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PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 2:34 pm
by Toffeehater
:D , yup like maypax the only time we get a chance is when they come here . Thinking of going to anfield next year or so

PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 2:43 pm
by maypaxvobiscum
GYBS wrote:
maypaxvobiscum wrote:nope not in UK. but they did come to Asia, particularly, Thailand and Singapore.

Did you go to see them ?

yes. they also had some party at Hard Rock Cafe. however i only found out they were there AFTER  they left  :(  didnt get to meet them up close.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 2:49 pm
by Redman in wales
How Old Are you ?


Where do you live ?

London (Grew up in Shrewsbury, just south of chester)

Why did you start supporting Liverpool ?

Uncle had a season ticket. The first 5/6 live games I ever saw were in the mid-80’s at Anfield. My first 2 games were draws: Southampton and wimbledon… but it got a lot better after that

Favourite Moment on the Pitch ?

gotta be Istanbul

Worst Moment on the Pitch ?

that utd defeat a few have mentioned sat heavy at the time. More recently I didn’t enjoy losing to Milan in the final when we were trying to go for number 6.

Fav Current Player ?

Gerrard and Torres. cant decide.

Fav player of past days ?

Barnes and Fowler. Cant decide

If you could change just one thing about club what would it be (except change owners cause think everyone wants that )?

That it would be easier to get tickets!! – (whether that means increase stadium, change ticket allocation etc)

Best thing about the club ?

passion. there’s something about Liverpool that sets it apart from others

PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 3:08 pm
maypaxvobiscum wrote:
GYBS wrote:
maypaxvobiscum wrote:nope not in UK. but they did come to Asia, particularly, Thailand and Singapore.

Did you go to see them ?

yes. they also had some party at Hard Rock Cafe. however i only found out they were there AFTER  they left  :(  didnt get to meet them up close.

thats cool you got a chance to go see them play