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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 10:38 am
by Sabre
"Wow, it's nice to live in Spain for some things" says Sabre while he smokes deeply his cigarrete of Marihuana . :D

Interesting debate, because many of the antitobacco measures in Spain are being copied from England, so I guess that's the future that awaits me. :(

PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 10:52 am
by LFC2007
dawson99 wrote:lol...i have refuelled my nicotine levels this morning and am fine.

i will say this then nothing more. it may be a good idea, in restaurants it definately is. but pubs should get to choose, not have rules thrust apon us by some half-a$$ government .

there, now finished, onto flange  :D

Morning Saint and Dawson, have a good smoke?

So what's your view on the new July 1st law?


.....And Saint I just checked clause 2.1 of article 37b on page 419 of the smokers guide to dangerous chemicals and it confirms that smoking is bad for your health  :D

PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 10:53 am
by dawson99
what law? ???

PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 10:58 am
by LFC2007
Didn't you hear, there's a new law preventing smoking in public places like in pubs and bars.


PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 11:00 am
by dawson99
thats a fantastic idea, i think i'll quit!


PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 11:08 am
by LFC2007
dawson99 wrote:thats a fantastic idea, i think i'll quit!


Hallelujah!  :buttrock

I have a feeling it won't last  :glare:   :D

PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 11:14 am
by dawson99
going for a ciggy now (but that 13 minutes...that was hard!)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:00 pm
by bigmick
The Manhattan Project wrote:When you get the urge to smoke, eat a carrot instead.

:D  :laugh:  :D  Completely off your head mate but fecking hilarious on occasions.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:32 pm
by 66-1112520797
I quit smoking three months ago, at my second attempt.

I used to smoke about 30 B&H a day, and started around 15 -16, just to be cool looking back on it.

I wont even bother taking the moral high ground on this one, telling everybody that smoking is disgusting. You can make your own mind up and fair play to you either way. If I'm sitting in a confined space with a smoker, I wont let it bother me in the slightest. I used to do the same myself, puff all day infront of non-smokers.

Anyway a coffee and a Salmon go hand in hand ? and a ciggy after a meal ? Oh and with a beer, nothing better ?  :devil:

But I'll just let you know, infact some of you already may know this. ... But there was a kind of survey done in England. Where you had about 30 people in a pub in total, something like 15 were in the "smokers" side of the pub, and the other 15 in the non-smokers side. Both sets of people were having a drink.

Anyway the test tried to conclude which group of people were having a ' better ' time in the old rub a dub dub. The decibell level was much higher in the smokers side than that of the non-smokers. The smokers, all smoking, waving there fags around passing eachother cigarettes and drinking beer were seemingly the MUCH happier of the two sides. While the 'non-smokers' were in the other room with there hands on laps having a pleasant time.

And the test concluded that the smokers were more sociable and happier in the pub than the non smokers.
True story.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:53 pm
by Judge
dawson99 wrote:going for a ciggy now (but that 13 minutes...that was hard!)

talking of ciggy, where is she ?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:58 pm
by dawson99
she was around last night briefly, she'll be back once the season start me hopes

PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 1:26 pm
by LFC2007
Bamaga man wrote:But I'll just let you know, infact some of you already may know this. ... But there was a kind of survey done in England. Where you had about 30 people in a pub in total, something like 15 were in the "smokers" side of the pub, and the other 15 in the non-smokers side. Both sets of people were having a drink.

Anyway the test tried to conclude which group of people were having a ' better ' time in the old rub a dub dub. The decibell level was much higher in the smokers side than that of the non-smokers. The smokers, all smoking, waving there fags around passing eachother cigarettes and drinking beer were seemingly the MUCH happier of the two sides. While the 'non-smokers' were in the other room with there hands on laps having a pleasant time.

And the test concluded that the smokers were more sociable and happier in the pub than the non smokers.
True story.

There you have it, conclusive scientific proof that smokers are happier than non-smokers.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 3:19 pm
by Sabre
Cars are a tool that many people require in order to do their jobs.

Use may be a correct word. Require, I don't think so. People could go to work in bus or metro, but they choose to add polution to the atmosphere for their comfort. Some people could meet and join to go to work in the same car, but they preffer to drive one car each.

Alcohol doesn't kill? it's statistically proved the amount of accidents caused by alcohol, stablish a relationship between certain murders and alcohol, and list a number of health troubles that eventually lead to death because alcohol.

But there's not a Spanish Inquisition against drinkers, where as, in certain politically correct enterprises one of the question they make you when you apply for a job is whether you're a smoker. And this politically correct brigade has started to act on my country. In real life, I'm also quite polite, but I had some encounters with politically correct brigades. I respect the law concerning tobacco thoroughly, yet, I've been told not to smoke in places that I was allowed to and I had to deal with some discussions due to tobacco. All that despite I'm a guy that even if it's allowed I ask first wheter if anybody mind if I smoked. Some discussions came after that kind of offers... they just had to say "no" or "yes" to my polite permission request, and I wouldn't have lit a cig, but they chose to say a rant, and of course I answer.

My point. Tobacco is bad. So is alcohol. So is everything, like too much polution produced by the cars. So let's have common sense, analyse all the dangers, make laws according to the analisys of the dangers, and that's it. But let's not treat smokers as criminals. Not that I've seen such a thing in this thread eh? I'm talking about some P.C brigaders and some advertising in the TV, and some abusive questions in job employment.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 3:22 pm
by stmichael
Sabre wrote:My point. Tobacco is bad. So is alcohol.

tell that to jonnymac  :laugh:

PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 3:28 pm
by Sabre
What do you think about Marihuana BTW? :D

I've been here 3 years and any time it's mentioned is often to insult or something :D IN my country it's quite allowed and chances are the police won't tell you anything if you're smoking a marihuana fag in the beach at night. But I think for what I have read that doesn't apply to England. Do the lads and overall young people smoke that kind of drugs? Do you think it should be legal, like alcohol? after all, it's a drug like alcohol, with some different effects (for instance it doesn't provoke violence).