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Sin bin - an idea

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:13 pm
hi mods and fellow posters , seen that there is going to be a revamp of rules etc , on other forums they have an area on the forum that people get sent to for a cooling off period or a rest from flame wars or for use as a naughty step where to offender and mods can openly discuss the problem without everyone being involved or numerous offenders can iron out there problems without it affecting the board as a whole , then once people have cooled down or problems ironed out over a period off time the offenders can be released back into the main forum again ? Just an idea .

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:15 pm
by Judge

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:17 pm
by Festy
Ridiculous idea. No body (apart from GYBS of course) has as any free time to kill for such stupid activities. :angry:

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:22 pm

have seen that judge and seen the purpose of it . My idea is to use an area where people can cool off before a need for suspensions or bans are needed .

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:24 pm
by dawson99
isn't that better know as logging off?

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:40 pm
by Judge
dawson99 wrote:isn't that better known as logging off?


PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:44 pm
that is true daws but you know when heated debates are in full swing people wont log off and the thread just gets dragged down and down . This could be used as a forced logging off from the main forum until its all died down as opposed to having three different threads about the same subject - ie banned member etc that we have had lately , its just an idea that maybe might keep the football debate clean and just about football .

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:53 pm
by tubby
I think we should lighten up on the rules. Ie no rules on slagging off other than if the insults are of a racist nature. We are all grown ups here and have heard it all before so no need to kick up a fuss imo.

Also everyone here gives as good as they get.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 1:33 pm
by red37
How about people moderate themselves? There would be no need at all for any 'Naughty step' (ffs even MY kids don't know what one of them is - there's never any need once i give em 'that' look)

Control your own behaviour and actions on the boards like an adult and you'll never even see yer name in any f*ckin Sin Bin. Simple really.

IF - you feel the urge to continue to disrupt a thread for some reason, known only to your own ego...then by all means do it via PM.

The Sin Bin (put there by request i'll add...) is here for notifying you lot about anybody who found it impossible to control their behaviour - or in other words 'a Rubberneckers' paradise, not a place for them to go and have a cig and sit it out for half an hour  :D 

Personally, i find it extreme that these things are having to be drafted up at all....but there you go. Sign of the times.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 1:36 pm
no worries red was just an idea i have seen work elsewhere and thought it might give you a hand with the modding thats all .

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 1:50 pm
by red37
GYBS wrote:no worries red was just an idea i have seen work elsewhere and thought it might give you a hand with the modding thats all .

Your ok. Where is it in place and how and moreover 'why' is it there?

Basically over the last few week (coincidentally a period without meaningful footy...) there has been a heck of a lot of 'hoo-haa' about what these 'ere mods are or indeed are not doing i know for a fact that some of them are sick to the back teeth of reading about it.

Reading it from folks who would run a blinking mile rather than take the mantle on themselves. No need for a list, but its a f*cking long one. Which is kind of ironic in a way....much the same way in which a Kuyt, a Dossena or an N'gog gets ripped to bits. Ask THEM (the dissenters) to do a better job, and could they?

There has been changes planned, which you are all by now clued up on - regards the new guidelines which come into effect later this week. There is also now a place where you will see, the reasons why someone has been slapped and how it affects them. I see incorporated into that a heck of a lot more transparancy offered than any other website ive visited in my life...some would go as far as to say its preposterous that the mods get questioned like that....well, yeah it is really.

Doesn't stop the fact that someone has to do it though....and my point was, if you are prepared to stick yer beaks in and criticise - you should ask yourselves first. Would i be any better off doing it myself? Given this climate of late?


We are here to help run the gaff - nothing more. We have also done what we can to ensure all of you are free to enjoy the site and participate fully, without reason to feel threatened or belittled. The rules have been revamped...there is a Sin Bin visible to all and sundry and the mods are always available (by and large) to answer you directly.

Thats it. Why does it have to be harder than that? Its the 'kin internet ffs.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 1:55 pm
by dawson99
so, the sin bin isn't like the one in my local which just has cut-price porn?

Good to know  :devil:

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 2:00 pm
sorry mate wasnt critisizing you or any of the mods mate as i myself dont have a problem with any of you . I have been a mod elsewhere and understand the shi.t you get and how your in a no win situation and how you will never please everyone and its a job everyone thinks they can do better but never stand up and do and the mods will never be appreciated by posters . Well i for one appreciate the work you and other mods do on here and thank you for it and hope you will all continue to carry on the good work . Im sure their will be posters who think im just kissing as.s but i dont really give a monkey s . Cheers mods .

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 2:09 pm
by account deleted by request
Pass me that bucket when you have finished Dawson :D

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 8:24 pm
by Number 9