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PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 1:04 pm
by JBG
jonnymac1979 wrote:A black DOS screen came up and all kinds of commands asking me to hit y,n or q.  Fu*k that, I can't be ar$ed with it tonight, I'm too tired.  I'm on PES4 now.

You wimp, you should have stuck to it!  :laugh:

PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 1:24 pm
by Feeney
passmeistro_#14 wrote:apparently PES5 will have liscenesed kits for arsenal, manure and chelsea but not liverpool!
is this TRUE?!?!?

As far as i'm aware, yes that is the case. Have a look at the video on and you will hear mention of Chelsea, Man U and Arsenal, but not of Liverpool (it's all in Japlish, mind). However, from what I can gather from the video, there will be 6 licenced English teams - so it's still possible.  :)

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 1:43 am
by skipper
Which football game is the best?

I play FIFA 05 but I know there are better games out there.  Is Championship Manager the best?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 2:57 pm
by Garymac
Anyone played Cricket 2005 on the PS2 yet and actully managed to hit the ball yet, i took it back the shop yesterday cos it was to hard for me!!! and if i would have played it one more time and not hit the ball i was ready to put my head through my bedroom window!!!

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 3:42 pm
by El Nino_#9
i know, it is so complicated! but my mates got it and plays it all the time so his ace at it.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 11:12 am
by LFC #1
Street Fighter 2! was addicted to the game as a kid, found a downlood for it but could'nt get it working. 


PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:32 pm
by El Nino_#9
double dragon was a good game as well. thats going back a bit!

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:22 pm
by The Ace1983
LFC #1 wrote:Street Fighter 2! was addicted to the game as a kid, found a downlood for it but could'nt get it working. 


Get Capcom vs. SNK 2 on the Cube. It's got all your old favorites and if you want real mayhem, make it so that the special moves are all done using the analogue stick!  :D

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 7:02 pm
by El Nino_#9
I agree a great game!
(better for Ps2 though!)


PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 7:26 pm
by Reinas No.1 Fan
Im a massive Fan of Resident Evil games. Ive got them all.

I love Pro Evo soccer games, Monkey Island

All horror games, Cisse gonna get ya said about obscure its a good game not as scary as was said. Cold fear is a great, thats scary with some fantastic visuals.

Has anyone played a little known game called Champ man (or rather football manager)

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 4:39 am
by 76-1115222408
JBG wrote:
jonnymac1979 wrote:A black DOS screen came up and all kinds of commands asking me to hit y,n or q.  Fu*k that, I can't be ar$ed with it tonight, I'm too tired.  I'm on PES4 now.

You wimp, you should have stuck to it!  :laugh:

You know what JBG, I had it too, and deleted in a fury aswell. I was trying it for three days, I got it to load up and i saw it say SWOS and some credits scroll vertically, then it just crashed and went to the desktop!!
I went on forums and this and that and the f.ucking other FFS, got a load of help (which I appreciated) but NOTHING worked, so my dream of playing SWOS again and a great LFC team with a potent Fowler all gone!!!   :(

But I knew if i carried on down the road i was going i would have f.uckdd my comp, so i just got rid.!!! 

How did you get yours working (or i kinda recall, you saying you still have an original?)

Anyway I just stick to infiltrating, sniping, and rescuing hostages or setting off the odd bomb in Counter Strike Source instead!!  I'm still c.ack though!!!   :D

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 4:49 am
by Paul C
passmeistro_#14 wrote:I agree a great game!
(better for Ps2 though!)


I've got Street Fighter: Aniversary Edition for my Xbox, it's got SF2 with all the other fighters like Cammy, DJ, etc. and it's also got SF3 from the arcade and it's also Xbox Live enabled  :bowdown

Xbox is so much better than the PS2   :buttrock

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 12:30 pm
by The Ace1983
Paul C wrote:
passmeistro_#14 wrote:I agree a great game!
(better for Ps2 though!)


I've got Street Fighter: Aniversary Edition for my Xbox, it's got SF2 with all the other fighters like Cammy, DJ, etc. and it's also got SF3 from the arcade and it's also Xbox Live enabled  :bowdown

Xbox is so much better than the PS2   :buttrock

If you're a lone nut, who enjoys sitting in dark rooms playing by yourself, The Xbox and the PS2 are both great. If you've got mates, you like having fun and you don't want to be fed the same regurgitated junk over and over again where the only selling point is more blood, or licensed tyres, get a Gamecube!  :D

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 9:25 am
by The Ace1983
Just heard a rumour that Nintendo have invested a vast amount of money in a Nasa associated company which has produced the worlds first Holo-tables which display 3D moving visions and backgrounds. If this is true, we won't see this technology at an affordable price for a long time, but by the looks of things, it'll be worth the wait.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 5:49 am
by 76-1115222408
Also on NINTENDO - I just heard something on the news (you know when you hear it in the background and are concentrating on something else) but didnt catch it all.

Basically there is a new mini gameboy on the way, dont know if this is old to some gamers in here, but news to me, so thought i would add it. Anywa I am going bed now, so if anyone could be kind enough to post some details (if they know or can find that is) on what its like and what the specs are and features etc;
