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Fraud, forgery and intelligence

PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 10:58 pm
by metalhead


What do you think? Reminds me alot about how it happens in movies. The worst part is that the passports used were of british ones, that must have ticked off the british government. I think its definetly the Mossad being involved. My question is what do you think about using false identification, especially of British ones to do a hit?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 11:11 pm
by account deleted by request
I would presume they all do it mate, just these didn't have very good documents. (obviously good enough though) I agree it was probably the Israelis that were behind it.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 11:15 pm
by metalhead
Heard the brits are p!ssed off at the israelis because they used british and irish passports.

alot of tension going on.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 12:11 am
by Reg
Pre strike on Itan assasinations to take out Hamas leaders, no doubt Hezbollah leaders arent answering the front door either. Watch this space, they're taking out sympathetic local loons.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 9:39 am
by metalhead
Reg wrote:Pre strike on Itan assasinations to take out Hamas leaders, no doubt Hezbollah leaders arent answering the front door either. Watch this space, they're taking out sympathetic local loons.

They already took out a very high senior military commander in Hizballah ''Imad Maghniyeh'' I think last year or 2 years ago.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 9:53 am
by laza
Does seem to have come straight out of a movie. Not a James Bond or Jason Bourne  movie but possibly a straight to video Seagal or Van Damme one

PostPosted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 10:04 am
by Judge
i'd do a job shooting someone from 1 mile for 10 million no probs :cool:

PostPosted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 11:17 am
by Ciggy
Feckin brazen the way they wernt @rsed being on CCTV had some guts doing that in Dubai aswell, was really like watching something out of a spy thriller really unbelievable.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 11:46 am
by heimdall
MOSSAD  :buttrock  :buttrock

Cheeky feckers using British and Irish passports though  :no

PostPosted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 4:31 pm
by metalhead
heimdall wrote:MOSSAD  :buttrock  :buttrock

Cheeky feckers using British and Irish passports though  :no

As much as I hate the Mossad, I must say they are an excellent secret intelligence. Some of the tactics they use to infiltrate organizations is amazing and the way they manipulate things is unbelievable.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 4:49 pm
by Judge
they can do whatever they want as far as im concerned , unless they really did try to use other british identities...

they are a skilled unit, but i think they made a mistake trying it on us brits........our secret service will uncover that

i have also asked them to figure in izzat into the equation :p :D

PostPosted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 6:59 pm
by Reg
Uk to Mossad:   'You take them out and we´ll huff and puff about the passports'.
USA:   'Yeah, we need to keep a low profile to remain the peace maker after the Israeli attacks on Iran'.
Israel:   'Ok thanks boys, everyone hates us and we always end up doing the dirty work anyway'.
All:   'Keep yer head down Moshe and see you for a pint after'.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 10:43 pm
by metalhead
Judge wrote:they can do whatever they want as far as im concerned , unless they really did try to use other british identities...

they are a skilled unit, but i think they made a mistake trying it on us brits........our secret service will uncover that

i have also asked them to figure in izzat into the equation :p :D


PostPosted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 11:20 pm
by tubby
M to the o to the s to the..... :laugh: Sneaky buggers. I don't know why the government is getting so worked up about. An evil figure has been taken out. So they got the wool pulled over their eyes. They have bigger things to worry about like homegrown terrorists. Israel are our friends.

I'm not one to voice my political opinions so openly but I believe in the greater good and Hamas need to be wiped out.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 12:55 am
by Rush Job
metalhead wrote:BBC -


What do you think? Reminds me alot about how it happens in movies. The worst part is that the passports used were of british ones, that must have ticked off the british government. I think its definetly the Mossad being involved. My question is what do you think about using false identification, especially of British ones to do a hit?

Yes, but you know what it made me think of?
We are ment to believe the highjackers on 9/11 took there own passports, even though they wasnt leaving the country and wasnt going to need them again.
Also two passports some how got to the ground in pristine condition, while both black boxes "vaporised"?
One of the guys who owned one of the passports is still alive... hmm... now who would want to frame a load of muslims?
Yeah I think that was mossad too.