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Tjamesergeist - My dad taken over with ghost of tjames

PostPosted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 8:33 pm
I had a real touch of the paranormal earlier on. Me dad says to me "Looks like Lucas Neill is gonna be signing sometime this week with Warnock goin' to BLACKPOOL!!!

Well fook me I thought, TJAMES' spirit has taken over me ald fella.!!! :laugh:  :laugh:

Has anyone else had any paranormal experiences involving TJAMES? ???  :eyebrow

PostPosted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 10:16 pm
by andy_g
i was once queuing for a ticket in lime street and the fella in front of me got to the ticket window and said "a cheap day return to blackpool please, love." i bet you any money he really wanted to go to blackburn though.