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PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 3:22 pm
by Reg
Until individuals acknolwedge to themselves at least, their behaviour is verging on 'odd' you cant expect things to improve.

Unfortunately there are some strange beahviour traits on this forum at present - but the individuals go to the ends of the earth to defend them.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 3:47 pm
by laza
andy_g wrote:tell me about it mate. my tortoise keeping forum has some almighty flame wars going on. the most contentious subject often seems to be pyramiding of sulcata shells - some maintain its down to an incorrect UVB spectrum or wattage while many others are convinced its all down to diet. some believe that personal experience and study are the best way to learn about keeping various tortoise species while the rest are bang into hard core scientific research and referencing journals and papers on the subject. you can imagine how messy it gets.

currently i have 5 zebra fish and 5 harlequins in a 16 litre tank. i'm hoping to set up a full on cichlid tank again like i used to have one day soon.

I feel your pain Andy and the harlequins, very nice

What sort of cichlids did you have?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 3:53 pm
by dawson99
Andys got a tortoise?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 4:19 pm
by zarababe
You know what doll - people like you have been called 'fickle' - because you care for this great club, where it is heading and under whose leadership and direction. In that case many of us are fickle, and so are the die hard kopites, who have still failed to dedicate a song to MR H - tells a story in itself.

The fact hat many of us do not come running on these pages when we win or lose anymore is.. yes we have lives outside ere.. but also the drive at the club is not the same, the excitement gone and the manager instills little confidence - it's a feeling dominating Liverpool supporters, because that is teh caliber of managerial appt left to us by them dumb-wits.

And so you keep postin and ignore these, and to those who think that 'respect' is a god given right .. RESPECT IS EARNT .. and all Liverpool Managers either have it and retain it or lose it and move on !

PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 8:56 pm
by andy_g
laza wrote:
andy_g wrote:tell me about it mate. my tortoise keeping forum has some almighty flame wars going on. the most contentious subject often seems to be pyramiding of sulcata shells - some maintain its down to an incorrect UVB spectrum or wattage while many others are convinced its all down to diet. some believe that personal experience and study are the best way to learn about keeping various tortoise species while the rest are bang into hard core scientific research and referencing journals and papers on the subject. you can imagine how messy it gets.

currently i have 5 zebra fish and 5 harlequins in a 16 litre tank. i'm hoping to set up a full on cichlid tank again like i used to have one day soon.

I feel your pain Andy and the harlequins, very nice

What sort of cichlids did you have?

well, when i was a teenage fishkeeper i had the fairly usual ones - convicts, firemouths, a couple of oscars. i've always wanted to set up a proper big central american cichlid tank and one rift valley one as well.