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PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 4:24 am
by matrix
Lando_Griffin wrote:Good lad!

I'm not at work till Friday, so I thought "F*ck it." :D

Started it with some with friends, now I'm simply saving on storage space by finishing the bottle! :D

cheers lando  mate...

  enjoy your drink...

  have a swell time till friday...   :;):

PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 4:26 am
by Lando_Griffin
matrix wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:Good lad!

I'm not at work till Friday, so I thought "F*ck it." :D

Started it with some with friends, now I'm simply saving on storage space by finishing the bottle! :D

cheers lando  mate...

  enjoy your drink...

  have a swell time till friday...   :;):

I intend to have a very LAZY time till Friday! lol!

Might drag myself down town Thursday to boogie with the students! :D

PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 8:25 am
by 66-1112520797
Tooheys platinum. :)

PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 11:06 am
by 109-1170291157
Coffee, coffee, coffee and coffee...... sugar free, with milk...... and at weekends, only pints of guinnes (but bad beer :(  )

PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 11:26 am
by Sabre
Coffee, coffee, coffee and coffee...... sugar free, with milk...... and at weekends, only pints of guinnes (but bad beer   )

I think she means the Guiness we can drink around here is not the same one you can drink in Ireland and UK.

It just tastes different, no matter if they import it.

My self I'm an addict to the cafeine. I drink too much coffee, and I'm immnune to it, since I can sleep with no problems.

In weekend, well, I do not drink as much as when I was younger when I got drunk every weekend, now I start the night with a "Rum+Coke" or Gintonic, perhaps two if I'm happy, and then I maintain the level of alcohol with beers.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 11:34 am
by 109-1170291157
Sabre wrote:
Coffee, coffee, coffee and coffee...... sugar free, with milk...... and at weekends, only pints of guinnes (but bad beer   )

I think she means the Guiness we can drink around here is not the same one you can drink in Ireland and UK.

It just tastes different, no matter if they import it.

My self I'm an addict to the cafeine. I drink too much coffee, and I'm immnune to it, since I can sleep with no problems.

In weekend, well, I do not drink as much as when I was younger when I got drunk every weekend, now I start the night with a "Rum+Coke" or Gintonic, perhaps two if I'm happy, and then I maintain the level of alcohol with beers.

Well, i do not like whiskie, vodka, .... I usually drink Guinness, but in Spain it´s a bit bad.... and have not a clover  :D

N´I take much coffee´s cup on the morning, but i can sleep very well... coz, i drink coffee out-cafeine  :)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 11:11 am
by 109-1170291157
A big cup of coffee with CAFEINE, I like sleep but I can do it.... I hate mornings.... :(