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PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2006 12:00 am
by shanks72
Lando_Griffin wrote:
shanks72 wrote:
The Ace1983 wrote:And mothers, grandmothers, daughters and sisters don't count of course. In the eyes of any man, they aren't really women, they are relatives that just happen to be female.

Some men suck. That's their perogative and it's not a standard.

And I'm more into my mexican coffe these days.

I knew this after I posted and thought about wiping it, but decided to leave it anyways.

And I don't agree, if u don't mind me saying so, about it being a man's perogative to be horrid. Some men treat women very badly (I'm speaking from experience lol) and I just don't think it is necessary and I think it shows they are the ones with the problem.

After all I think we women are very nice on the whole, even if u don't like us.     :nod

Were you by any chance suffering from an American full-stop?


I don't know what u mean and I think perhaps u r just trying to be horrid.


PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2006 12:10 am
by shanks72
The Ace1983 wrote:I am constantly reminded by "very nice" female friends of mine that as a man, I am therefore a b@st@rd.

And on the whole, as much as I love them, I find women devious, manipulative, heartless psychotics with an emotional stability a kin to an active volcano which has just absorbed an atomic bomb. And yet, I would still choose them over beer every time.

Well u can't blame them for their opinion, I tend to think that most men r as well ( of course I don't know u personally)

That last bit made me laugh, 'though I know it shouldnt have!!

(But, women do have to go through a lot lol. Really u should count yerself lucky to be a man!)


PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2006 12:31 am
by The Ace1983
Oh, being a man has it's draw backs. I wouldn't swap it for the world (except maybe for a day and a full length mirror) but certain things present a downside. Testicles for instance. I stated in one of the threads in non-footie polls my theories on God's mistakes when designing the male body, but when your not getting a smack in them (either maliciously or accidentally) you're petrified that there's something wrong with them or you're suffereing from the uncomfortable curse of Betty Swallocks. We have to do all the work in bed (most of the time anyway) in the knowledge that women enjoy the sensuality of sex/love-making eight times more than us. We have to act big and tough when sometimes we just can't be bothered and then we have to listen to millitant feminists who still expect us to buy the drinks.

I supose child-birth and aunt flow are the obvious downsides of womanhood, although previous girlfriends have lead me to believe that the latter is just an excuse to be evil. Each side has it's draw backs and I can't see a resolution any time soon in the eternal debate.

Still, we can p1ss standing up.

PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2006 1:03 am
by shanks72
[quote="shanks72"]Were you by any chance suffering from an American full-stop?

I realise what u mean now, but it was after I packed the laptop away, and at this rate I'm never gonna get to bed!!

No I wasn't and am not now.
I've had men be horrid to me for no reason at all. One bloke (who I went out with for 4 yrs) decided to slap me round the face because he thought I was laughing at him and I wasn't at all, I was just happy to be with him. Then, alot later he asked me to marry him, but even I am not that stupid.
Who needs this hassle, I certainly don't.

Perhaps I'm giving out too much information, but I think it had  to be said.

Why have u decided to have a go at me anyway----what have I ever done to you lol?


PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2006 1:16 am
Could you please get psychogical help; I'm sincerely hoping they'll be able to help you. I find it incredible that someone could sit in front of a computer and write this unbelievable & utter tripe.  Why don't you just go and do us all a favour & if you're not prepared to get help, just drink yourself to death.  It's all you clearly deserve & hey, you won't be missed.  ???

PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2006 1:34 am
by shanks72
The Ace1983 wrote:We have to do all the work in bed (most of the time anyway) in the knowledge that women enjoy the sensuality of sex/love-making eight times more than us.
who still expect us to buy the drinks.

I supose child-birth and aunt flow are the obvious downsides of womanhood, although previous girlfriends have lead me to believe that the latter is just an excuse to be evil. Each side has it's draw backs and I can't see a resolution any time soon in the eternal debate.

Still, we can p1ss standing up.

Eight times more??? --- I've never heard of this before. I've heard of someone who used to write their shopping list out (in their head of course), as it was so boring and apparently she couldn't feel a thing either. I dont know if I should be discussing this subject in such depth really, but just to say that I thought there were alot of women out there who
weren't really satisfied by their men, when the men seem to get satisfaction every time and couldn't care less, lol.

BTW I have always paid my share of any drinks I've had as I don't think it is fair to expect a man to pay for everything.

aunt flow as u call it can be extremely unpleasant and I for one suffer alot of pain during this time, which I wish I could transfer to every man on the planet! I take vitamin B6 which helps me not to get nasty, but even this is the cause of hormones and not the woman's fault, surely u do realise this?
If u had to live as a real woman for a month I think u would appreciate being a man, lol.

PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2006 1:34 am
by Lando_Griffin
shanks72 wrote:
shanks72 wrote:Were you by any chance suffering from an American full-stop?


I don't know what u mean and I think perhaps u r just trying to be horrid.


I realise what u mean now, but it was after I packed the laptop away, and at this rate I'm never gonna get to bed!!

What u said doesn't really make sense.
If u meant am I now, then the answer is no.
I've had men be horrid to me for no reason at all. One bloke (who I went out with for 4 yrs) decided to slap me round the face because he thought I was laughing at him and I wasn't at all, I was just happy to be with him. Then, alot later he asked me to marry him, but even I am not that stupid.
Who needs this hassle, I certainly don't.

Perhaps I'm giving out too much information, but I think it had  to be said.

Why have u decided to have a go at me anyway----what have I ever done to you lol?


Try and get one!!!!!  :D

I was only messing about - no offence intended!

PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2006 1:46 am
by The Ace1983
shanks72 wrote:
The Ace1983 wrote:We have to do all the work in bed (most of the time anyway) in the knowledge that women enjoy the sensuality of sex/love-making eight times more than us.
who still expect us to buy the drinks.

I supose child-birth and aunt flow are the obvious downsides of womanhood, although previous girlfriends have lead me to believe that the latter is just an excuse to be evil. Each side has it's draw backs and I can't see a resolution any time soon in the eternal debate.

Still, we can p1ss standing up.

Eight times more??? --- I've never heard of this before. I've heard of someone who used to write their shopping list out (in their head of course), as it was so boring and apparently she couldn't feel a thing either. I dont know if I should be discussing this subject in such depth really, but just to say that I thought there were alot of women out there who
weren't really satisfied by their men, when the men seem to get satisfaction every time and couldn't care less, lol.

BTW I have always paid my share of any drinks I've had as I don't think it is fair to expect a man to pay for everything.

aunt flow as u call it can be extremely unpleasant and I for one suffer alot of pain during this time, which I wish I could transfer to every man on the planet! I take vitamin B6 which helps me not to get nasty, but even this is the cause of hormones and not the woman's fault, surely u do realise this?
If u had to live as a real woman for a month I think u would appreciate being a man, lol.

See! You don't even appreciate the fact that the only organ designed for nothing but pleasure is the clitoris which houses eight times more pleasure receptors than the head of a penis! Well, that's your problem. This is the reason why we no longer care (well we do, but sometimes you just have to say "funk it" and enjoy yourself).

I think though, I'm beginning to share Lando's point of view. A funny bone would be my advised prescription.

PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2006 1:58 am
by shanks72
SEERED wrote:Could you please get psychogical help; I'm sincerely hoping they'll be able to help you. I find it incredible that someone could sit in front of a computer and write this unbelievable & utter tripe.  Why don't you just go and do us all a favour & if you're not prepared to get help, just drink yourself to death.  It's all you clearly deserve & hey, you won't be missed.  ???

I was only trying to be honest and it's not tripe as it did happen to me.

(can u drink yourself to death on tea??)

Ok, I'm going , I'm going.

PostPosted: Wed May 10, 2006 8:21 pm
by shanks72
shanks72 wrote:
SEERED wrote:Could you please get psychogical help; I'm sincerely hoping they'll be able to help you. I find it incredible that someone could sit in front of a computer and write this unbelievable & utter tripe.  Why don't you just go and do us all a favour & if you're not prepared to get help, just drink yourself to death.  It's all you clearly deserve & hey, you won't be missed.  ???

(can u drink yourself to death on tea??)

Ok, I'm going , I'm going.

It didn't work       :no        (sorry, everybody)

And I did drink loads of tea       :nod

I agree with you, Ace, there are some worst women out
there than men and whenever I think of this I always
see red
