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What a load of baubels - Xmas cheer

PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 4:55 pm
by Roger Red Hat
OK, I despair!

Driving home last night and I turn up a street and there was a house all trimmed up and lit up with xmas decs. We're talking neon snowflakes, plastic snowmen and a chuffing lit up santa climbing up the wall. What the ?


Anyone here dec'd up yet?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 5:02 pm
by woof woof !
:D , Naw mate but the missus has been nagging me to make a start. Got me own way last year and didn't put up a single baubel or piece of tinsel and neither did she , thought we'd outbluff each other into making the other sort it out. Xmas came and went without a decoration in sight , miserable B'stards that we are, on the bright side we didn't have to take anything down  :D

PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 5:09 pm
by Roger Red Hat
well we aint got kids so we'll put ours up on 20th december and they'll be down on 1st Jan.

cant be ar$ed with it all tbh. This year though I have got my own way on xmas day though, we're having shepherds pie. :D

PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 5:14 pm
by Igor Zidane
Lee J wrote:OK, I despair!

Driving home last night and I turn up a street and there was a house all trimmed up and lit up with xmas decs. We're talking neon snowflakes, plastic snowmen and a chuffing lit up santa climbing up the wall. What the ?


Anyone here dec'd up yet?

Was driving through Norris Green about 3 weeks ago and someones deccies were up.I kid you not . :no

PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 5:34 pm
by Roger Red Hat
Igor Zidane wrote:
Lee J wrote:OK, I despair!

Driving home last night and I turn up a street and there was a house all trimmed up and lit up with xmas decs. We're talking neon snowflakes, plastic snowmen and a chuffing lit up santa climbing up the wall. What the ?


Anyone here dec'd up yet?

Was driving through Norris Green about 3 weeks ago and someones deccies were up.I kid you not . :no

3 weeks ago? as in around the 5 november??

thats gotta take the record.

jeez  :no

PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 5:46 pm
by Bad Bob
No true decorations but the city's had the Christmas wreaths up on lamp posts for a couple of weeks and the shops have been blaring the holiday music since Halloween.  I tell ya, the Yanks have the right idea with Thanksgiving at the end of November...keeps the Christmas nonsense confined to December anyway.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 5:52 pm
by supersub
Make a start this weekend...

PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 6:17 pm
by Ciggy
Ive been warned that I better not be putting any trees up miserable b@stard, hes in for a shock  :D

PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 6:21 pm
by destro
Now I am back at home I have to put up the decorations going up on my Dads birthday, 27th November ???

PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 8:34 pm
by kazza 1
There was a lady in the estate I live in always put hers up the day after Halloween. But she passed away earlier this year. But the Christmas trees seem to going up rightly now.
I always put mine up on the last Saturday in November. But not this year. The other half went out today and bought a 42" telly and its in the corner I usually put my tree up in. Hopefully the telly goes up on the wall on Sunday so I'll put mine up on Sunday night!!!!

PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 1:30 am
by Emerald Red
Most people seem more concerned about all the nonsensical bollox that surrounds Christmas than the actual reason why the holiday exists in the first place. It's a f*cking joke and a disgrace that it's that way. I've become so disenchanted with the whole charade now that I simply wish it would just quickly come and then f*ck off again. Some clowns need to be told that Christmas last a week and not 2 f*cking months. I swear, if Halloween were not there in October, it would all start well before November and that's a fact.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 1:47 am
by Kharhaz
Emerald Red wrote:Most people seem more concerned about all the nonsensical bollox that surrounds Christmas than the actual reason why the holiday exists in the first place. It's a f*cking joke and a disgrace that it's that way. I've become so disenchanted with the whole charade now that I simply wish it would just quickly come and then f*ck off again. Some clowns need to be told that Christmas last a week and not 2 f*cking months. I swear, if Halloween were not there in October, it would all start well before November and that's a fact.

Actually the whole christmas thing is a joke (isnt it funny? the older we get the more we sound like our granddad). Anyway, shouldnt it be a case of if you believe in religion then by all means celebrate, but if you dont then ....well.... dont ! And this is what christmas is. Its either a religious event or a franchise. I also find it amusing how my kids dont believe in santa but tell them they are getting sod all for xmas then teary eyes and "no saint nick?" bloody kids !

PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 10:06 am
by Roger Red Hat
Kharhaz wrote:Anyway, shouldnt it be a case of if you believe in religion then by all means celebrate, but if you dont then ....well.... dont ! And this is what christmas is.

spot on mate. This is the reason I dont bother with it. I do not believe in any religion so I feel I shouldn't celebrate it. Maybe if i had kids I'd make an effort for the kids but until then...  fk xmas.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 10:10 am
by andy_g
i try to have as little to do with it has possible. my perfect christmas is to escape with my loved one/s to a little house in the middle of nowhere. get loads of food and drink in, get the fire lit and ignore the rest of the world. i rarely buy people presents and don't expect to receive any either.

i'm a right miserable kunt

PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 10:10 am
by Igor Zidane
Lee J wrote:
Kharhaz wrote:Anyway, shouldnt it be a case of if you believe in religion then by all means celebrate, but if you dont then ....well.... dont ! And this is what christmas is.

spot on mate. This is the reason I dont bother with it. I do not believe in any religion so I feel I shouldn't celebrate it. Maybe if i had kids I'd make an effort for the kids but until then...  fk xmas.

Mingebag :D   Bahhhh humbug