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Stupid people - Is homer real

PostPosted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 1:27 pm
by 112-1077774096
i got to thinking about whether there are people as dumb as homer simpson and peter griffin (the last few days i have watched every episode of family guy having just bought them on dvd).

anyway i thought we could mention stupid things done by friends
(i mean done ignorantly and not just done for a laugh).

i have a friend who got a job in an office, he was asked to send a fax. anyway he sent the fax 5 times before someone explained to him that he just has to send it once. his explanation was that the fax hadnt been sent as the paper kept coming out after he pushed 'send'. the idiot though that when you send a fax the paper was actually sent to the other person


PostPosted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 7:41 pm
by 83-1165214211
Doh :wwww

PostPosted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 9:17 pm
by metalhead
lol!!!!  :D

Damn! You should have told him this type of technology havn't been invented yet!  :laugh:

PostPosted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 3:22 am
by Lando_Griffin
I know when my Grandad was fighting in WWII, they were "maintaining" the camp, and he sent some thicko Private for a tin of striped paint, just for a giggle. (Obviously expecting the chap to laugh along.)

The dozy a-hole actually went and asked the Sergent, though.

My Grandad got 2 weeks peeling potatoes for that. - All because this bloke was as green as grass, and the Sergent was a pr*ck.

Some folk have NO sense and definately NO sense of HUMOUR.  :D

PostPosted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 1:40 pm
by Judge
Lando_Griffin wrote:I know when my Grandad was fighting in WWII, they were "maintaining" the camp, and he sent some thicko Private for a tin of striped paint, just for a giggle. (Obviously expecting the chap to laugh along.)

The dozy a-hole actually went and asked the Sergent, though.

My Grandad got 2 weeks peeling potatoes for that. - All because this bloke was as green as grass, and the Sergent was a pr*ck.

Some folk have NO sense and definately NO sense of HUMOUR.  :D

strangely enough, i sent lando for a bucket of blue steam, a bubble for my spirit level, a long stand, sparks for my grinder and a glass hammer and packet of sky hooks  :D

needless to say he rang me to say he'd been waiting along time, but was sure he could get them  :D

merry xmas lando  :p

PostPosted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 1:48 pm
by dawson99
i had to send a tie back last christmas as it was too tight :blush:

PostPosted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 2:01 pm
by red37
Judge wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:I know when my Grandad was fighting in WWII, they were "maintaining" the camp, and he sent some thicko Private for a tin of striped paint, just for a giggle. (Obviously expecting the chap to laugh along.)

The dozy a-hole actually went and asked the Sergent, though.

My Grandad got 2 weeks peeling potatoes for that. - All because this bloke was as green as grass, and the Sergent was a pr*ck.

Some folk have NO sense and definately NO sense of HUMOUR.  :D

strangely enough, i sent lando for a bucket of blue steam, a bubble for my spirit level, a long stand, sparks for my grinder and a glass hammer and packet of sky hooks

needless to say he rang me to say he'd been waiting along time, but was sure he could get them 

merry xmas lando  :p

We used to do it all the time to the new commis chef's when i was in the kitchens....proper funny it was. Half of 'em sh@t themselves at the consequences of 'not' going in search of the 'alleged' item(s)..  :)   and the rest were just outright daft enough to try... i mean, them gags are as old as the hills..yet some never learn  :D

PostPosted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 2:42 pm
by woof woof !
Mate of mine once turned completely orange (just like the fella in the "you've been tango'd " ad ) He'd apparently come home p'issed and with a ragin' thirst he'd downed a 2 litre bottle of orange juice before going to bed . Next morning he discovered he'd actually drank 2 litre's of undiluted orange cordial . :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

It took three days for hinm to return to his normal colour .  :laugh:

PostPosted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 3:31 pm
by red37
woof woof ! wrote:Mate of mine once turned completely orange (just like the fella in the "you've been tango'd " ad ) He'd apparently come home p'issed and with a ragin' thirst he'd downed a 2 litre bottle of orange juice before going to bed . Next morning he discovered he'd actually drank 2 litre's of undiluted orange cordial .   

It took three days for hinm to return to his normal colour .  :laugh:

:down:  thats a bit close to the bone that Woof!

once i was carried home from out the doorway of Woolies in Bury st. edmunds ( :laugh: )  i was absolutely and totally begotten in drink..........anyhow, i woke up in a bathtub, in this halfway house i was staying in at the time (cough).  and some delightful character had had the kindly spirit to leave a half empty bottle of the very same stuff, lurking next to my dehydrated gob, where the soap rest was... anyway to cut a long story short.........i swigged almost half a pint of the sh1t before wondering why the heck it was so warm....... :angry:  Bast@rds!!!!


PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 1:54 am
by Lando_Griffin
Judge wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:I know when my Grandad was fighting in WWII, they were "maintaining" the camp, and he sent some thicko Private for a tin of striped paint, just for a giggle. (Obviously expecting the chap to laugh along.)

The dozy a-hole actually went and asked the Sergent, though.

My Grandad got 2 weeks peeling potatoes for that. - All because this bloke was as green as grass, and the Sergent was a pr*ck.

Some folk have NO sense and definately NO sense of HUMOUR.  :D

strangely enough, i sent lando for a bucket of blue steam, a bubble for my spirit level, a long stand, sparks for my grinder and a glass hammer and packet of sky hooks  :D

needless to say he rang me to say he'd been waiting along time, but was sure he could get them  :D

merry xmas lando  :p

Merry Christmas, you stinking pile of Weasel guts.  :;):  :D

PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 8:55 am
by Judge
oi, its otter guts :D