reserved persona that prevents the English from revolting.  :(

PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 3:21 am
by Lando_Griffin
Well my job means public transport is a definate no-no.

If the Government carries on like this, their feet won't touch the ground at the next election.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 3:50 am
by account deleted by request
They lost my vote when they wouldnt allow tobacco sales over the net to be duty free :(  I can understand them taxing cars, but tobacco is life and death to some of us. They dont tax heroin and cocaine but hammer booze and tobacco. Not only am I made to feel like a leper for smoking they also want their pound of flesh as well. :angry:

PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:48 am
by Lando_Griffin
The thing is - we are already taxed to buggery for the "privilage" of driving.

Let's look at what our Government obviously thinks is too little tax on drivers:

1. So you're 17, and you want to drive, huh?

OK - nip to the Post Office and get a Provisional liscense application form and a taxed stamp. Fill it in (using the taxed pen you bought), enclose a passport photo (taxed at the booth), then post it along with the £40-or-so (which is from what's left after the taxman has taken his bite out of your (or your parents' wages)), and we'll send you a nice shiney bit of plastic with your photo on it.

Then, need to phone round for a Driving instructor. (The phone was taxed, and every call you make is taxed.) Find one that doesn't take the p*ss with their exorbitant prices (if you have the stomach for 40 hours on the phone), and you're ready to go.


So your instructor turns up, talks for 55 minutes, lets you sit in the drivers' seat like you're a DRIVER, then says - "OK - that'll be £25 please." (Taxed).

Because you're a bit of a W*nk driver, you need 40 lessons, totalling £1,000.
You are now Gordon Brown's bitch.

He likes you, and is going to make it even harder for you to pass - not to make the roads safer, but to increase his wad from you - Britain's newest cash-cow.

So you then book an appointment at the DSA to do your theory and "Hazard perception" b*llocks. The call is taxed, the fee you pay is taxed, and to top it all off, they give you a certificate that is only valid for 2 years. (So if you're unfortunate (or thick) enough to STILL be a learner after this time, you get to do it all over again.


Let's now assume that your instructor (Or Government-enlisted shellfish-sh*gger), is not a complete gimp, and, in a moment of uncommon madness, books the actual test for you. (Therefore saving you ANOTHER taxing moment.)

You pay about £50 for the test (taxed), and (You'd better sit down for this one, friends), your instructor only charges you for one hour, rather than 1 and a half.

How Christian. How thoughtful. How considerate of the b*stard who has spent the last year bleeding you dry like the sad dog turd you truely are.

So that's £75 then. (Taxed twice, you understand.)

Let's assume that you are one of the rapidly decreasing few who is lucky enough to pass first time, thus saving you the embarrassment of having the Bailiffs at your door, hounding you for your rental TV and your last slice of Bakewell tart.

You then need to send your Provisional license, in exchange for a pink version, which is known as a "Full" driving license. "That will be £12-odd please, sir." - "I'm sure it will, love."

Oh, and the stamp is taxed, do not forget.

So - you're all beaming with pride having a nice new card to put next to your gym membership, and to your credit, your smile does nothing but broaden at the thought of shelling out ANOTHER whacking great load of dough on a f*cking car.

This is where the fun REALLY starts.

You get your Dad (or other), to take you round the garages (or peoples houses), in search of the object of your desires.

You find a suitable one, (for demonstration purposes, it shall be brand new), haggle a whopping 2% off the asking price, and settle down for a credit check.

Now, you see, the shark (sorry, I mean "salesman"), is ringing the credit company, all the time thinking "I can't believe another thick c*nt is buying new". It's there. It's the truth.

Buy a 1-day old car and knock a 3rd off the price. Sad, but true.

Anyhoo - the credit check comes back hunky dory, and you put a suitably hard-earned deposit down (or "Daddy" does), and you're on your way, right?

Not quite.

You see - the deposit was taxed before it came into your dad's bank account. The vehicle needs registering. That is basically another name for tax. A numberplate and some bimbo in Swansea pressing a button does not cost £125-odd. It just doesn't.

Then, you need to buy insurance. We don't need to know how much of the fee is tax, suffice it to say that at least 80% goes straight to Mr Brown. The b*stard.

So. Now you need to TAX it. The good old road fund liscense. (Which, ofcourse, is subject to VAT, so it is in essence, a taxed tax.)
The credit you foolishly took out will tax you to like a bulldog on a pork chop, and you will be raped at the petrol station every single time you touch a pump.

Think about it this way - BP were making over £1million per second the year before last, yet they get less than 3p per litre. The entire overheads, from the refining process up to and including the actual filling station workers' wages, cost less than 10p per litre. If you put £10 in your car at 0.90p per litre, c.£1 is paying for the fuel. The rest is tax.

And that means it goes to Brown.

Don't you just want to chubby his cheeks and give him a kiss?


You are a driver.

SO to anyone who says "Car's are bad - tax drivers, etc":

Don't you think we pay enough?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 5:04 am
by account deleted by request
You should do what the immigrants do Lando. Buy an old car, preferably one that has failed its M.O.T and who's tyres are bald so its cheaper. Don't bother with the Licence, insurance and tax disk (they arnt important anyway). Fill the car up at any petrol station and just drive away, the number plates stolen anyway, so they cant trace you. If you have an accident just drive on or do a runner.

Cheap motoring, no parking fines, speeding tickets or congestion charges. Motoring becomes a pleasure again. :D

PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 5:39 am
by Lando_Griffin
s@int wrote:You should do what the immigrants do Lando. Buy an old car, preferably one that has failed its M.O.T and who's tyres are bald so its cheaper. Don't bother with the Licence, insurance and tax disk (they arnt important anyway). Fill the car up at any petrol station and just drive away, the number plates stolen anyway, so they cant trace you. If you have an accident just drive on or do a runner.

Cheap motoring, no parking fines, speeding tickets or congestion charges. Motoring becomes a pleasure again. :D

Ah, but that time you get caught, "British citizen law" applies, rather than "Oh, he's foreign and doesn't know any better" one.

In other words, it's time for a human booster-shot in the communal showers.

No thanks - I'll just keep moaning. :D

As a side-note, at the rate things are going, it will be impossible for people NOT to become criminals.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 10:00 am
by 67-1161385641
BarryBelfast wrote:
CharmlessMan wrote:This country drove Thatcher out in 1990, we'll drive Blair out in 2007, because I don't care what anyone says Labour and Conservatives are the same, Blair and Thatcher are the same, the only difference was Thatcher had the bottle to say to people "I'm going to make you poor".  Blair doesn't even do that much, I've never voted Labour or Tory and I never :censored: will. There is absolutely no way I'll put that tracking device on the dash board of my car, I'd rather be sent to prison than have my privacy infringed. Blair bangs on about human rights, yet he's breaching those rights he implemented in 1998. The guy is a joke, next he'll be pushing legalisation through tag every blokes never regions with a tag to check how many times they screw someone a day.

:laugh:  :laugh:

Chill out like!!   
Just dont have one! I'ts like the water charges over but will happen!...Resist and be overpowered!

Ok face it ...say NO to dashboard cr@p ...OK!! Bottom line is the government will get you and me in the LONG GRASS.

Nothing we can do..unless ya all wanna start an uprising against taxes!!

Compliance is easier ........Starting a revolution is harder!lol

They are bigger than us...Bow down?    NO FUC.KIN WAY!!!

If everyone said "right I've had enough of this :censored:" and boycotted taxes, the Government would soon change things for the better. I'm sick and tired of having my wages robbed from underneath me to pay for scally scum who sit on their backside all day. This country seems to have a phobia of work, Labour are a joke, they claim to have the interests of law obeying citizens at heart, more like those posh :censored:, who sip their own :censored: from an expensive bone china cup. Tax those :censored:, not us ordinary 9-5 workers. I'd love to what the people of England did to Thatcher, riot through the streets of London to force that bitch out.

I'll stop now, me and politics don't get on.