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Scumbags - Wots mine is not yours

PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 12:40 pm
by supersub
Some scumbags broke into my garage the other day.Stole £200 of ale for my little girl's christening this weekend.They took all my Pink Floyd albums,all my Springsteen albums,cd's,videos of of our beloved LFC.
   Every box that had lay unopened since our move last year had been rifled through.My wife is in Liverpool at this moment buying a new christening out-fit because they stole a box with the shoes and hat from our 3rd childs christening along with numerous silver money boxs and trinkets from a whole host of christenings in our past.
   Looks like some ****** will have a car boot sale on the back of our misery.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 12:42 pm
by supersub
Who's miserable!  no one's hurt ....just in convenienced

PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 12:51 pm
by Judge
thats bad. having someone rifle yer goods when yer out.

i hope you called the police and they catch'em

bas'tard theives :angry:

PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 1:02 pm
by jonnymac1979
Sorry to hear about that mate.  Unfortunately, it's the way the fu***ing world is sometimes.  My car was broken into twice last year, the first time a neighbour rumbled the ba$tard trying to wrestle the locks off the wheel and gearstick, having broken into the car. 

Had I have got hold of him, I would have left him dying on the street which is where I would have left him after stamping on his head continuously.  He'd scarpered by the time I got got there.  Then you realise you are the one who will have to go to court when the pieces of sh!t sue YOU for ABH so you can't even take the law into your hands anymore, because the lousy police done fu** all about it.  I wonder sometimes what they actually do? 

I have had to deal with the police a couple of times over the last year and the criminals they were after are still out there laughing.  Meanwhile, you are left to pick up the pieces, which is never easy, even when you have a suspicion of who these ba$tards are that have wronged you, but you cannot touch them as again, you will end up worse off. 

Where's the justice?

Look what happened to that farmer Tony whatsit a couple of years ago.  I would shake his hand for blasting that little piece of sh!t away with a shotgun who was trying to rob him.  And I know a lot of people who agree with me on that.  It's one less parasite in the world isn't it?

The second time, they actually broke into the garage and couldn't get the car, by now a newer more secure model not as easy to break into.  So they took my landlord's expensive lawn mower. 

Scumbags.  Absolute fu**ing scumbags. :angry:  :angry:  :angry:

I'm really sorry for your loss Supersub, sincerely.  I was in Amsterdam on a short break back in October, and my girlfriend and I decided it would be a good place to move out to in a year or two to actually live there.  The crime is practically non-existant.  Such a cool slow-paced place to live.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 1:03 pm
by dawson99
dude that sucks, dunno what to say really. more than inconvenienced tho. if theres anything we can all do to help just ask mate. a christening cant be ruined by the scum who did this

PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 1:59 pm
by JBG
Sorry to hear that Supersub, there are few things which are worse than being robbed. I agree with what Jonnymac says about Amsterdam: its so safe there (well, a couple of streets near the Red Light District aside) that you can leave your bike unlocked and unattended for a few hours and no one will touch it.

Touch wood I've been lucky with thieves (a stolen bike 9 years ago was the last time I've been robbed), but I know plenty that have had their houses broken in.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 2:19 pm
by The Canadian Red Army
hey im really sorry to hear that supersub, i think it was either coming home from orlando international or dallas/fortworth airport, that my moms suitcase was stolen. It had cash, clothes, and things that she had bought. Its heartbreaking to see what people have to resort to. My grandfather had his visa double swiped in mexico, and the guy went on a joy ride for a few hours, until he was able to cancel the card. Just things like that are devistating to a person, especially after or on a trip. To see something happen like this happen days before a beautiful day as your daughters christening is aweful, and i know that this wont make up for it but im sorry for your loss. In all i still hope you and your family has a great time at the christening.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 2:40 pm
by taff
Amsterdam has huge car crime, smash and grab etc

My sympathy SS, Insurance etc cant really replace the memories

The worst I thought when I got robbed was coming home weeks and months aferwards and opening the door bricking it in case it had happened again.

We would all love to catch em and its that feeling that it aint resolved I hate and someone out there has done you.  They eventually get caught but it doesnt leave you feeling any better

PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 2:44 pm
by Woollyback
Supersub thats a real bummer :(  Unfortunately there are pond-life dirtbags the world over who'll do things like that at the drop of a hat without a second's thought about the consequences

I once caught some little teenage scrote trying to break into my car in town and punched him, next thing I know the police are on MY doorstep cautioning ME! The little turd didn't press charges but it shows the way justice works (or doesn't work) in this country  :angry:

PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 2:51 pm
by stmichael
Woollyback wrote:it shows the way justice works (or doesn't work) in this country  :angry:

justice in this country is absolutely scandalous to say the least. :angry:

i'll give you an example.

jermaine pennant gets three months in jail for drink driving.

last week an illegal immigrant (yes another one) ran over and killed a 12 year old boy. he was p#ssed at the time, had no driving licence, insurance or anything.

what did he get? ???

wait for it. 8 WEEKS.


:angry:  :angry:  :angry:

PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 3:51 pm
by andy_g
sorry to hear about that SS. hope the days goes well anyway.

johhnymac - your post took the words outta my mouth.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 10:42 am
by zarababe
.. so sorry to hear of your misfortune... it's one of the worst feelings of violation..

PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 11:23 am
by anfieldadorer
So sorry supersub, I'm sure that f.uckin scumbags will eat their boots sometimes somewhere. Probably government justice doesnt work well, yet nature rules.
Wish all best for your little girl christening, and wish all worst for the bastadz :angry:

PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 12:10 pm
by Honolulu Bob
Had me car nicked before and had it broken into a couple of times but must be even worse when's it your home. Sorry to hear that SS. :(
I caught some bloke breaking into my car once when I was finishing work very late one night and at least had the satisfaction
of smacking him in the mouth a couple of times before he legged it.

I hate theivin' B@stards!!  :angry:  :angry:

PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 9:58 pm
by chiggz_likes_owen
:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: