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PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 2:08 pm
by account deleted by request
I agree with Bamaga, not about this particular matter as I think Bob was just trying to keep the place tidy, but about the misuse of power by some of the Mods lately.

Amending peoples posts and thread titles should ONLY BE DONE AS A LAST RESORT not just to prove they are a "super duper Liverpool supporter" and much more important than the rest of us.

Locking threads seems to be becoming the "first strike" of choice rather than action of last resort.(except of course when it was started by a mod)

If anyone else had made those threads about Rafa leaving they would have been locked before you could fkn blink...... Fact.

Get a grip mods !

PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 2:09 pm
by dawson99
yeah :D

PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 2:12 pm
by Ciggy


PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 2:12 pm
by Judge

Who's weasel judge :D

a weasel is a member of the rodent family i think  :D


PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 2:19 pm
by Dundalk

PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 2:36 pm
by Leonmc0708
s@int wrote:I agree with Bamaga, not about this particular matter as I think Bob was just trying to keep the place tidy, but about the misuse of power by some of the Mods lately.

Amending peoples posts and thread titles should ONLY BE DONE AS A LAST RESORT not just to prove they are a "super duper Liverpool supporter" and much more important than the rest of us.

Locking threads seems to be becoming the "first strike" of choice rather than action of last resort.(except of course when it was started by a mod)

If anyone else had made those threads about Rafa leaving they would have been locked before you could fkn blink...... Fact.

Get a grip mods !

In particular when ?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 2:40 pm
by Sabre
s@int wrote:I agree with Bamaga, not about this particular matter as I think Bob was just trying to keep the place tidy, but about the misuse of power by some of the Mods lately.

Amending peoples posts and thread titles should ONLY BE DONE AS A LAST RESORT not just to prove they are a "super duper Liverpool supporter" and much more important than the rest of us.

Locking threads seems to be becoming the "first strike" of choice rather than action of last resort.(except of course when it was started by a mod)

If anyone else had made those threads about Rafa leaving they would have been locked before you could fkn blink...... Fact.

Get a grip mods !

I agree that EVERY mod will do mistakes, but I disagree it's with bad intentions or to prove a point.

For instance, a moderator told me a month ago "I wish you credited your quotes". Afterwards, I've seen people doing the same thing more than 20 times, and the same mod said nothing.

Seeing that, I have two options. I could go and say "why don't you tell that to the other user, you don't like me and blah blah blah", or just not giving it importantce, it was a decission, a comment, and that's all about it.

I defend the mods not because árse licking. That won't give me money. I defend the mods because I was accused of the same power trip thingy, and it hasn't nothing to do with that.

If we disagree their decissions or we think things should be done otherwise (for instance the thread name editting), we can discuss the matter as we discussed the post discussion threads, no? It's not fair to say there's some sort of power trip. It's just a different criteria for doing things.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 2:41 pm
by Leonmc0708
s@int wrote:If anyone else had made those threads about Rafa leaving they would have been locked before you could fkn blink...... Fact.

You have been here a while and I thought you might have known that I have opened those kind of threads from day one mate.

I remember a few in the last transfer window, Henry seen in Liverpool, Bent Signs etc and they where humourous.

Too many people take the internet too serious too many times. ITs not about who opened the thread, who made the most posts, who titled the thread or anything like that.

Too many people think there rights have been infringed upon when moderators move stuff. Why ?


Worry about your friends liking you, and impressing girls, not people you dont know and will never meet on the web.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 2:58 pm
by account deleted by request
Leonmc0708 wrote:
s@int wrote:If anyone else had made those threads about Rafa leaving they would have been locked before you could fkn blink...... Fact.

You have been here a while and I thought you might have known that I have opened those kind of threads from day one mate.

I remember a few in the last transfer window, Henry seen in Liverpool, Bent Signs etc and they where humourous.

Too many people take the internet too serious too many times. ITs not about who opened the thread, who made the most posts, who titled the thread or anything like that.

Too many people think there rights have been infringed upon when moderators move stuff. Why ?


Worry about your friends liking you, and impressing girls, not people you dont know and will never meet on the web.

I think there's a bit of difference between a Henry seen in liverpool joke, and  Rafa quits joke thread at this moment in time. Its not the joke thread I object to, but the timing and the subject matter.

If you disagree with someones post or want to make a comment , say so in a post of your own, rather than amending someones post and sticking a stupid headline on the top of their post. Its not hard, the rest of us have to do it!

I am long past worrying about impressing girls or worrying if my friends like me mate, if they are still around after all this time its more down to modern medicine than me anyway.

I think its started to go too far now this is not RAWK or RAOTL its always been a relaxed friendly site, lets keep it that way

PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 3:07 pm
by Ola Mr Benitez
Well said Saint!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 3:16 pm
by Bad Bob
For the record, I was just trying to keep things tidy.  It was nothing personal against Bamaga Man, or Ciggy or Saint for that matter (who started a parallel thread on an aspect of this topic a couple of days back, which I deleted, at his request).  All are good posters and valued members (even if the brown nose comments and the power trip suggestions are well wide of the mark).

What I was doing was applying the same logic that applies to the rotation thread.  People were getting annoyed that rotation was being discussed all over the shop so we've tried, in so far as it's possible, to keep it to a single thread.  In the same way, having multiple parallel threads running on the current situation with Rafa and the owners fractures discussion, IMHO.  One serious thread to discuss all of the permutations of the situation makes sense to me (other, less serious threads, don't bother me at all, TBH). 

But, obviously, people feel differently so I'm fine to be more laissez faire in the future.  I certainly don't need the aggro that comes in the wake of locking/merging threads....

PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 4:28 pm
by account deleted by request
Leonmc0708 wrote:
s@int wrote:I agree with Bamaga, not about this particular matter as I think Bob was just trying to keep the place tidy, but about the misuse of power by some of the Mods lately.

Amending peoples posts and thread titles should ONLY BE DONE AS A LAST RESORT not just to prove they are a "super duper Liverpool supporter" and much more important than the rest of us.

Locking threads seems to be becoming the "first strike" of choice rather than action of last resort.(except of course when it was started by a mod)

If anyone else had made those threads about Rafa leaving they would have been locked before you could fkn blink...... Fact.

Get a grip mods !

In particular when ?

I was thinking mainly of the "Kiss Wengers a$$" thread , and my posting of the Bascombe article in particular Leon (as obviously they affected me personally) but there have been quite a few other instances recently.

ps I just noticed Bamaga has got a card, what for?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 4:39 pm
by dawson99
for arguing with 'zee germans'

PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 4:41 pm
by Leonmc0708
s@int wrote:
Leonmc0708 wrote:
s@int wrote:I agree with Bamaga, not about this particular matter as I think Bob was just trying to keep the place tidy, but about the misuse of power by some of the Mods lately.

Amending peoples posts and thread titles should ONLY BE DONE AS A LAST RESORT not just to prove they are a "super duper Liverpool supporter" and much more important than the rest of us.

Locking threads seems to be becoming the "first strike" of choice rather than action of last resort.(except of course when it was started by a mod)

If anyone else had made those threads about Rafa leaving they would have been locked before you could fkn blink...... Fact.

Get a grip mods !

In particular when ?

I was thinking mainly of the "Kiss Wengers a$$" thread , and my posting of the Bascombe article in particular Leon (as obviously they affected me personally) but there have been quite a few other instances recently.

ps I just noticed Bamaga has got a card, what for?

The kiss Wengers :censored: thread was a joke lad, if you cant see that then apologies, no offence is intended.

I deleted links to the NOTW website, which I will do no matter what, its a no brainer. IF you have a serious problem with me I suggest that you speak to LFC, however I would have prefered a PM at the time of both to raise any issues that may have had at the time.

The post above was not aimed at you by the way, but was more in response to your comments.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 5:16 pm
by account deleted by request
Leonmc0708 wrote:
s@int wrote:
Leonmc0708 wrote:
s@int wrote:I agree with Bamaga, not about this particular matter as I think Bob was just trying to keep the place tidy, but about the misuse of power by some of the Mods lately.

Amending peoples posts and thread titles should ONLY BE DONE AS A LAST RESORT not just to prove they are a "super duper Liverpool supporter" and much more important than the rest of us.

Locking threads seems to be becoming the "first strike" of choice rather than action of last resort.(except of course when it was started by a mod)

If anyone else had made those threads about Rafa leaving they would have been locked before you could fkn blink...... Fact.

Get a grip mods !

In particular when ?

I was thinking mainly of the "Kiss Wengers a$$" thread , and my posting of the Bascombe article in particular Leon (as obviously they affected me personally) but there have been quite a few other instances recently.

ps I just noticed Bamaga has got a card, what for?

The kiss Wengers :censored: thread was a joke lad, if you cant see that then apologies, no offence is intended.

I deleted links to the NOTW website, which I will do no matter what, its a no brainer. IF you have a serious problem with me I suggest that you speak to LFC, however I would have prefered a PM at the time of both to raise any issues that may have had at the time.

The post above was not aimed at you by the way, but was more in response to your comments.

On both examples I highlighted, I did pm you Leon. I have no problems with you mate except the one I raised and certainly I don't want to cause further problems by blowing things up out of all proportion. Treat it as a suggestion or a moan rather than a complaint.

It wasn't the deleted links I was moaning about, it was changing the heading on Bascombe's article that I was highlighting. While your change of heading may well have been accurate, it would have been just as effective in your own post rather than altering mine.