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PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 7:33 pm
Now that is pathetic - FFS she did feck all in her life apart from being a thick ignorant racist - you should hear the people crying on the radio about her - FFS

PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 7:42 pm
by dawson99
I find it slightly weird that Shilpa Shetty was the first to say something...

I feel bad for anyone that dies or whatever, but for Gordon Brown to get involved as well FFS, you'd think hed have something more important to do, like sort out the economic crisis, terorism, immigration, etc etc etc etc

PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:19 pm
by Big Niall
do you remember tony blair saying in parliment that he hoped deirdre rashid (coronation street character) would be freed from jail.

politicans have to do this stupid stuff because unfortunately there is no IQ test required to vote.

It isn't just UK that is stupid though, In Ireland last year our government sent a representative to the funeral of a second rate local model who died from a cocaine overdose.

the english speaking world is full of morons - not sure whether mainland europe is just as stupid.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:28 pm
by tubby
You would think now for the sake of the children and family that the media intrusion could be kept to a minimum so they can try and get on with life in peace. But with Max Clifford saying things like "the funeral will be a Jade Goody production" it is no wonder the papers cannot keep away. This whole celebrity infatuation society is sick if you ask me. But you cant blame her for trying to scrape together money for her kids so this was always on the cards.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 2:22 am
by Greavesie
GYBS wrote:Unfortunatly that joke was out couple weeks ago . There is worse about

I got sent a fecking awful one, admit I thought it was funny but you're right, theres a lot worse flying about

PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 7:58 pm
by dawson99
The world has seriously gone mental folks. Dunno whther to laugh or cry the stupidity of some people. We should find out who 'bombarded' the council, and do something to at least make sure they cannot reproduce

Plans are being made for a permanent memorial to Jade Goody.

The move comes after the mum-of-two's local council in South London was bombarded with demands from the public for some kind of lasting tribute.

Bob Skelly, chair of Bermondsey Community Council, which is located near to Jade's childhood home, told the Daily Mirror:

"The council has plans for the Dickens Estate area where Jade grew up, and I'm sure we could do something."

Responding to the initiative, Jade's spokesman Max Clifford said: "It's wonderful news".

Meanwhile, Piers Morgan has been paying tribute to Jade, who died after battling cervical cancer in the early hours of Sunday 22nd March, also Mother's Day.

Piers, who interviewed the star a few weeks before she passed away, told The Daily Mail:

"Jade was warm, street-smart, challenging, thoughtful and absolutely bursting with energy and fun. She was, quite simply, a scream.

"I realised that underneath the crazy, ill-educated, temper-prone exterior lay someone with a heart of absolute gold."

Jade's funeral will be held next Saturday in Essex.

It's rumoured that Michael Jackson, who called Jade to pledge his support in her dying days, will attempt to attend the occasion.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 8:27 pm
by andy_g
jade goody, max clifford, memorials, piers morgan, michael jackson!!??

i'm lost for words...

PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 8:33 pm
by Reg
She´s even got an obituary in this weeks 'Economist' ffs.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 9:15 am
Its just getting pathetic now - some woman on the radio the other day was saying she should have a state funeral as she was a national treasure ?! ffs

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 9:21 am
by tubby
She was an embarrassment to the British nation who unfortunatley got cancer. But it seems now she was a Saint.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 10:28 am
by Woollyback
day 10 in heaven...    and already jade's up for eviction :lol:

nothing against her personally, couldn't give a monkey's about her. she was just a fat gobby mess of no importance. the depressing bit is how the whole of britain seem to lap this sh!t up, tabloid mentality whipping up plastic sentimentality. and now a memorial to her in london??? oh sweet f**kin jesus, stop the world i wanna get off    :wwww

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 1:07 pm
by Judge
Woollyback wrote:day 10 in heaven...    and already jade's up for eviction :lol:

nothing against her personally, couldn't give a monkey's about her. she was just a fat gobby mess of no importance. the depressing bit is how the whole of britain seem to lap this sh!t up, tabloid mentality whipping up plastic sentimentality. and now a memorial to her in london??? oh sweet f**kin jesus, stop the world i wanna get off    :wwww

finally some sense

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 2:21 pm
by Sabre
dawson99 wrote:I find it slightly weird that Shilpa Shetty was the first to say something...

I feel bad for anyone that dies or whatever, but for Gordon Brown to get involved as well FFS, you'd think hed have something more important to do, like sort out the economic crisis, terorism, immigration, etc etc etc etc

In my country the Prime Minister takes care of far more important things for our well being

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 2:26 pm
by JoeTerp
Sabre wrote:
dawson99 wrote:I find it slightly weird that Shilpa Shetty was the first to say something...

I feel bad for anyone that dies or whatever, but for Gordon Brown to get involved as well FFS, you'd think hed have something more important to do, like sort out the economic crisis, terorism, immigration, etc etc etc etc

In my country the Prime Minister takes care of far more important things for our well being

isn't that impossible?

At least we know Spain isn't fixing the results of the draw  :D

Obama is not above talking sports either

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 2:29 pm
by Sabre
Yes but he said that March the 20th, so maybe the draw didn't take place?

In the Spanish press I read that Gordon Brown told Zapatero that HE is very popular at Anfield. You see, Liverpool used in diplomatic relations :D, even if I don't think the Kopites know the SPanish PM at all.