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PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 2:15 pm
by dawson99
the fact is that certain people use the n word. i dont personally but i do use very racist words to my afro-anglo (how do i say it pc) friends as a term of endearment, like u might say to one of your gal mates "wassup biatch?" or something like that.

not saying what she did was right, but to get kicked out and be blown out of all proportion just to boost flagging ratings???

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 2:19 pm
by grayghost
Come on c4 had no choice but to kick her out. That girl has only been in that house for 5 days and to say that word to someone who it has real meaning to was behond stupid. She got everything she deserved.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 2:21 pm
by dawson99
but when the other bird said it, charly or whatever, that was fine?

gimme a break

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 2:37 pm
by grayghost
I never saw that but if she did then that was wrong to but for a whiter than white girl who has only nown the girl 5 days to come out and so casually say it was just pathetic. Ijust don't think that Emily is all there in the head she defo has a screw lose.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 2:39 pm
by dawson99
not the point. can a handicapped man call me a spastic? can i calla ginger a ginger minger?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 2:54 pm
by grayghost
Come on there is a diffrence to what your saying although i do understand what your getting at. But to say to some one who you don't even know "don't push it nigger" Well am sorry but i just can't defend that.

And to call some one a ginger or spastic no matter who says it is still very wrong but there is a diffrence. To call some one a nigger is so degrading and it means so much to so many people that i think the out come was justly deserved. I think it was clear to see how Charley was hurt no matter how hard she tried to hide it.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 2:57 pm
by LFC2007
If you don't like Big Brother switch it off, it's a load of sh!te. They make mugs out of thick people stupid enough to turn on, they'll be rolling in it after this latest fiasco.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 2:59 pm
by dawson99
calling someone a spastic is more degrading to certain people tho, and you arent listening to the context. maybe u live ina  village with not much interacial action, but times are a changing and people do actually call people that. i call one of my best mates 'apu' and always ask him to go back his cornershop and marry his cousin. but its meant in jest, he knows that as do i. he calls me pidgeon sh!t honky redneck boy.

she actually said: "You're pushing it out, you n***er,"
which ok, was wrong, but thenc harly said something along the lines of "yeah, im a n***er"

its just old 60 year old conservatives in suits who have probably never interacted with anyone of different colour (and the one 'other culture' spokesperson so it looks good who dont know what they are doing

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 3:00 pm
by grayghost
I no am like a fly to the flame when it comes on i just can't help killing myself.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 3:06 pm
by LFC2007
dawson99 wrote:calling someone a spastic is more degrading to certain people tho, and you arent listening to the context. maybe u live ina  village with not much interacial action, but times are a changing and people do actually call people that. i call one of my best mates 'apu' and always ask him to go back his cornershop and marry his cousin. but its meant in jest, he knows that as do i. he calls me pidgeon sh!t honky redneck boy.

she actually said: "You're pushing it out, you n***er,"
which ok, was wrong, but thenc harly said something along the lines of "yeah, im a n***er"

its just old 60 year old conservatives in suits who have probably never interacted with anyone of different colour (and the one 'other culture' spokesperson so it looks good who dont know what they are doing

Comes back to context Dawson, I don't know what context the Big brother person said those things in because it is a pile of W*nk.

But I would question why anyone would use the word given its historical meaning, surely there are other words you can use.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 3:11 pm
by grayghost
dawson99 wrote:calling someone a spastic is more degrading to certain people tho, and you arent listening to the context. maybe u live ina  village with not much interacial action, but times are a changing and people do actually call people that. i call one of my best mates 'apu' and always ask him to go back his cornershop and marry his cousin. but its meant in jest, he knows that as do i. he calls me pidgeon sh!t honky redneck boy.

she actually said: "You're pushing it out, you n***er,"
which ok, was wrong, but thenc harly said something along the lines of "yeah, im a n***er"

its just old 60 year old conservatives in suits who have probably never interacted with anyone of different colour (and the one 'other culture' spokesperson so it looks good who dont know what they are doing

Am from Huyton trust me we now you don't say that arond here. you wont live long if you do.

And yes you can get away with saying those words to you friend but thats it its your friend your saying them to not some stranger you hardly now.

It does not matter what we thimk but useing them words should be more that evoided.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 3:16 pm
by dawson99
well it shouldnt be said, but it was. and a 19 yr old 65iq bimbo wont know the historical context. she'll know what she hears in music all the time and how her and her mates talk.

im not saying its right to say, but if it wasnt handled so badly in the celeb version then there would never be such a commotion about it.

personally i say evict every one of them now, get the show over with and get ready to watch new epsiodes of my name is earl

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 3:19 pm
by Dimshen
dawson99 wrote:calling someone a spastic is more degrading to certain people tho, and you arent listening to the context. maybe u live ina  village with not much interacial action, but times are a changing and people do actually call people that. i call one of my best mates 'apu' and always ask him to go back his cornershop and marry his cousin. but its meant in jest, he knows that as do i. he calls me pidgeon sh!t honky redneck boy.

she actually said: "You're pushing it out, you n***er,"
which ok, was wrong, but thenc harly said something along the lines of "yeah, im a n***er"

its just old 60 year old conservatives in suits who have probably never interacted with anyone of different colour (and the one 'other culture' spokesperson so it looks good who dont know what they are doing

I think your missing the point dawson, and you are also falling into the same trap as this girl emily did,

by saying that you interact with your friends (who i assume you have known for a long time) in that way, you are saying exactly the same thing emily did when she was forced to defend her actions.

Fair enough you can speak in whatever manner you want to with your friends because you have a rappour with them, but going into a house in which you know no one and using that laguage is unacceptable because regardless of whether or not your racist you will look like one.

some of your points i agree with, and there are alot of hypocritical views when it comes to this subject, but questioning big brothers decision to kick her out is just plane wrong.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 3:21 pm
by dawson99
but its ok for charly to say it?

u cant have one rule for one race, one for another.

it just stinks, the whole thing.

im not saying what she did was right, but kicking her out has just ruined her life, all they had to do was educate, not kick her out for publicty

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 3:23 pm
by Dimshen
she ruined her life, not them, they had no choice but to kick her out.

and do you see the difference between charley calling herself a nigger, and emily calling charley a nigger?