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PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 4:15 pm
by Woollyback
anfieldadorer wrote:
andy_g wrote:Image

don't be shy andy...


:laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 9:04 pm
by andy_g
Sabre wrote:Andy that neighbourhood seems to be very popular, old Barcelona neighbourhood, perhaps not the smartest place in Barcelona, but more authentic than other parts?

YOur local seems to be great, I promise I'll pay a visit some day.

"El tablon del forat" is "the panel of the foreigner?" My catalan is null, but I guess it's that?

you're absolutely right, sabre. although the buildings in the top foto aren't there anymore because this is now development central! posh flats and boutiques all over the place and rents going through the roof :angry

'el tablon del forat' is lietrally 'the board of the hole'. el forat refers to el forat de la vergonya, which means the hole of shame or embarrasment. its a long story but basically refers to how many people have been conned out of their homes so they can be demolished to make way for developments. but all the local squatters have turned it into a park and there's regular gigs, paella, football anf film going on.

and yes, the pub is cool and cissel and mai are two of the most gorgeuos bar maids in the world.
