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PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 1:15 pm
by red37
OK September's Satdy Starter for a Sausage Sarnie is: "Kalogram" - which refers to an anagram that uses a persons full name.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 8:17 pm
by ste123lfc
A couple of more words to add to this ever expanding list of quaffle.

The first one maureen suffers from,   is AUTOLATRY = The worship of one's self.

The second i would defy anyone on here not to suffer from, it is COLPOSINQUANONIA = Estimating a womans beauty based on her chest  :love:

PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 3:13 pm
by red37
Its Monday, its manic and todays moronic murmuring is "Sanctimonious" - meaning: Acting as though morally, or righteously better than others. (up yer own ar5e in other words).

PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:11 pm
by red37
...and on that pertinant note.

Here resurrected from the place where it should have stayed is: A load of big words what nobody uses anymore!

Just for you dawson - you 'flibbetigibbet you'  :wwww   :D

PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:20 pm
by dawson99
I am flighty and/or whimsical, cheers dude

PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:27 pm

1. The act of ascertaining information by interpretation of omens using a vagina as the agent. A common major chosen by still-undecided undergraduates......
For the Cl*ts on here  :D

PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 3:37 pm
by red37
Today's 'Vulcaniferously' voiced vestige of vintage vocabulary simply has to be:

Word: = Runcorn and its thereabouts.

Meaning:  = Rat infested backwater replete with Neanderthal charm offering almost total sensory depravation from fresh air as a result of ICI's chemical pollution legacy and of course, notwithstanding the spectacular views of the WIDNES  Bridge - (Innapropriately and cruelly aped by some ne'er-do-well architect in Australia once). An absolute tw@t of an ordeal known as the 'Shopping City'. Oh and a famous Train station (which comes in useful now and again)

Aside from that - a heffer of a place. Only to be partly redeemed by a local chippy and its quite magnificent 'curry sauce' i had there once.    :Oo:

PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 4:47 pm
red37 wrote:Today's 'Vulcaniferously' voiced vestige of vintage vocabulary simply has to be:

Word: = Runcorn and its thereabouts.

Meaning:  = Rat infested backwater replete with Neanderthal charm offering almost total sensory depravation from fresh air as a result of ICI's chemical pollution legacy and of course, notwithstanding the spectacular views of the WIDNES  Bridge - (Innapropriately and cruelly aped by some ne'er-do-well architect in Australia once). An absolute tw@t of an ordeal known as the 'Shopping City'. Oh and a famous Train station (which comes in useful now and again)

Aside from that - a heffer of a place. Only to be partly redeemed by a local chippy and its quite magnificent 'curry sauce' i had there once.    :Oo:

Best thing about Runcorn is the bridge out of there  :laugh:

PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 5:01 pm
by Roger Red Hat
Exibobs - another word for 'Nice one!' or 'Excellent!'

PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 7:00 pm
by red37
Lee J wrote:Exibobs - another word for 'Nice one!' or 'Excellent!'

Authentic 18th Century?   :D