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PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 1:28 am
by tonyeh
lakes10 wrote:why is it that so many girls are smoking?

Because they're dumb.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 2:13 pm
by shanks72
lakes10 wrote:as it seems we come from other places in the UK it might be hard for me to understand what its like for you, where i live the kids still have respect for the police and a word from them can still stop them, also the police should have a word with the adults that buy them for the kids outside the shop.
I dont live in a bad area but with all this health drive going on i think its time kids and smoking was sorted out. from what i hear you are soon only going to be able to buy them under the counter, i can not see how that is going to help. a local school run a test on all the kids , they took a swob from their gums, 90% of the girls that did the tes were foun to have smoked in the last 12 hours and 40% of boys.

this did not break the rules as the kids could say no to having the test done, it was a school health day

I think more should be done in the media to try and dissuade youngsters from smoking, eg. progs should be broadcast which show the damage smoking does to your lungs etc. progs with graphic images in may make a difference. After all we see other sorts of graphic progs, why not ones on the damage tobacco does.
My son is 16 and I'm very fortunate that he doesn't smoke. Him and his mate are the only ones from their group that don't, but I admire him for sticking to his guns. He's just got a new girlfriend who smokes, but who knows she may give up in the future.
I sympathise with smokers trying to give up, must be very difficult but surely the health benefits outweigh anything else.

We all follow like sheep and I think that if their peers stop smoking and it becomes an uncool habit then it will have a knock on effect for youngsters in the future.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 2:50 pm
by dawson99
All this anti-smoking pi$$es me off. We like smoking. It don't matter if you put pics on the packs, we'll smoke, no matter how much we are discrimnated against. I dont see pcis on things with sugar or any of that.

Smokers pay for the NHS, let us smoke!!!

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 2:55 pm
by Number 9
dawson99 wrote:All this anti-smoking pi$$es me off. We like smoking. It don't matter if you put pics on the packs, we'll smoke, no matter how much we are discrimnated against. I dont see pcis on things with sugar or any of that.

Smokers pay for the NHS, let us smoke!!!


PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 2:55 pm
by dward
But think of the money saved by the NHS if they didn't have to deal with all the smoking related problems.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 3:01 pm
by dawson99
dward wrote:But think of the money saved by the NHS if they didn't have to deal with all the smoking related problems.

I've done the maths before. We pay a shed load, and are you telling me if no one smoked there would be no cancer? That's Naive.

basic maths: 10 million smokers
20 a day
4.5 a pack
costs under 1 a pack to make
3.5 x 20 x 7 x 10 million = 4,900,000,000 a year in taxes on ciggies

Add to that the otehr fumes and toxins causing cancer and im saving your lives.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 3:42 pm
by J*o*n*D*o*e
dward wrote:But think of the money saved by the NHS if they didn't have to deal with all the smoking related problems.

yes but why isnt it the same for alcohol.

if your going to bring up the NHS then what about the amount of money spent to look after people who drink and the knock on effects like alcohol related violence.

i dont have a problem with people doing either but you cant blame everything and only single smokers out.

yes there is a risk from secondary smoke but is it anymore a risk than walking down a busy street or standing in a bus stop with bus and car fumes.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 4:26 pm
by tubby
I remember when even Doctors use to endorse smoking. :laugh:



PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:30 pm
by tonyeh
dawson99 wrote:All this anti-smoking pi$$es me off. We like smoking. It don't matter if you put pics on the packs, we'll smoke, no matter how much we are discrimnated against. I dont see pcis on things with sugar or any of that.

Smokers pay for the NHS, let us smoke!!!

An uncle I was very fond of died on Friday night from throat cancer. He was a smoker.

I hope you can reflect on your words when you are suffering from cancer, chronic bronchitis, heart disease, emphysema, C.O.P.D and any other of the numerous diseases that smoking brings on.

Trust gets away scott free.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:45 pm
by dawson99
tonyeh wrote:
dawson99 wrote:All this anti-smoking pi$$es me off. We like smoking. It don't matter if you put pics on the packs, we'll smoke, no matter how much we are discrimnated against. I dont see pcis on things with sugar or any of that.

Smokers pay for the NHS, let us smoke!!!

An uncle I was very fond of died on Friday night from throat cancer. He was a smoker.

I hope you can reflect on your words when you are suffering from cancer, chronic bronchitis, heart disease, emphysema, C.O.P.D and any other of the numerous diseases that smoking brings on.

Trust gets away scott free.

Sorry to hear, but Cancer is not a smoke only disease. Car fumes et-al all contribute.

and I bet your uncle fecking loved smoking. My relatives all die of heart disease before Cancer. Most of my relatives smoke, the older generation anyways. We like smoking. Us smokers know the dangers, and trust me, none of us appreciate the half hearetd attempts to help us give up.

I smoke, I love smoking, and I know it ain't good for me. but neither are so so many things that I just wish this fecked up government would let me do what I enjoy, and they can carry on destroying our country.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:09 pm
by account deleted by request
dawson99 wrote:
tonyeh wrote:
dawson99 wrote:All this anti-smoking pi$$es me off. We like smoking. It don't matter if you put pics on the packs, we'll smoke, no matter how much we are discrimnated against. I dont see pcis on things with sugar or any of that.

Smokers pay for the NHS, let us smoke!!!

An uncle I was very fond of died on Friday night from throat cancer. He was a smoker.

I hope you can reflect on your words when you are suffering from cancer, chronic bronchitis, heart disease, emphysema, C.O.P.D and any other of the numerous diseases that smoking brings on.

Trust gets away scott free.

Sorry to hear, but Cancer is not a smoke only disease. Car fumes et-al all contribute.

and I bet your uncle fecking loved smoking. My relatives all die of heart disease before Cancer. Most of my relatives smoke, the older generation anyways. We like smoking. Us smokers know the dangers, and trust me, none of us appreciate the half hearetd attempts to help us give up.

I smoke, I love smoking, and I know it ain't good for me. but neither are so so many things that I just wish this fecked up government would let me do what I enjoy, and they can carry on destroying our country.

Live fast die young and leave a beautiful corpse .......... bit late for me that one  :D

PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 10:39 am
by SouthCoastShankly
dawson99 wrote:
tonyeh wrote:
dawson99 wrote:All this anti-smoking pi$$es me off. We like smoking. It don't matter if you put pics on the packs, we'll smoke, no matter how much we are discrimnated against. I dont see pcis on things with sugar or any of that.

Smokers pay for the NHS, let us smoke!!!

An uncle I was very fond of died on Friday night from throat cancer. He was a smoker.

I hope you can reflect on your words when you are suffering from cancer, chronic bronchitis, heart disease, emphysema, C.O.P.D and any other of the numerous diseases that smoking brings on.

Trust gets away scott free.

Sorry to hear, but Cancer is not a smoke only disease. Car fumes et-al all contribute.

and I bet your uncle fecking loved smoking. My relatives all die of heart disease before Cancer. Most of my relatives smoke, the older generation anyways. We like smoking. Us smokers know the dangers, and trust me, none of us appreciate the half hearetd attempts to help us give up.

I smoke, I love smoking, and I know it ain't good for me. but neither are so so many things that I just wish this fecked up government would let me do what I enjoy, and they can carry on destroying our country.

The smoking/anti-smoking debate will go on forever. I have no problem with smokers in general as long as I don't have to be submitted to the fumes out of no choice of my own, that's why I agreed with the smoking ban in restaurants and pubs.

But what makes my fucking blood boil is pregnant mothers who smoke. Its doesn't say on the pack this might hurt your baby - it says it WILL hurt you baby. Its tantamount to child abuse.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 11:31 am
by Judge
lakes10 wrote:the other week i was at my local shops, it seems the norm now to see all young girls smoking. but on this day the thing that got to me was a policeman walked past them without even saying anything, they could have only been about 13-15.

Ilive near a school and my road seem to be the place for them to hide on the way home so they can have a smoke before going home (not puff just fags).

one thig that is clear there are less boys smoking than before.

why is it that so many girls are smoking?

i heard that lakes, but on 5 live :D

PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 4:04 pm
by Big Niall
Smokers are great.

They pay loads of tax - much more than the additional cost of health problems and they don't use up much taxes with state pensions as they die earlier.

I've never been a smoker but despise the nanny state where we need to be protected from anything that is bad for us. Smokers smoke because they enjoy the buzz from it.

I agree with non smokers being able to go to the pub witout inhaling smoke and also children, under 16 (18 is a bit old) shouldn't have access.

AFter that - government should back off, I'll live my own life.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 10:32 pm
by Reinas No.1 Fan
I current live in sunny middlebrough the most refined and cultured town with people to match :p ???

let me tell you of my lasting experience with smoking and kids.

Me and my two housemates were walking down one of the roads of the boro, now kids had a habbit of sitting and lounging on the door steps of their, or their mates houses. One of my housemates had a ciggy in his mouth. As we passed two kids sitting on a doorstep, they tried to bum a ciggy off my housemate. The thing is, they couldnt have been older than 10 and im not bulls**ting you all.

My housemate then pulls out his packet of fags to give them one (??? dont know why but he did) after seeing the packet they refused to take one saying in these exact words. "eewww we do smoke menthols"

That is wrong on soooo many levels first is that they smoke at all, second is not only do they smoke, but they smoke enough to have a preference :O  .

I was shocked to say the least, funniest yet saddest thing Ive seen in this hole!