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PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 1:59 pm
by laza
jonnymac1979 wrote:He can't tell us, the pr!ck has been banned. :D :D

Back to normal.

good stuff

that attention seeking Miss Piggy 15 minutes is way past its use by date

PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 2:04 pm
by jim_morrison_supported_liverpool
cisses_gona_get_ya wrote:Dis is me an me mates laaaaaaar,in de 05 like, waz mad like was bladdered,  snortin for england like, an downed about 10 eeeeeeeeees, en just smoked spliffs all nite, an vodka red bull.Look at me mates they were well off it. Den we went de sunrise till bout 6 den back to some mad party in some mad brids ouse it was off it :O
