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PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 1:40 pm
by Big Niall
I would have voted for thatcher.

when labour were in power in 1979 there were strikes everywhere as unions know how weak and spineless labour governments are.

Also, it isn't her fault that the north of england was so reliant on "old industries" , seriously, do you think coal is the way to power britain? or nucleur energy?

she should have done more to help new companies set up in the north, or phase outt the old industries over a longer time though.

Her "all or nothing" approach to politics could be a strenth or a weakness depending on the issue.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 2:15 pm
by worcester_red
Big Niall wrote:
worcester_red wrote:
roberto green wrote:
SouthCoastShankly wrote:Those celebrating will be in the minority when she does pass away.

I hope she dies a very painful death the ald witch.

There will be street parties where I live.

No there won't, you probably couldn't organise a :censored: up in a brewery!

Seriosuly people, wishing someone ill is really not a cool thing and it will impact back on you or someone you love.

As much as I hate Gordon Brown for fecking up this countries economy I do not wish him ill at all.

how can it impact back? do you believe in karma B.S?

Big believer in Karma, yes. I've seen it so many times, do something good and something nice happens back, do something bad and bad things happen to you.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 2:28 pm
by 7_Kewell
Big Niall wrote:I would have voted for thatcher.

when labour were in power in 1979 there were strikes everywhere as unions know how weak and spineless labour governments are.

Also, it isn't her fault that the north of england was so reliant on "old industries" , seriously, do you think coal is the way to power britain? or nucleur energy?

she should have done more to help new companies set up in the north, or phase outt the old industries over a longer time though.

Her "all or nothing" approach to politics could be a strenth or a weakness depending on the issue.


The country was on its knees when Thatcher took over and something had to be done.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 2:31 pm
by worcester_red
7_Kewell wrote:
Big Niall wrote:I would have voted for thatcher.

when labour were in power in 1979 there were strikes everywhere as unions know how weak and spineless labour governments are.

Also, it isn't her fault that the north of england was so reliant on "old industries" , seriously, do you think coal is the way to power britain? or nucleur energy?

she should have done more to help new companies set up in the north, or phase outt the old industries over a longer time though.

Her "all or nothing" approach to politics could be a strenth or a weakness depending on the issue.


The country was on its knees when Thatcher took over and something had to be done.

The Thatcher Reagan axis, those were the days.  :buttrock

PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 6:13 pm
by Big Niall
worcester_red wrote:
Big Niall wrote:
worcester_red wrote:
roberto green wrote:
SouthCoastShankly wrote:Those celebrating will be in the minority when she does pass away.

I hope she dies a very painful death the ald witch.

There will be street parties where I live.

No there won't, you probably couldn't organise a :censored: up in a brewery!

Seriosuly people, wishing someone ill is really not a cool thing and it will impact back on you or someone you love.

As much as I hate Gordon Brown for fecking up this countries economy I do not wish him ill at all.

how can it impact back? do you believe in karma B.S?

Big believer in Karma, yes. I've seen it so many times, do something good and something nice happens back, do something bad and bad things happen to you.

of course if I do something good, something good will at some stage happen me, it doesn't mean the first event caused the second.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 7:12 pm
by Reg
History will show Thatcher to be the best peacetime primeminister the country ever had. Whilst the relationship between the city of Liverpool and her was antagonistic, the city council made every possible attempt to obstruct and challenge her policies and right to govern and she responded by focusing investment and grants elsewhere in the country.

The person far more responsible for the decline of Liverpool was Derek Hatton and his gang of cronies.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 7:18 pm
by J*o*n*D*o*e
not that you need an excuse for a party but come on maggie fook off so i can toast your passing, fingers crossed she goes out screaming too and no i dont give a fook what any of you think about that, so good riddance and when the country which is on its knees spends millions of pounds to send her off ill spend my own £20 on waving her off with two fingers.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 7:23 pm
by Reg
And when Derek Hatton dies I will dance on his grave on behalf of my late father.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 9:28 pm
by Big Niall
J*o*n*D*o*e wrote:not that you need an excuse for a party but come on maggie fook off so i can toast your passing, fingers crossed she goes out screaming too and no i dont give a fook what any of you think about that, so good riddance and when the country which is on its knees spends millions of pounds to send her off ill spend my own £20 on waving her off with two fingers.

So what should the PM have done in 1979 bearing in mind that the IMF had recently been called in as the UK was an economic basket case. The unions were striking regularly for large pay rises which fueled inflation which fuels strikes etc. What should the PM have done with all the minors bearing in mind that coal has clearly passed its day as being the best source of energy?

no point slagging off a politican unless you have alternatives which you believe to be better (which you may have, but haven't stated)

PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 9:29 pm
by roberto green
Big believer in Karma, yes. I've seen it so many times, do something good and something nice happens back, do something bad and bad things happen to you.

If this was true George Bush would of died choking on that pretzel the evil f*cker

PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 9:36 pm
by roberto green
and don't even get me started on that evil b@stard Osbourne, the way him and his toff mates where celerbrating in the commons in front of the cameras waving there hands in the air after annoncing all the thousands of jobs cuts.

One word for the lot of them, EVIL


PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 9:57 pm
by Igor Zidane
Dear oh feckin dear . You ask the majority of people my age why they hate that thing , because my generation a whole generation had three choices . Rob , drugs or work away . Whole communities were destroyed by that and i for one will be partying like it's 1999 when the evil witch gets sent to hell .

PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 10:19 pm
by roberto green
Igor Zidane wrote:Dear oh feckin dear . You ask the majority of people my age why they hate that thing , because my generation a whole generation had three choices . Rob , drugs or work away . Whole communities were destroyed by that and i for one will be partying like it's 1999 when the evil witch gets sent to hell .

Well my missus works in the public sector in town and she reckons she has 2 years left, there asking for volunteer redundancies at the moment but inevitably she thinks they will all go because the main base for work in pensions is in Newcastle and that's were it will all go.

We are currently looking for mortgage protection.Yeah nice one Mr Osbourne.

People say we always tarnish the Tories with the same old brush over Maggie (and I was to young at the time to understand but went on a march with my dad on his shoulders against the poll tax) but the truth is they will never change.Yes we need cuts but in no way does it need to be so full on as it is over the next 5 years, why not spread it over 10 years and let the economy grow.We will head for a double recession with strikes and riots reminiscent of the 80's.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 10:31 pm
I honestly pray that this harpy gets cancer on her cancer .....she fucked The Miners ,she tried to fuck The NHS ,and she hated Liverpool Dockers with a passion..... I watched my mother battle through strike after strike sometimes they went on for months 
and anyone who believes she was good for this Country  is not worth knowing ..... Trust me I fucking mean it
I doubt there is a woman alive who is capable of stirring up the extent of deep loathing she evokes all those who back her regime   don't bother replying you wont get an answer ...
I would personally  do time for the chance  to be there at the very end listening to her death rattle  the dulcet tones of her drowning in her own blood :laugh:
Anyway thanks for this thread ...its been useful watching the true cunts lay down their masks even for a short while ...helps me identify who the fuck I share a board with ......

PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 10:46 pm
by roberto green
RED BEERGOGGLES wrote:...its been useful watching the true cunts lay down their masks even for a short while ...helps me identify who the fuck I share a board with ......

Same here mate it singles those out doesn't it.

It's alright having a difference on opinion on football but politics gives an insight of what type of person the poster is