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Your local team

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 3:12 am
by Dundalk
Do you support your local team? Obviously if you are from Liverpool then this dosent apply to you.

My local team is Dundalk, the team that Stevie Staunton came from. He never actually played for the first team but Liverpool came over to play a friendly against  Dundalk and Kenny Daglish watched a reserve match and seen Staunton and the rest is history. (Good luck to him as manager of Ireland)

So what about rest of you, do you still follow your local team? I do even though they are doing really badly in  the second division of the Irish league!

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 3:44 am
by 115-1073096938
Bad idea starting this thread! No-one will answer it seriously! :)

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 3:48 am
by Dundalk
Well thats up to them, I dont see why not ???

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 5:09 am
by Lando_Griffin
No I don't support my local team.

LFC captured my heart, and no other team has a chance. It was love at first sight. I watched us lose 3-0 to PSG (on the TV), and I was hooked. I don't mind telling you that I cried like a schoolgirl with a skinned knee when we only managed 2-0 at Anfield!
The first football match I ever went to - LFC vs Blackburn Rovers in 1998.
The most recent football match I saw live - LFC vs Anderlect in this seasons CL at Anfield.
I may not be able to get to Anfield as regularly as I'd like (which would be every match!), but I certainly go as much as is possible.

I have no interest in any other side but Liverpool. It would feel wrong to me.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 5:13 am
by Lionheart
Well I'l answer it seriously...

Yeah, I follow my local team. Actually I'm the development manager for the club (waiting for input for the Judge on this lot!!).

We are only a small club but can boast close to 700 registered players. I resiously doubt you'll see us at the next world club championship but if we do and we come up against LFC, I'll have to decide who to support!!!  :D

Have a look at our web site Kingborough Lions United

There you are Stu...a serious post!!! :p

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 9:04 am
by Woollyback
i don't support my local club cos i didn't grow up round here. oh, and they're a pile of sh!te as well :eyebrow

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 9:07 am
by dawson99
my local team is harrow borough. never watched them play altho my mates dad is the chairman. the way i see it my local team is liverpool, as its the most local team that i there :p

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 10:39 am
by andy_g
i supported my local team for 17 years. i still support them but they're not local anymore :(

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 11:27 am
Carlisle united, No i dnt care about themat all. When Wrexham played them I wanted a wrexhm win cos Robbie Foy plays for em. Any LFC connection will do!
Seriously though i couldn give a :censored: what Carlisle do, or England. Liverpool first, second , third.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 4:24 pm
by Mikz
My local Team is Lisburn Distillery :blush: They have 72 season ticket holders,and if the weathers good,can draw in 2-300 fans.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 4:36 pm
by Sabre
Having Anoeta to 5 minutes away walking, I have not a local team further than Real Sociedad. Liverpool is my team when it comes to the world, Real Sociedad is my team when it comes to my country, Spain. Of course when  we go to Europe every 5 years or so, I support Real Sociedad.

I like to watch lower categories, though. I sometimes see how my former school team plays (12-13 year lads) also I've watched quite many games with friends playing in lower categories. In the last decade I have been with girlfriends or alone in different stages (sometimes I liked to be alone), and when I hadn't girlfriend I also watched Real Sociedad "B" (yout team, you'd call reserves) on weekends.

While my girlfriends find tolerable me going to Real Sociedad games, they wouldn't understand I also went to the "B" games, and sometimes you can't deny a woman's will. :)

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 5:02 pm
by drummerphil
my team has always been Liverpool but i do keep one eye on port vale because i was once on their books and later worked there.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 5:04 pm
by Ciggy
errrrrrrrr Liverpool of course. :)

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 6:39 pm
by Honolulu Bob
My local team was Liverpool but now it's Southampton or Bournemouth - sh.ite either way!  :no  :D

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 7:32 pm
by El Nino_#9
My team has always been liverpool. but i do follow my local team too. which is northampton town!
Who by the way hit the bar 3 times in the crossbar challenge on soccer am! :D