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David Brent - Microsoft Management Videos

PostPosted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 8:24 pm
by jonnymac1979
Does exactly what the title of the thread says.  I can't believe I've never seen or heard of these videos before, I LOVE The Office and basically anything that Ricky Gervais does regarding stand-up, podcasts and BBC award winning shows and DVD's is comedy gold.

David Brent Microsoft Corporate Video 1

David Brent Microsoft Corporate Video 2


PostPosted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 8:48 pm
by account deleted by request
Brilliant those Jonnymac, pmsl. Thanks mate

PostPosted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 10:29 pm
by jonnymac1979
For any fans of The Office, these two videos are MUST-SEE because what we have here is an extra two helpings of David Brent.  The Office only ever made 14 episodes and Gervais and Merchant have said they will never make any more. 

Any other David Brent related media you can get your hands on in my opinion is like gold dust.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 11:26 pm
by jonnymac1979
I defy anyone not to laugh watching this!!!!!!

Absolutely killing myself laughing!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

PostPosted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 11:54 pm
by drummerphil
jonnymac1979 wrote:I defy anyone not to laugh watching this!!!!!!

Absolutely killing myself laughing!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

it takes alot from him to make me laugh,always has.Maybe its because i love Peter Kay and found them both in some direct competition.I havent had a good smile/laugh for ages so i will give it the once over.Then again i've just woke up and put my favourite funny film in my  dvd to watch "life of brian" so i might laugh tonight yet.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 11:56 pm
by jonnymac1979
Good stuff Phil.  That link is just some of the outtakes from The Office and it's only on for eight minutes and it made my eyes water with laughter earlier when I watched it!!!! 

I've seen Peter Kay live doing stand up and he is also fantastic.  I've got all his DVD's including Phoenix Nights both series and That Peter Kay Thing.  Mark Park is genius.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 12:03 am
by 48-1119859832
I like Dylan Moran, I saw his stand up a while back on channel four and that made me laugh my head off. I also like Ross Noble. If anyone hasn't heard of these fella's, I'd try and watch them.

I'll give these a viewing, as you're an avid fan of the office, Jonny, what do you make of Extra's?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 12:18 am
by jonnymac1979
First of all, I've not seen anything of Dylan Moran, but a girl I work with swears by him and says he's hilarious so I'll check him out.  He's the guy in Black Books is he not?

Ross Noble is very quick witted and I will be buying his DVD when I'm next in HMV along with Bill Bailey stand up.  Top comedians.

Extras took me a couple of viewings to get used to as I was expecting The Office again.  Of course, it could never be The Office but Merchant and Gervais have wrote the same type of cringeworthy moments which made The Office so special.  Some brilliant stuff in Extras.  Ross Kemp and Les Dennis sent themselves up PERFECTLY!!!!  Patrick Stewart was made to look like an old pervert and he played it expertly.

For me, the Les Dennis episode was perfect, the clearly homosexual theatre director ("Oooh hoo hoo hooooo Smarties, yum-yum-yum!!!!), the Grease-recital at his daughters birthday which Maggie was invited to, Les Dennis himself sending himself up, but the guy in the Samuel L. Jackson episode who gets Andy the line in the movie, and then demands as a return of favour that he Andy takes him for a night out on the Town shows Gervais is a comedy genius.  I can't wait for the new series.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 12:41 am
by adamnbarrett
Remember those Ricky Gervais podcasts with Steve Merchant and Karl "I could eat a knob at night" Pilkington :D

They were really funny. They are still doing them but now you have to pay :(

But just type in Karl Pilkington into youtube and you get loads of funny as fuck clips and stuff.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 12:51 am
by Dundalk
Brilliant, very funny

PostPosted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 1:13 am
by drummerphil
jonnymac1979 wrote:Good stuff Phil.  That link is just some of the outtakes from The Office and it's only on for eight minutes and it made my eyes water with laughter earlier when I watched it!!!! 

I've seen Peter Kay live doing stand up and he is also fantastic.  I've got all his DVD's including Phoenix Nights both series and That Peter Kay Thing.  Mark Park is genius.

I've got all the Peter Kay dvds too John and seen him live twice...once in Birmingham,and at Manchester  also caught him doing a guest slot on stage with Queen last year,when i could get about.I've never laughed so much in my life apart from when i saw Billy Connerly live years ago.Its a northern / southern humour thing with me,in the same way how sometimes american comedy loses the plot with me compared to British.Could anyone really imagine the young ones /comic strip lot having any effect in the states in the 80's like it did here.But i have to admit northern comics i relate to and find your jack dees etc etc hard work.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 1:18 am
by jonnymac1979
Someone who doesn't get mentioned that much regarding comedy in my opinion but is funny as fuck.  Paul Merton.  The man is so quick and has an answer for everything on everything I've seen him on, on television.

I also like Mark Lamarr on Never Mind The Buzzocks, an aggressive piss-taking bastard if I ever saw one.  He's very, very quick with one liner insults as far as I can see.  I'm sure these programmes are well rehearsed (I mean, Gary Lineker and David Gower on TTIAO, you're not telling me they weren't fed jokes before the recording......) but Lamarr looks a bit off-the-cuff and his jokes work.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 1:25 am
by davo_LFC
that max n paddy is boss, pmsl with that series. The one where their in jail springs to mind were max says hes made a start (escaping from jail) he lifts up the poster on the wall an theres a few scratches with a teaspoon and its the wall leading into the next cell :laugh: lmao just thinking about it :D

PostPosted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 1:29 am
by jonnymac1979
In that episode, isn't there a guy called "Mister Bastard"? :D :D :D

PostPosted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 1:29 am
by jonnymac1979
And Max quotes the lyrics to Cat Stevens' Father And Son?
