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PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2006 3:48 pm
by taff
Its horrible but things in the media tend to get highlighted and a scare frenzy happens then its on to the next topic.

There are hundreds of stabbings every year but its a hot topic now. 

I do think that people have gone into a habit of carrying knives as a trend thing but this has been happening for years now.  While most people carry them but wont use them you have the nutters who are prepared to do it.  But every generation has nutters, anyone go to football in the 80's will tell you that.

Whilst I am concermed with general behaviour my main concern is the hysterical media driven frenzy that people actually listen to.

Chavs are replacing immigrants in public enemy number one  :no

I have mates who watch England and go to every tournament and they have crazy tales of journalists. They are "normal" fans as well. Watch hooliganism get loads of exposure with the world cup coming. Lee Sharpe is even doing a programme on it.

With stabbings, it is up to us to ridicule those who carry knives and mock them about it, reasoning doesnt really work with youngsters into image etc in my experience.

If you get attacked my advice is run, chances are even if you know how to look after yourself, the reality of confrontation makes people react differently than normal.

Everyone stay lucky till the next scare :D

PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2006 4:20 pm
by 112-1077774096
its not right to say this is a modern scourge, i remember as a 9 year old going to the blackhills in tuebrook to watch a massive fight between the brook and the breck, two gangs from areas of liverpool and it was absolute carnage. maybe red baron remembers these incidents as he is from tuebrook also i  believe and of an age when he would have been aware of it. i also used to talk to old timer who grew up in the 50s and 60s and they were also violent times.

i have also been stabbed in the leg when i was a policeman in liverpool, i was lucky to be wearing body armour even back before it was common practice to do so or it would have been worse for me, however a knife was not used, it was a screwdriver, and the sentence passed down by the courts was community service (this is one of the main reasons for me leaving). I was lucky (or unlucky whichever way you look at it) to see the scum in action on a daily basis, and not very often was it just an individual, if you also saw their family you could see the breakdown, you could see the family defend the actions of the family member which in a way condones what they do.

there is a general breakdown on society and i have my own theory. when i was growing up i was scared to do anything wrong as i was in fear of my parents, ok you may say this is a bad thing but at the same time i had just as much love as everyone else, even now i wont do anything to shame my parents, also when i was at school the teachers were not scared of tw@tting you if you stepped out of line so there was also a fear there. now there are no fears either in school or in the home. in school the teachers are the ones bullied and are unable to retaliate. now this is where my theory comes in, if i rebelled against my parents then there is one bad apple, if i have 3 children and i dont bring them up properley because im a bad apple we now have an extra 3 rebels, if the grow up to have just 2 children each we now have 6 rebels. (can you see where im going with this)?

PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2006 4:25 pm
by red37
peewee wrote:when i was growing up i was scared to do anything wrong as i was in fear of my parents, ok you may say this is a bad thing but at the same time i had just as much love as everyone else, even now i wont do anything to shame my parents, also when i was at school the teachers were not scared of tw@tting you if you stepped out of line so there was also a fear there. now there are no fears either in school or in the home. in school the teachers are the ones bullied and are unable to retaliate.

thats exactly how it was with me too. i darent put a foot wrong in our house. or at school.

until i grew old enough to find out the hard way myself   :down:  but for me it HAS to start that way. called respect.

PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2006 4:31 pm
by The Red Baron
Yeah I remember the gang fights.But I actually lived in Walton as a kid.There was murder beetween Walton and Bootle,when Iwas growing up.If you went past the Mons you could end up with a severe kicking.Icant recall any incidents involving knives tho.In those days if anyone had of been stabbed or slashed it would of been big news,now it seems its an everyday occurence.
The governments answer to the problem is to announce a knife amnesty, how about more coppers on the beat.They seem to have enough manpower to set up speedtraps.

PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2006 4:31 pm
by JBG
I agree with peewee.

Western societies are in serious decline and there's a breakdown in basic law and order and a lack of community spirit.

America is an exception to this rule in that crime there is at the lowest for decades but the US have used draconic law enforcement rather than grassroot efforts to change people's mentalities.

Like peewee, when I was a nipper I did what I was told. If I stepped out of line I was given a box, and it has done me no harm. Nowadays teachers are not allowed to even stand behind a sitting pupil in class for fear of intimidating the student.

PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2006 5:01 pm
by Cool Hand Luke
I agree that this mostly stems from a soft home and school environment, a smack round the back of the head is NEEDED on occasions. I’m afraid though were way past changing this through almost patronising “knife amnesties” and so on, people either do things through fear or love. As autocratic and extreme as it sounds, this country needs to bring back the fear factor, it is too hard to prosecute and sentence criminals and were to much into rehabilitation, if someone wants to rehabilitate that is fine but it he/she shouldn’t be doing it because they are told.

I agree with peewee that it has snowballed, and it will continue to do so unless a DRAMTIC change is enforce and we stop giving into the liberal wishy washy “lets help criminals” approach to society, but it wont happen, this country is becoming something of a cesspit in terms of crime and lack of community feeling.

PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2006 7:53 pm
by Garymac
jonnymac1979 wrote:
craig da Toxteth iron wrote:
supersub wrote:scumbags carry knives and it has nothing to do with LFC General I'm moving it.......any future threads may end up being deleted if in the wrong's not rocket science

Have you seen the video last night on the news if you have there no need for you to delete my threads? I’m not promoting knife culture I thinks it’s a disgrace to our nation so please don’t delete my threads Thank you :)

This will end up in tears and complaints though.

What did you really expect with this thread?  Are you waiting for a member to log on and say it's cool to carry knives and stab people?  Everyone with any common sense and humanity.....

Oh fuck it I can't be arsed getting involved.  Doesn't belong on this forum though in my opinion, general chat or not.

Gary, I've not drank a pint in a fortnight.  :buttrock

Fu*kin hell Jonny good going, im staying all this weekend, doing some overtime with me dad to get some extra money.

These kids with Knifes are sh!thouses, end of, and they want fuc*ing hanging

PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 7:52 am
by anti-hero
We kids have it so good. :D

It is true that my generation rarely gets a beating. Here in America its always the routine "Go to your room.." or "You're grounded.." or "No TV or Computer for a month.."

Its been used so many times that kids just dont want to listen anymore.

Maybe, in my opinion, the decline of society is due mostly to the lack of discipline and morals.

Discipline fosters respect for authority. It lets the kid know who's boss and where he stands. I've been taught by my folks, teachers and coaches that discipline makes you stronger. It shapes your character. It made me realize what consequences came from my actions. Nowadays I see kids running around, wearing shirts with the anarchy A, smoking in school, knives, guns, "bling bling".

I blame the whole "Gangsta" fad.. :D

I just loathe it. Stupid wannabes in overly baggy shirts and shorts, wearing dog-tags and studded ear-rings to boot. I just cant count how many times I've been called "home's" or "homie" it drives me crazy!

They always think they're so tough when they're in a gang of about 15 all carrying some sort of weapon and brandishing it around. "Fuck the Pigs! Fuck the Pigs!"

I never knew how being a Jackass could be considered cool. Sadly it is.

And the fact that the attackers in the report so casually, walked up to the guy and stabbed him in the eye like it was no big deal shows how bad society is. The blatant disregard for life and the manner in which they did it. I dont think they even knew the guy. Those sh'theads probably thought it would be so funny to watch him react to getting stabbed in the face.

It sends shivers down my spine.

Fuckers like that arent even worth to spit on.

I'd have shanked all of them.

PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2006 3:24 am
by Lando_Griffin
I've only read a few lines on this topic, as I'm knucking fackered, so I'll just say my bit. If it's just a repeat of other posts - tough!!! :D

IMHO the vast majority of the problems with the young punks of today stems from the fact that they have no respect for anyone or anything.
The little w*nkers who go around stabbing folk tend to be from families where the parents are of the same ilk. They are scum. They do not care about anything other than their next fix/drink/etc.

When I was growing up, I was scared to back-chat my parents, as I knew I'd get a slap if I did. When I became a teenager (the "Little B*stard" stage), the lessons I had learned stayed with me, and I have always had respect for people and property.

Now, at 24, I could beat the sh*t out of my Mum and Dad if I wanted to - but I don't. They taught me how to behave, and THAT is what is missing from the little c*nts of today, IMHO.
There were plenty of these dickheads at my School. It is not new. I once had a gun put to my head by a 16-year-old when I was about 9, because he was a wankbandit. He had no discipline. He had no brains.
A knife is a coward's weapon. All weapons are for cowards - that is what I was always taught by my brothers, etc. "If you fight - you fight like a man". These punks really should have the intelligence to realise that carrying a knife is something pansies do, and any faggot can stab someone. It's easy. You just have to be a complete tw*t. And gay.

I bet you £20,000 that if it were drilled into these hoody sh*t-stains that carrying a weapon of any description made you a homosexual, they'd drop the act and get real.

Listen to me, you bunch of f*cking girls:

You carry a knife - see if you feel hard when you're being buggered everyday in prison by a man named Molly.
REAL men who fight just smash enemies in the trap and then have a pint with them afterwards.

Which of these two options will give you more "repectz, yaz, cuz me ho and me peeps iz lafin at yu, man"?

You f*cking shower-room bitches-to-be.  :no

Oh, and while you're at it - stop talking like you're American, you sad f*cking sheep.  :no

PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2006 3:56 am
by anti-hero
Lando_Griffin wrote:I once had a gun put to my head by a 16-year-old when I was about 9, because he was a wankbandit.


What happened to the inbred fucker?

PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2006 11:08 pm
by Woollyback
peewee wrote:there is a general breakdown on society and i have my own theory. when i was growing up i was scared to do anything wrong as i was in fear of my parents, ok you may say this is a bad thing but at the same time i had just as much love as everyone else, even now i wont do anything to shame my parents, also when i was at school the teachers were not scared of tw@tting you if you stepped out of line so there was also a fear there. now there are no fears either in school or in the home. in school the teachers are the ones bullied and are unable to retaliate. now this is where my theory comes in, if i rebelled against my parents then there is one bad apple, if i have 3 children and i dont bring them up properley because im a bad apple we now have an extra 3 rebels, if the grow up to have just 2 children each we now have 6 rebels. (can you see where im going with this)?

right on the money there peewee :nod

my cousin from calderstones had a knife pulled on him down penny lane when he was 17. nick's a big lad and attacked the knife-carrying scrote and (whilst i can't remember the gory details as it was a few years back) he certainly went to town on him and ended up calling him an ambulance out of pity. the next day nick gets arrested and went through hell for months waiting to go to court for assault/abh or whatever it was meanwhile there's no charges for this smackhead c*nt with the knife. he was at bluecoat doing his a-levels at the time and the school offered no support whatsoever and even said if he was found guilty he would be expelled a few months before his a-levels. f*ckin disgrace.

anyway the courts found him not guilty and said it was "reasonable force" but why no charges for the heroin addicted sh*tbag carrying the knife? :angry:

PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2006 11:30 pm
by The Ace1983
Knife Culture? It's disgusting. It isn't anything new, it's just getting more press at the moment for whatever reason. Carrying a knife is something that cowards do. People who want to fight, but don't want to risk anything. I'm not condoning any kind of "fisticuffs", but if you're gonna fight, be a man about it. Don't pussy around with something that could actually get people killed. If I ever caught a son or daughter of mine with a knife, they wouldn't half be in trouble.

I remember a kid in my college who used to carry a clever around and he was a right funk up. The sort of person you expect to see on Crimewatch in a few years. Luckily, he got found with it and was taken to the police by the college. But who knows what would have happened if he'd flipped out at someone?

The only time I ever came close to trouble was at 2am in Plymouth when I was in one of my angry/annoyed drunk moods. I headed for an underpass and about half way down this Kid in a hoodie walks towards me and says something like "Give me ya phone and ya wallet" while he's got his hand in his pocket, poking it out so it looks like he's got a blade. In my state I said "If you haven't got a knife, I'm going to kick the sh!t out of you". He just ran off. And this story made me feel pretty big and I've gotten some quiet awe from it previously while offering it in conversation. But in retrospect, it was a bit stupid. What if he did have a knife? I've got a bit of scotch in me (at that time, both Alchohol and nationality) and I don't like giving up my cash, so what would I have been like, and what would he have done? I could have been killed. But this should never have happened in the first place, because this kid's parents should have educated and disciplined him. And the majority of those people do have knives, and they should have been told right from wrong too.

So parents and schools should do more to educate and inform, and the penalties for carrying this sort of weapon should be made harsher (quite honestly, I think they should lose a few fingers). But like I said, it's not new, and I think the media are trying to make a bit of a moral panic out of it. But it still needs tackling.

And to any member on here who carries a knife (though I can't believe there are many); don't. Put it away before you end up doing something you regret. You're either going to end up in a cell or in the ground. Grow up and learn to be a man, and real men do not carry knives.

PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 4:10 am
by Lando_Griffin
anti-hero wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:I once had a gun put to my head by a 16-year-old when I was about 9, because he was a wankbandit.


What happened to the inbred fucker?

Prison for a guess.

If he isn't inside, he'll be on the streets.
He was a thief then, the dirty b*stard. Was into robbing houses and that sh*t.

I hope he gets buggered for the rest of his worthless life, the c*nt.

The best part about it is, I never did anything wrong to him. He was just a thug who preyed on younger kids.
