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PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:10 pm
by dawson99
RBG makes me love? feck knows what i meant there lol

Im starting a Rafa depreciation thread to make it fair anyways :D

PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:17 pm
by Benny The Noon
And Ben if you want a perfect example of someone posting with a match lite firmly in hand go and read the match thread and the post from last night faround 22:32 . Like i said its evident on both sides of the fence

Match Thread

PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:20 pm
by Ben Patrick
Benny The Noon wrote:And Ben if you want a perfect example of someone posting with a match lite firmly in hand go and read the match thread and the post from last night faround 22:32 . Like i said its evident on both sides of the fence

Match Thread

i totally agree, i have said that it is all along.

What isnt right is that two posters are banned who shouldnt be.
That's all i have said, i dont think anyone should have been banned.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:23 pm
by Benny The Noon
I have no idea why Ace was banned and i will agree as much as his constant digs annoy me and do nothing but wind people up Mick shouldnt of been banned . The thing is BM knows he is winding people up on purpose yet carries on and claims innocence . If he took out the constant little digs and wind up - like labelling people , groups , constant 7th place - the rest of his post would be a good read but people dont go past the little wind ups .

PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:23 pm
by dawson99
Benny The Noon wrote:And Ben if you want a perfect example of someone posting with a match lite firmly in hand go and read the match thread and the post from last night faround 22:32 . Like i said its evident on both sides of the fence

Match Thread

im sure we can find examples from half the board on flaming benny... if its on both sides of the fence, why is only one side getting done?


PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:25 pm
by Benny The Noon
dawson99 wrote:
Benny The Noon wrote:And Ben if you want a perfect example of someone posting with a match lite firmly in hand go and read the match thread and the post from last night faround 22:32 . Like i said its evident on both sides of the fence

Match Thread

im sure we can find examples from half the board on flaming benny... if its on both sides of the fence, why is only one side getting done?


I have been carded and warned mate - so both sides are been punished .

PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:26 pm
by dawson99
Benny The Noon wrote:
dawson99 wrote:
Benny The Noon wrote:And Ben if you want a perfect example of someone posting with a match lite firmly in hand go and read the match thread and the post from last night faround 22:32 . Like i said its evident on both sides of the fence

Match Thread

im sure we can find examples from half the board on flaming benny... if its on both sides of the fence, why is only one side getting done?


I have been carded and warned mate - so both sides are been punished .

yeah, BM gets banned non stop, im on 4, ace is gone, about 5 others gone... but you got a card lol

you're just more of a weasel with it, BM and ace were too up front

PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:28 pm
by Ben Patrick
Benny The Noon wrote:I have no idea why Ace was banned and i will agree as much as his constant digs annoy me and do nothing but wind people up Mick shouldnt of been banned . The thing is BM knows he is winding people up on purpose yet carries on and claims innocence . If he took out the constant little digs and wind up - like labelling people , groups , constant 7th place - the rest of his post would be a good read but people dont go past the little wind ups .

am sure mick does to, he isnt soft.

But igors post yesterday made sense where he said its about people not rising to bait.
Mick for years posted about footy and was given alot of abuse and in the end reacted with some sarcastic responses and appears to have carried that on.
He is a good poster though he knows his footy and contributes in my opinion alot.
He is never abusive though. He might repeat his points all of the time but that's his perogative. If he cant do that because his opinion is different to the mods that banned him then thats not right.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:29 pm
by Ben Patrick
Benny The Noon wrote:
dawson99 wrote:
Benny The Noon wrote:And Ben if you want a perfect example of someone posting with a match lite firmly in hand go and read the match thread and the post from last night faround 22:32 . Like i said its evident on both sides of the fence

Match Thread

im sure we can find examples from half the board on flaming benny... if its on both sides of the fence, why is only one side getting done?


I have been carded and warned mate - so both sides are been punished .

You are on 1 card mate.
Mick and ace are left on 4 so that they can be instantly banned whenever there is any problem.

There is no way that mick should be on 4 cards ever.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:31 pm
by tubby
I've also been carded and warned. The difference is those always with 4 cards to their name are obviously derailing threads more often hence more cards.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:34 pm
by tubby
Ben Patrick wrote:
Benny The Noon wrote:I have no idea why Ace was banned and i will agree as much as his constant digs annoy me and do nothing but wind people up Mick shouldnt of been banned . The thing is BM knows he is winding people up on purpose yet carries on and claims innocence . If he took out the constant little digs and wind up - like labelling people , groups , constant 7th place - the rest of his post would be a good read but people dont go past the little wind ups .

am sure mick does to, he isnt soft.

But igors post yesterday made sense where he said its about people not rising to bait.
Mick for years posted about footy and was given alot of abuse and in the end reacted with some sarcastic responses and appears to have carried that on.
He is a good poster though he knows his footy and contributes in my opinion alot.
He is never abusive though. He might repeat his points all of the time but that's his perogative. If he cant do that because his opinion is different to the mods that banned him then thats not right.

Mick isn't abusive in a direct way. But at the end of the day the only reason someone would be abusive on here is to get a rise out of someone and he does that in other ways. The constant digs ect.... he knows exactly what he is doing and in the last 6 months he has gone way overboard.

I notice those defending him and ace are he ones who shared the same point of view in regards to the previous manager. Maybe then that's why they fail to understand just how disrespectful he was?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:34 pm
by Benny The Noon
Ben Patrick wrote:
Benny The Noon wrote:
dawson99 wrote:
Benny The Noon wrote:And Ben if you want a perfect example of someone posting with a match lite firmly in hand go and read the match thread and the post from last night faround 22:32 . Like i said its evident on both sides of the fence

Match Thread

im sure we can find examples from half the board on flaming benny... if its on both sides of the fence, why is only one side getting done?


I have been carded and warned mate - so both sides are been punished .

You are on 1 card mate.
Mick and ace are left on 4 so that they can be instantly banned whenever there is any problem.

There is no way that mick should be on 4 cards ever.

I used to be on 4 cards but toed the line and they got reduced over time - and Dawson i never personally insulted people .

I know both Mick and Ace have been previously banned - no idea why but maybe thats a reason why they stay on a certain amount .

Yes people shouldnt react - both sides - but also people shouldnt get those matches out .

I know Mick is a good poster but he seemed more concerned about putting people into little groups and labelling people .

PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:35 pm
by Ola Mr Benitez
Mick should not have been banned.

This place is becoming tiresome... For me this was he best forum about 4 years ago, but now its more about getting one over on people than the discussion matter.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:35 pm
by Ben Patrick
bavlondon wrote:I've also been carded and warned. The difference is those always with 4 cards to their name are obviously derailing threads more often hence more cards.

you know you dont actually believe that.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:36 pm
by Benny The Noon
Ola Mr Benitez wrote:Mick should not have been banned.

This place is becoming tiresome... For me this was he best forum about 4 years ago, but now its more about getting one over on people than the discussion matter.

For me this was he best forum about 4 years ago, but now its more about getting one over on people than the discussion matter.
