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Do your job.... - Forum is a bloody mess....

PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 5:49 pm
by Cisse's Beard
I've been browsing these forums for ages, never really bothering to post, only about 3 times, as you can see. Now though, it seems that the whole forum is collapsing.
The reason? Moderators/Admin not doing their job correctly. I have been moderator/admin at many sites, and this site is possibly the worst kept I've seen.
The vast majority of new topics go into the General Forum, even if they should be in the Players Lounge or elsewhere. The moderators should be moving these topics to their correct place, but instead, they encourage it, by doing it themselves in some cases.
Another thing I've noticed is Forum Staff being pretty rude. While they have the right to if someone is doing so to them, it is quite stupid to do so. The moderators and other staff are supposed to set an example to the other members, and by being rude to newer members, and to people who are kinda stupid, they are encouraging this behaviour towards others.

Oh and another thing. What's the point in having a swearing filter, if the admin and other staff simply bypass it using italics and others. There is enough swearing already, so the filter doesn't really have much effect anymore.

That's just my thoughts for today.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 5:51 pm
by drummerphil
and who the bloody hell are you.......

PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 5:53 pm
by stmichael
Cisse's Beard wrote:I've been browsing these forums for ages, never really bothering to post, only about 3 times, as you can see. Now though, it seems that the whole forum is collapsing.
The reason? Moderators/Admin not doing their job correctly. I have been moderator/admin at many sites, and this site is possibly the worst kept I've seen.
The vast majority of new topics go into the General Forum, even if they should be in the Players Lounge or elsewhere. The moderators should be moving these topics to their correct place, but instead, they encourage it, by doing it themselves in some cases.
Another thing I've noticed is Forum Staff being pretty rude. While they have the right to if someone is doing so to them, it is quite stupid to do so. The moderators and other staff are supposed to set an example to the other members, and by being rude to newer members, and to people who are kinda stupid, they are encouraging this behaviour towards others.

Oh and another thing. What's the point in having a swearing filter, if the admin and other staff simply bypass it using italics and others. There is enough swearing already, so the filter doesn't really have much effect anymore.

That's just my thoughts for today.

the audacity is beyond belief :no

if you tried to mod on here son you wouldn't last five minutes.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 5:54 pm
by bigmick
Cisse's Beard wrote:That's just my thoughts for today.

Thanks for passing them on and you are correct about the swearing. Now feck off.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 5:55 pm
by Paul C
Uh oh, I can see this getting out of hand, it's not really upto someone like yourself to come on here and start slating moderators, I don't like pointing fingers but the only threads that get out of hand are ones where someone questions Stu and he gets a cob on :;):

PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 5:55 pm
by Cisse's Beard
Yes, I know your job must be difficult, as it is bloody huge,  but in that case, hiring more Moderators would do good, and sorting them, you know, a few for Players Lounge, a few for General etc.

And drummerphil, I'm just some bloke thats been browsing for a while, as I stated at the start of my original post. And I'm also the bloke that started a thread slating people that were slating Kewell. But thats another story :p

(Yeah bigmick, thanks for proving my point. Quite a few :censored: on here, not talking about anyone in particular Stu.)

PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 5:58 pm
by drummerphil
Cisse's Beard wrote:Yes, I know your job must be difficult, as it is bloody huge,  but in that case, hiring more Moderators would do good, and sorting them, you know, a few for Players Lounge, a few for General etc.

And drummerphil, I'm just some bloke thats been browsing for a while, as I stated at the start of my original post. And I'm also the bloke that started a thread slating people that were slating Kewell. But thats another story :p

(Yeah bigmick, thanks for proving my point. Quite a few :censored: on here, not talking about anyone in particular Stu.)

well its been nice knowing  you........take care and all that...

PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 6:01 pm
by Cisse's Beard
Thanks Phil, be seing ya's lads.

Nah, I'm not slating anyone, just saying that a few more moderators wouldn't go amiss.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 6:52 pm
by Sabre
I've been browsing these forums for ages, never really bothering to post, only about 3 times, as you can see. Now though, it seems that the whole forum is collapsing.
The reason? Moderators/Admin not doing their job correctly. I have been moderator/admin at many sites, and this site is possibly the worst kept I've seen.

I've been moderator a lot of years ago and actually refused any offer to be again, due to it's a thankless job that even constraints the possibility of enjoying the forum. I've been in many forums, both like this one, and the USENET, and I must say those mods are better than average.

You say it's collapsing, I disagree. If it was collapsing, moving topics from one section to another wouldn't really help. It's not that kind of thing which makes a forum collapse.

The vast majority of new topics go into the General Forum, even if they should be in the Players Lounge or elsewhere. The moderators should be moving these topics to their correct place, but instead, they encourage it, by doing it themselves in some cases.

Each forum has it's personality. I've been in a forum about the Speccy for ages, and now I'm a lurker atm, off topic and topic drifting there is a tradition. My point is that this forum also has it's own personality, and I'm not going to ask the mods to be "orthodox" according to some rules, besides the work they already do for me.

Another thing I've noticed is Forum Staff being pretty rude. While they have the right to if someone is doing so to them, it is quite stupid to do so. The moderators and other staff are supposed to set an example to the other members, and by being rude to newer members, and to people who are kinda stupid, they are encouraging this behaviour towards others.

I've been a newbie too. And I'm foreign. I can say that's not true, *Mods* here has been more than correct with me from moment one.

Constructive criticism is one thing I appreciate, but don't you find that talking about "collapsing" is far from being realistic? THey're doing a job, they do not earn money for it, and they manage to have an increasing in users forum. That's not collapsing inmy book.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 6:57 pm
by jonnymac1979
Thanks.  I only do this for nothing.  No gain whatsoever, all so you can come on here and slate me.

Oh and by the way, if you're so good, Mr. Moderator, where is this forum that you moderated on so I can check it out and get a few tips from.  Obviously you were so good that you are still moderating on them. 

And I assume you were getting paid for wasting your free time with idiots who tried to ruin your forum, instead of being allowed to just get on with it which is what I would be doing on here if I wasn't doing such a shit job as a moderator obviously.

Where is this magic forum in Pixieland where you moderated and got paid, and there were no piss taking bellends on there.  Tell me, I really want to fucking know.

If you think this is the worst forum of the lot, which I sincerely fucking doubt it is Mr. I-Know-Everything-About-Liverpool-Forums, nobody is forcing you to post here, and after your little outburst just now I'm sure nobody would miss your little nuggets of advice.

I hear are taking new members on, sure you wouldn't rather post there if you don't like it here?

Every day there's something else on here............. :no :no

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 7:01 pm
by jonnymac1979
Oh yeah, forgot to add, I haven't got a social life from now on, because Cisse's Beard thinks the forum is neglected by the Admin/Mods and I'll have to stay in now all the time in case Hustler logs on, or someone accidentally starts a thread in the wrong forum.

"What?  Benidorm for a fortnight?  Oh I'd love to lads, but you see, there's this forum I log on for a laugh on the internet to talk about Liverpool and tactics and stuff, and if I go on holiday, someone might start a thread in the wrong gaff and the forum will collapse.  Enjoy the Sun, see you in two weeks.  Do some shagging for me will you while you's are out there...."

:D :laugh: :D

PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 7:02 pm
by Cool Hand Luke
We don’t say it enough, but thank you too all the moderatos for doing your best in keeping this forum in line.

I know it’s become difficult what with it becoming so big and having so many members, but you’re doing a good job, keep it up.


PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 7:03 pm
by drummerphil
jonnymac1979 wrote:Thanks.  I only do this for nothing.  No gain whatsoever, all so you can come on here and slate me.

Oh and by the way, if you're so good, Mr. Moderator, where is this forum that you moderated on so I can check it out and get a few tips from.  Obviously you were so good that you are still moderating on them. 

And I assume you were getting paid for wasting your free time with idiots who tried to ruin your forum, instead of being allowed to just get on with it which is what I would be doing on here if I wasn't doing such a shit job as a moderator obviously.

Where is this magic forum in Pixieland where you moderated and got paid, and there were no piss taking bellends on there.  Tell me, I really want to fucking know.

If you think this is the worst forum of the lot, which I sincerely fucking doubt it is Mr. I-Know-Everything-About-Liverpool-Forums, nobody is forcing you to post here, and after your little outburst just now I'm sure nobody would miss your little nuggets of advice.

I hear are taking new members on, sure you wouldn't rather post there if you don't like it here?

Every day there's something else on here............. :no :no

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you have to laugh John though..........

What reaction is he expecting from a post like that........

some people beggar belief,they really do........

most of us appreciate your work on here matey...... :)

PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 7:27 pm
by 66-1120597113
What a wa.nker!!

With a name like Cisses beard i suppose thst to be expected!

If you dont like it on here simply F.uck off and keep your opinions to yourself!

As said above....why not post a link to this magic forum that you are or were part of and we can all have a look???

Cant believe your cheek lad coming on here and telling the mods that they are shi.te st their job and the best bit is that you only have 38 posts!!Who the do you think you are???

TOS.SER!!  :rasp

PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 7:56 pm
by JBG
Cisse's Beard wrote:I've been browsing these forums for ages, never really bothering to post, only about 3 times, as you can see. Now though, it seems that the whole forum is collapsing.
The reason? Moderators/Admin not doing their job correctly. I have been moderator/admin at many sites, and this site is possibly the worst kept I've seen.
The vast majority of new topics go into the General Forum, even if they should be in the Players Lounge or elsewhere. The moderators should be moving these topics to their correct place, but instead, they encourage it, by doing it themselves in some cases.
Another thing I've noticed is Forum Staff being pretty rude. While they have the right to if someone is doing so to them, it is quite stupid to do so. The moderators and other staff are supposed to set an example to the other members, and by being rude to newer members, and to people who are kinda stupid, they are encouraging this behaviour towards others.

Oh and another thing. What's the point in having a swearing filter, if the admin and other staff simply bypass it using italics and others. There is enough swearing already, so the filter doesn't really have much effect anymore.

That's just my thoughts for today.

Who are you to criticise this forum? You don't participate in it, you have no right to criticise.

I gave almost 18 months to moderating this forum and one of the reasons I quit was because I was sick of listening to know it alls like yourself. :veryangry