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PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2010 10:42 am
by Tricky Dicky
1.  Eng-er-land fans.  Open my curtains in the morning and the tw@t across the road has an England flag draped out his window covering half his house.

That sounds bitter.

Who's your nation, Everton?


PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2010 11:39 am
by Ben Patrick
1. pigeons - they are all over the place in town and genuinely appear to be attacking you.
Would love to be able to carry an air rifle and blow a few pigeon heads off. They would soon feck off.

2. Goths or emos - whatever the term is for these pale faced black wearing weirdos.
We have a lovely new complex now with Liverpool one. Yet go there on a weekend and see the bunch of meffs congregating making the place look a scene from wesley snipes film Blade is being filmed there that day. They should be moved on.

3. Mondays - never have i actually thought anything geldof said was remotely interesting or worth listening to, but the song about not liking mondays makes so much sense.
I am inevitably hung over and stuck in work p!ssed off that i have 5 days before i can do what i want with my day.
Plus we are always chocker in work on a monday.

4. Services and airports - you get absolutely raped.
I went on holiday last year and at manchester airport got a burger king meal. It was about 8 quid, which is a feckin joke.
Then when i was in the services a few months back. I got a normal cheesburger in burger king which was about £2.50, then went and bought a packet of green extra - £1.50 ?
I wanted to chin the smug looking speccy spotty lad that served me.

5. Vernon Kay - why do loads of people like him ?
He is a bell, i hate his hair, the way he talks and the fact that birds love him.
When did it become cool to be from Bolton ?

PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2010 12:10 pm
by JC_81
Ben Patrick wrote:5. Vernon Kay - why do loads of people like him ?
He is a bell, i hate his hair, the way he talks and the fact that birds love him.
When did it become cool to be from Bolton ?


That's the type of rant this thread's all about, quality :laugh:

PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2010 12:25 pm
by laza
1. Captialism, yeah you won the cold war, yeah there is nothing wrong with being rich. Though you just cant stop yourself you  greedy evil fornicaters. More profit means more average joes going to the dogs. Then we get all this risk equals rewards but what happens when GFC comes around. Its the working man who bails you out and then hey presto its back to lear jets and CEO obscene bonus while rest of us get downsized.
Keep it up leeches and the hammer and sickle will be rising again

2. Smokers, yes we all have dirty habits but I dont go blowing mine into your faces trying to shorten your lifespan. Also why should I put up with third world hosptial system because you have pick a slow suicide option. Long after the cool rebel with out clue years are gone, your clogging up the hosptial ward  gasping and wheezing your way to reaper but only after you taken a great chunk out of health benefit, you selfish streaks of pelican droppings

3. Climate change industry, FFS long before glaciers melting causes problem , we will  all be screwed with overpopulation. If you really want to save the world, screw recycling and electric cars. Go out and castrate a catholic or a hindu. Also make sure any pratt Irish rockstar wanting to  save millions of africans with your money , takes a jumbo size box of condoms with them

4. Sexual inadequatcy of chinese men, listen just because your were born with a small willy doesnt mean a magnficient animal like a tiger or rhino has to be poached into extinction just because you want to feel like a big man. Even worse you have paid through the nose and she is  faking it anyway.
If you had kept that money and bought yourself a porsche , you still get laid and who cares if she is faking it. Christ if you that obsessed with giving her pleasure become a cunning liquist

5. Aussies abroad, I love my country and my way of life. However a week overseas in the company of my big mouthed tried hard countrymen and im faking the worst english accent there is. Get a grip that niche of " rude culturally insenstive wannabe everything is better in my land types" is the domain of amercans and they are welcome to it

PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2010 12:31 pm
by dawson99
laza wrote:2. Smokers, yes we all have dirty habits but I dont go blowing mine into your faces trying to shorten your lifespan. Also why should I put up with third world hosptial system because you have pick a slow suicide option. Long after the cool rebel with out clue years are gone, your clogging up the hosptial ward  gasping and wheezing your way to reaper but only after you taken a great chunk out of health benefit, you selfish streaks of pelican droppings

oh do shut up!!!!

Are you an ex smoker? Or just a whining c?

Do you go to fat in a restaurant and shout at them for eating more?

Do you shout at everyone who drinks about drink driving?

Do you know how much tax we pay on each pack of ciggies? On a £5 pack about £4 is tax... about 10 million smoke... thats £40 million a day, thats 280 million a week, 14,560 million a year

People who whine about smokers... thats who I want to add to room 101

PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2010 12:34 pm
by laza
Touchy are we ashtray breath, your just lucky there wasnt number  six on this list. Or I would have gone about self righteous arty farty types who whinge about downloading shows off internet.


PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2010 12:35 pm
by dawson99
laza wrote:Touchy are we ashtray breath, your just lucky there wasnt number  six on this list. Or I would have gone about self righteous arty farty types who whinge about downloading shows off internet.



Just remember, us smokers pay for the NHS for the whole country

I do love an arguament lol

PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2010 12:38 pm
by andy_g
dawson99 wrote:I do love an arguament

no you don't

PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2010 12:40 pm
by laza
Thats it Daws, I challenge you to a duel with pistols at dawn on a non smoking common :D

Besides this isnt argument thread, thats next thread down. This is grumpy old newkit men wannbes thread

PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2010 12:50 pm
by fivecups
laza wrote:4. Sexual inadequatcy of chinese men, listen just because your were born with a small willy doesnt mean a magnficient animal like a tiger or rhino has to be poached into extinction just because you want to feel like a big man.

:laugh:  :laugh:

Funny thread lads! Cheered me up.

PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2010 1:02 pm
by dawson99
andy_g wrote:
dawson99 wrote:I do love an arguament

no you don't

no, I don't  :down:

PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2010 1:05 pm
by andy_g
dawson99 wrote:
andy_g wrote:
dawson99 wrote:I do love an arguament

no you don't

no, I don't  :down:

you're almost as bad at it as you are at spelling, mate

PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2010 1:09 pm
by dawson99
rihgt thats it, we fihgt, me you and that laaz felal

PostPosted: Mon May 31, 2010 5:34 am
by laza
Bring it on Daws but I dont want to see this guy on the grassy knoll when we duel



PostPosted: Mon May 31, 2010 6:32 am
by Emerald Red
dawson99 wrote:Just remember, us smokers pay for the NHS for the whole country

I do love an arguament lol

Or put a strain on it.