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PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 8:31 am
by laza
Laurencisco Santos

PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 9:46 am
by bng89
Gormosa. Ill stick with Gorman

PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 10:07 am
by dawson99

PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 11:59 am
by woof woof !

wtf, sounds like something you keep under the sink . :(

PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 12:13 pm
by dawson99
wheres woildo?

i see a book coming out :D

PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 12:20 pm
by 112-1077774096
The Red Baron wrote:
peewee wrote:petildo


Pet Dildo......You would be popular at a Lesbian conference. :eyebrow

yeah mate, i always get the cack names, even my porn name is rubbish Mr Jinx Ritson


PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 12:32 pm
by dward
Steven Gerrard - Gerra

Xabi Alonso - Xabildo

Momo Sissoko - Momiano

Harry Kewell - Kewiano

Peter Crouch - Petosa

Robbie Fowler - Fowlaldo

John Arne Riise - Jaldo

Sami Hyypia - Samildo

Steve Finnan - Finniano

Jan Kromkamp - Kromkino

Pepe Reina - Reinildo

Luis Garcia - Luildo

Djimi Traore - Traoreiro

Neil Mellor - Neildo

Dietmar Hamann - Hamisco

PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 1:52 pm
by PhiLFC
well I put phil & lfc in and got Eto which is cool... however I then put in p.iss off (without the full stop of course) and got.... Eto.... which is cool :buttrock

PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 1:54 pm
by LFC #1

PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 1:56 pm
by LFC #1
Fred Bloggs = Frildo :D

PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 1:57 pm
by LFC #1
LFC #1 = Ito

PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 1:59 pm
by LFC #1

no prizes for guessing who that is.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 2:01 pm
by 48-1119859832
A certain German midfielder? :D

PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 2:59 pm
by The Specialist

Finniano        Carraghinho   Samildo   John Arnaldo

Gerra                                                              Kewiano
                           Petosa   Fowlaldo

Are we more intimidating this way? :D

edit - For some reason when I submit, it's putting Reina towards the left and not the center. Whatever. Don't want people doing the "why is he near the corner flag" thing, so just saying.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 3:02 pm
by ConnO'var
ended up with connovson or cegra depending on variations keyed in....

was hoping for something cooler....:(

:laugh: :laugh: